Posted 30 July 2018 - 07:53 AM
Who is still around and why?
If you quit MWO why?
Please be specific and offer suggestions that may solve your issues to bring you back.
Short term to bring me back. Revert engine desync and adjust 2x Gauss 2x ER-PPC Ghost Heat value to allow 1 alpha.
Long term to keep me. Announce and move MWO to Unreal 4 and prove your commitment to the online service. I see no more need to invest into this game if this is the end.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 07:57 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:01 AM
I despise Quick Play mode, the random aspect of map / mode selection means I must always take a balanced "do everything" mech, that can trade well and brawl decently, so it narrows my viable choices considerably. And if I get a team that has terrible mechs for the map / mode selected, it's just going to be a bad game. At least in FP I can pick what I want for the mission given. Unless FP gets more content, yea I'll get bored and leave eventually.
Edited by Eisenhorne, 30 July 2018 - 08:01 AM.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:04 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:12 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:18 AM
Also some of us old guard players from past BattleTech /tabletop/MechWarrior games wanted a MWO game more closely related to MechWarrior4 Mercenaries and game play in varied leagues like on the old MSN gamming zone.
To many of us MWO revived the MechWarrior IP in the first year and Im thankful to play MWO year 1-2 but after that it has devolved into a game I personally hate with massive alpha shot power per mech which when coupled with crippling fire from multiple players just melted your mech in a few seconds.
Mechs armor and defense capability's went out the window in favor of a terrible overpowered game play style like the old NHUA games on Mektek which 99% of the old MechWarrior community hated and would not play. I assume this is the reason so many players at the year2 mark uninstalled the game and why new players also uninstalled very quickly and where not hooked on the game.
MW2/MW3/Mechwarrior4 Vengeance and Mechwarrior4Mercinaries were not perfect games but even today I can load one of them up on DOSBox or with a patch on Win10 and have more fun than a night playing QP and dying over and over under 1-2 minutes per battle.
I have and could give a lot of basic common sense ways to fix MWO but as like the last 5 years I would just be posting and wasting my breath on any reply back from PGI that would in fact make any sense to anyone.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:33 AM
For a while I did cw/fw with two units. The first unit while it had some good friendly people in it always seemed to have internal problems on who was in charge and what type of play the unit was. Was it casual,social,semi-pro, or die hard pro? The second unit became my 'home' unit named the Warpigs which I still am an active member of. Lead by two awesome friendly people and with friendly members who all realized that each one of us had our own play styles and preferences the warpigs are a casual,social and relaxed unit.
I became the light mech recon specialist with my heavy preference for lights with a secondary specialization in Catapult lrm fire support. I made the Jenner,Spiders and ravens do things you'd have to see to believe. Gradually over time and with pgi constantly trying to add 'features' to fw that were so loved and abused like long tom or the clans' ruling fw requiring pgi to come up with quirks in the first place many members of the warpigs quit and the unit eventually disbanded. We lasted two years playing almost nightly. Eventually the unit was reformed and I rejoined.
I don't care for clan mechs simply put. While I have a few of them they just seem fun to me. I find IS mechs to be funner. The clan mechs I've spent money on were the TW when it first came out and was OP for a long time then again for the 2C Jenner thinking a clan Jenner would be great. It's great alright...and dying faster than my IS Jenner. The other clan mechs I got either free from pgi or I had the c-bills to get them and decided to try the mech out. I've sold a lot of clan mechs.
I've tried 4 vs 4 found it dull. Done group play and found it ok with random people. Still run with my Warpigs buddies because we mostly work as a team unless we do one of our themed drops like 'one armor every where only sml xl 200 engine spider night.' I don't do solaris because it's just cosmetic fluff and for fighting over who's stats are better. When I want just 1 vs 1 pvp I go to games like Street Fighter where it is the player skill and not how meta a mech is that makes the match fun and exciting.
