MischiefSC, on 08 July 2018 - 10:20 PM, said:
Anything can beat anything else with sufficient skill. People beat Timberwolves all the time when they first came out and that wasn't in any way balanced.
That is literally not the point. The point is that those other 'Mechs I listed have very valid use-cases that trump what a PIR can do with MGs even now, and without any significant weapon quirks, but they are let down by other factors such as being too squishy for their size/range/etc.
If you say the Flea is 100% as likely to get picked for a comp match as a Flea I'll take your word for it but I'd really like to see it actually happen. If the Wolfhound didn't have any quirks, would it still get picked over the Mist Lynx? If the ACH had the exact same quirks as the WLF, would people still take the WLF?
You are moving goalposts and you don't even realize it. Look at what is effective in the game now and how it got there. Are IS Medium-class lasers good on Lights universally? Yes, they actually are. Why is the WLF in particular good? Because it has enough armor to offset its XL engine, big size, and lack of agility. Do any other IS Lights have this? Possibly only the FLE, using size and agility instead of raw armor; JR7, JVN, and OSR are too squishy, though their agility is solid for their size. Solution? Armor them up. Bam, done.
The ACH, PIR, and MLX all already have reasonable agility for their size. Because of cXL (and extensive quirks on the MLX), they also have reasonable durability. So why are MGs preferred? Because cSPL damage reduction requires lingering to compensate, at which point I might as well take MGs. Ditto ERuL and uPL. Because cERSL and cHSL cycle and burn for too long for their range and damage relative to isML and isMPL. Because their cMPL demand too much weight to be as heat-efficient as isML for the damage (note: this is due to the 'Mechs available having locked equipment or guns in bad places; the upcoming INC-4 will run 5x cMPL quite well). Because cERML are now too hot and either can't be cooled sufficiently or result in too low of a damage/tick relative to the isERML when you cut back on the count of lasers to manage the heat. Ditto HML.
Do you see the trend? Clan lasers just do not fit the necessary requirements for Lights...but IS ones do. IS laser Lights are bad because they have chassis deficiencies that they did not used to have, Clan laser Lights are bad because they have weapon deficiencies that they did not used to have. The MGs didn't get added on top of already good Clan lasers, they got added on top of nerfed lasers.
And people already do take the ACH over the WLF...when you need long-range ERLL harassing fire. It's a valid role that the ACH took over from the Spider 5K with the addition of the ACH-E omnipods. It's not the typical MG boat, it doesn't do frontal assaults like the MLX and it doesn't do rear-ganks like the PIR. If it had ERML quirks that made them burn for a bit less time, it would probably be a toss-up on whether you choose the WLF-2 or ACH for ERML poke on certain larger maps. When we get the INC-4 in the near future, it will be another toss-up between that with 5x cMPL or a WLF-2 with 6x ML/5x MPL.
People take the MG PIR over the laser PIR because the MGs perform better. MGs are not balanced relative to same tonnage of lasers, they're better for the same tonnage. You want to fix that by buffing lasers, great. I'd rather see MGs nerfed a little and lasers buffed a little and I'd most of all prefer that they not directly compete in the same space so that lights with mixed energy/ballistics are not flat out inferior to boated but, well, that's always been an issue.
12 cMGs with 4 tons of ammo is 8 tons. A CMD-TDK with 8 tons of MPLs will do equally disgusting things.
You were saying?
Edited by Yeonne Greene, 08 July 2018 - 11:16 PM.