ShiverMeRivets, on 05 July 2018 - 04:24 AM, said:
I came to this game to play Mechs - you know, giant robots that stomp on cars, break buildings and fire BFGs Howitzer heavy artillery-calibre guns at each other. What I did not want to play or fight against are things slightly bigger than Marvel's Ironman that go up to 3 times my speed, yet kill me just as quickly as a big F'ing Mech with Howitzers.
Let me ask who shares the following sentiment:
When I get shaked by an AC20 my 1st thought is an angry "who did that?!".
When I hear that pling pling MG sound, my 1st thought is "OMG I an going to die".
Shouldn't that be reversed?
I am sorry but if you die to a light mech as fast as if you face another heavy or assault, then you are the problem and not the mech.
As I already said:
- get some back armour (which should already be enought) & practice turning while walking backwards and counter turning and turn immediately when you hear the pings.
- don't use just laser boats (lasers aren't the best weapons against lights)
- spec into crit reduction
- and if everything fails get a streak launcher to deter them or play a streak boat when you want to show your desperation openly
You will still die to lights. There are simply better pilots. However, should you win against a better player simply because you chose to play with a heavier mech? Clearly not. Nevertheless that is what most people expect.