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Public Test Session Is Live With Rewards!

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#101 AnHell86


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 08:44 AM

At last you reward us for playing the PTS! Rejoice - PGI is listening!


#102 IllCaesar


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 10:23 AM

Wish I didn''t have to restart the hour and a half long process four times every time I want to participate in PTS.

#103 Cypherdrene


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 01:28 PM

How to fix MWO and also get rid of ghost heat:

1- Greatly reduce overall heat capacity: Less powerful back-to-back alphas, have to fully cool down. Heatsinks can still increase the thermal capacity though a limit should be set.

This idea is akin to the Energy Draw system proposed way back when, it was a good idea, but didn't fly as it was hard-capped for all mechs.

2- Greatly increase heat dissipation: Why? becase "Heat sinks, while sharing names with real world passive radiators found in computers, are actually complete heat pumps, not "true" heat sinks in the engineering sense" <Sarna.net>... so it's an active cooling system, it's meant to cool as fast as it heats up (this is true for CPU's and GPU's and even engines)

This would bring back the energy knife-fights Clans are known for.

3- TT/Lore damage values: Though just to make it fair, Clan lasers should be 20% stronger, not 30% as Lore indicates. Though bump Clan heat too:
Type - Lore - MWO
ERSL - 2 - 3
ERML - 5 - 6
HSL - 3 - 4
HML - 7 - 8

Heavy lasers are very niche and ofter overlooked, cooldown IMHO should be the same as the ER versions to make them more of a choice and not a way to fill available tonnage. It'd balance itself out since they're so hot and can't be fired so quickly as it'd hit thermal capacity very fast. The reduced range is of course a self explained drawback.

Large Lasers in general should be same as Lore as mechs would cool down much faster with the system above. This would also apply for PPC's, only (IS) ERPPC's being the least efficient per point of damage, though maybe 12 heat rather than 15 (Lore) cause thats crazy.

4- All Gauss Rifles should have recoil: though very minimal, greater recoil for HGR.

Not my original idea, but it's what makes the most sense. Anyone is welcome to improve upon it.

Edited by Cypherdrene, 15 July 2018 - 12:04 PM.

#104 Shadey99


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 01:43 PM

Well I did 18 fights, mostly because it reset my first 8 and I felt like making sure it counted 10 in the end. I did several tests (even different weight classes) of the lasers in question and gauss... Some brief thoughts:I didn't care about gauss recoil, 3 ERLL/LPL was nice to have. Personally I'd be fine with 4 as it would be hard to keep those suckers cool anyways. Let's see... ERML and ERSL didn't need any changes except maybe reducing the heat. They were already so hot some of the mechs designed around them can't really use them (Nova Prime, Piranha, etc).

My mech I ended up using to carry the last few games? 8 UAC2 Dire Wolf. Stupidly slow, but not nearly the issues of heat that lasers have. It's certainly the clan version of rotaries.

#105 Cy Mitchell


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 01:49 PM

Thank you for offering the rewards. There is actually a decent population on the PTS for a change and finding matches does not take very long. I suppose once everyone gets their 10 matches it will be a ghost town again but at least there will be hundreds if not thousands of matches played by then.

#106 riffraff777


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 02:34 PM

View PostGrus, on 13 July 2018 - 12:18 PM, said:

so.... only 4 mil cbills? and you want us to test what?

I think want us to test with our existing builds. Still, I would like to see what happens with the minimal mechs like Ice Ferret.

#107 Lances107


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 03:59 PM

I had planned not to participate until you offered me 2mill free cbills. Anyways your pts forums are unclear about where to post, and most of the threads are two years or more older then the current date. So ill post my feedback here.

Clan ER large lasers are good
Clan LPL are good.
Clan medium pulse I would not go ahead with the damage reduction, remember its a two ton weapon.
Clan ER medium lasers, if you must, go ahead and nerf it but reduce its heat by a large percentage.
Clan Er small lasers, if you must, go ahead and nerf but reduce its heat by a large percentage.
Heavy mediums seem to work out.
Heavy large lasers were heat monsters, before the only reward was the 18 points of damage. The changes have effectively killed this weapon in my mind.
Gauss Rifle changes really did not bother me at all, not as much as I thought they would.

I ran two matches with two death strikes. I ran one match in a ICE ferret, another two test with a stormcrow, and the last one with a arctic cheetah. Tested ER large laser, LPL, clan medium pulse laser, er small laser, er medium laser, and lastly gauss.

Take it or leave it, its up to you. Oh one more thing from the time I have been in pts. It was clear pilots are running around in there not testing stuff. Running everything from bracket builds to troll builds. Most of them have nothing to to do with the changes. So keep that in mind as you react to the feed back.

#108 Ripper X


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 04:46 PM

Really only way to test the changes would be to pit IS vs Clan. When I ran IS mechs in the PTS against clan mechs, I noticed I did not die as quickly. In fact the clanners do not seem very clannish to me. Squishy compared to IS mechs and within 300 meters the IS is top dog. FW will be the only true test.

#109 ShooteyMcShooterson


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 08:54 PM

Can you PLEASE remove conquest from the match selection rotation, so that trolls quit bringing lights and capping out without even fighting because he he it's so funny to troll PGI's test server that allows conquest?

