KoalaBrownie, on 24 July 2018 - 03:26 PM, said:
It's not a faulty comparison to say that an AC/20 to the rear torso of any light mech would almost certainly kill it in tabletop and yet here, seemingly double AC/20 sometimes doesn't take out a single component
Without factoring quirks and criticals, 2 AC20 in this game is equal to a single AC20 in TT as far as damage ratios go. Quirks and criticals definitely muddy the water, but that's expected, that's kind of the point for them. That's also only taking into account alphas, there is significantly more damage being slung around per 10 seconds than in TT. For example weapons like AC2s/AC5s can throw MUCH more damage downwind in the time an AC20 could get one shot off compared to in TT.
Either way, the differences between TT and this game are moot because lights fall apart pretty fast when playing against players that can actually shoot and move somewhat coordinately with a team.
KoalaBrownie, on 24 July 2018 - 03:26 PM, said:
Yes you can land 8 lasers on the same spot, and the same spot next to it, and the same spot next to that, and then the empty space next to that as the mech runs out of the crosshairs.
Obviously that's not what's happening or there still wouldn't be people complaining about lolphas or laser vomit.
KoalaBrownie, on 24 July 2018 - 03:26 PM, said:
Piranaha durability and MG balance are separate issues.
MGs only came about because literally every other weapon a light would use were nerfed into the ground. So yes, you are right they are separate issues but MGs only became used because the nerfing of things like cSPL left a giant vacuum.
KoalaBrownie, on 24 July 2018 - 03:26 PM, said:
And yet balance changes happen all the time in this game, so claims about this that or the other being OP are often proven legitimate.
Balance changes that are significant rarely happen in this game. The MKII and Annihilator have been dominant for many months. The Cheetah and Lynx have been some of the dominant lights for over a year now. So no, they are rarely if ever legitimate.
KoalaBrownie, on 24 July 2018 - 03:26 PM, said:
If the enemy are bad players or I'm a good player the result is the same, I'm playing better than them in an individual match.
Sure, but if you don't understand that the difference between you are their play is that they made a much more costly mistake than you then you can't say what was a good move and what isn't. Getting away with something dumb because the enemy is dumber doesn't make you smart, it just means you are less dumb.
Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 24 July 2018 - 03:58 PM.