#110 dante245


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 09:07 PM

i had ago in the nova and some others...and so far not impressed...way to hot for damage output...increased fire rate does not account for fact you just cat fire as fast as available for any prolonged time...so have to shoot more to try and do same levels of already sup par damage a nova could do..i think this guy hit it on the head...

Edited by dante245, 14 July 2018 - 09:07 PM.

#111 Blockpirat


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 10:10 PM

View PostMighty Spike, on 14 July 2018 - 06:37 AM, said:

My matches did count normally, 2hours ago

A match I played today got counted correctly. The ten matches I played right after the server went online (before it was reset to inject MC and C-Bills) weren't counted however.

I guess I'll have to contact support if I don't find the time to grind the remaining 9 matches.

EDIT: Played more matches today - they all got counted

Edited by Blockpirat, 14 July 2018 - 11:49 PM.

#112 Lexandro Wolf


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Posted 14 July 2018 - 11:46 PM

My Marauder IIC has lower actuators, but their arms not moving in the PTS...pls fix it.

#113 ThomasAH


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 12:07 AM

View PostHemholtz, on 13 July 2018 - 10:28 PM, said:

anyway to make the download run faster?

I'm using steam version of MWO....needing to download the whole PTS with the MWOportal is gonna take ~18hours...

Maybe a bit late now, but what I did is:
  • Download Portal installer, install to C:\Games\ and start Portal
  • Start installation of the MWO Public Test Client in C:\Games\, but abort download after few seconds
  • Copy C:\Steam\steamapps\common\MechWarrior Online\ to "C:\Games\MWO Public Test\", overwrite/merge files/directories if asked
  • Use the Portal's repair tool to verify and fix the installation, this will download only few files
  • Bonus tip: Copy file "game.cfg" and folder "Profile" from "C:\Users\foobar\Saved Games\MechWarrior Online\" to "C:\Users\(yourlogin)\Saved Games\MWO PublicTest\" to use settings, key bindings etc. from live client.
The part that takes the longest here might be copying the 20GB of the current installation, but that is much quicker than downloading 20GB Posted Image

#114 Svarti713


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 12:35 AM

Will Rhialto's way of copying and patching work if I have the Steam version installed?

Edited by Svarti713, 15 July 2018 - 12:36 AM.

#115 Retiarius


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 01:05 AM

May work well on a non Steam installation. Doing this on a Steamn Installation requires 15GB of files to download which is a pain to on a DSL2000 line. Since the change to the 64bit version of the launcher I can not start the game direct by the MWOClient.exe. This leads to an error. Game starts correct when launched by the Steam client. I suppose they did major changes to the files provided by Steam. I suppose that is the reason that the repair tool adresses way too many files to be replaced.

#116 Marius Evander


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 01:16 AM

Thankyou PGI, I really enjoyed the new game mode "STEINER SCOUT LANCE" and look forward to the warhorn.

Posted Image

Good testing guys, should definately help show that this puts the last nail in the coffin of all clan light and medium mechs that dont boat mg's

The truth will set us free, no balance is intended.

#117 Vellron2005


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 01:38 AM

Please extend the PTS and it's event a few more days.. some of us have trouble installing the PTS and switching back to Portal from steam :-(

Also, it's fun to play 4Vs4 with Assaults!

#118 D V Devnull


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 03:15 AM

Okay... I got summoned from a VERY DEEP grave. I am NOT happy with this PTS, by any means. More Feedback in terms of that will be left in the appropriate Forum Board. <_<

On the other hand, I have one alternate question... If we click the "Claim" button in the PTS, would that cause negation of the Rewards to the Live Game? If so, I'll avoid clicking it. :wacko:

~Mr. D. V. "I wasn't supposed to be here... So much to say, and yet it must be split about..." Devnull

#119 Marius Evander


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 03:49 AM

View PostD V Devnull, on 15 July 2018 - 03:15 AM, said:

Okay... I got summoned from a VERY DEEP grave. I am NOT happy with this PTS, by any means. More Feedback in terms of that will be left in the appropriate Forum Board. Posted Image

On the other hand, I have one alternate question... If we click the "Claim" button in the PTS, would that cause negation of the Rewards to the Live Game? If so, I'll avoid clicking it. Posted Image

~Mr. D. V. "I wasn't supposed to be here... So much to say, and yet it must be split about..." Devnull

I clicked it thinking might not get the warhorn if I dont claim ! is one of us screwed ?!

#120 D V Devnull


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Posted 15 July 2018 - 05:20 AM

View PostCadoazreal, on 15 July 2018 - 03:49 AM, said:

View PostD V Devnull, on 15 July 2018 - 03:15 AM, said:

Okay... I got summoned from a VERY DEEP grave. I am NOT happy with this PTS, by any means. More Feedback in terms of that will be left in the appropriate Forum Board. Posted Image

On the other hand, I have one alternate question... If we click the "Claim" button in the PTS, would that cause negation of the Rewards to the Live Game? If so, I'll avoid clicking it. Posted Image

~Mr. D. V. "I wasn't supposed to be here... So much to say, and yet it must be split about..." Devnull

I clicked it thinking might not get the warhorn if I dont claim ! is one of us screwed ?!

I don't know... That's why I'm asking this question. :mellow:

~Mr. D. V. "Sorry... Don't have the answer myself." Devnull

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