I don't spend a lot here except time as I play a lot and often although not as much as I use to. I use to do 2-3 hours a night after work but now I hardly do 2. My weekends are often spent at work since we get three bucks extra per hour on weekends. Ever so often pgi might release an IS or Clan light mech. I look at its wall of stats looking mostly at its engine cap,weapon hard points and locations of hard points. Then I decide if it can do anything as well or better that my other lights do. Most the time I don't buy it deciding to wait the 3-6 months for c-bill release. By that time I've often forgotten about the mech or lost interest in it.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:41 AM
TheCaptainJZ, on 30 July 2018 - 07:57 AM, said:
Not here to argue about who wants what... I’m here to collect feedback go fight somewhere else bro.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 08:48 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:03 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:07 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:09 AM
Then I lost my unit to PGI's balance. I'm relatively inexperienced, this account is old but I've been playing seriously for less than a year, but the prevailing sentiment was that they've had enough. They've seen so many weapon systems, mechs, and playstyles die, that the PTS demonstrated that no matter how much PGI says they're listening to Dane's unfunning video or the community balance proposal, they refuse to stray from their chosen path. Now at this point, the unit was ready to defend another viable playstyle from the axe, but then LRMageddon hit. LRMs, despite all the effort we went through to demonstrate just how powerful the ammo and velocity buffs made them, were getting another damn buff. This was their collective breaking point. The absolute least fun, most annoying weapon system in the game, was now one of the strongest.
Fix PSR, listen to what top players and theorycrafters have to say about balance. More importantly than what they have to say, understand why. Make the effort to understand how your own game is played at a high level.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:11 AM
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:16 AM
Imperius, on 30 July 2018 - 07:53 AM, said:
Who is still around and why?
If you quit MWO why?
Still around. Why is easy, the Unit I am in and the friends I have made.
IF I quit will be because most of my friends have - and that will be because our mode of choice, CW, is removed or ruined.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:20 AM
I think the trick is to not tryhard too much. Just ignore that high-alpha laser- and gauss-vomit are statistically better than most other options and have some fun wrecking faces with seemingly underperforming stuff like SRMs, LBX, MRMs or even small lasers. Heck my best performing QP build uses friggin' RAC2s and i perform dramatically better with it than with the meta stuff. Mark my words btw, i predict the nerf bat will soon hit the RAC2, it's too stronk in solo-QP...

BTW, PGI nerfed a lot of my other favorite non-meta toys with a relatively short reaction time recently, that's why i'm quite confident on a RAC2 nerf. It's probably just a coincidence, but maybe they DO something right and it's not always the meta that needs a nerf... For instance fighting laser/gauss-vomit has never been a real problem for me, and we are still far,far away from a real lurmageddon at least in T1 solo-QP.
But i digress... Keep calm, ignore meta, stupid teams and nerfs and just shoot some stompy robots...

Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:31 AM
Hoped for 8v8 when announced to help with matchmaker (since they stated PSR is working as intended) and hit registration. That died.
Hoped for Solaris. Wanted Cent vs Cent and Urbie vs Urbie battles. Divisions killed that.
Hoped Skill Shubbery was going to be partly fixed when they upped a couple of percentages. They stopped there.
Hoped that they would buff underperforming weapons, or reverse some of the worst nerfs. We can see that won’t happen.
Edited by KodiakGW, 30 July 2018 - 09:31 AM.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:43 AM
I enjoyed my time with it and was never terribly bothered by imbalances of any kind. If anything, laser vomit and poptarting (way back in the day when it was stronger) were/are the two things I found the most annoying.
I don't mind that some mechs are better than others and I like quirks that emphasize the roles of certain mechs. Some of them went overboard though, like when one of the dragon variants could carry 2 AC/5 and due to quirks + a weapon mod it acted as though it were 6 AC/5s. I play a lot of subpar mechs myself with an AC/20 hunchback being one of my favorite underdogs. I used to play mostly lights back in the day before clans came about, but it seems like it's getting harder and harder to play lights as time goes on and people got better at the game.
I only play quick play (I used to play a lot with friends before there was official support for... do they call them companies?) and Jarl's list has usually has me in a very high percentile (98.81% overall https://leaderboard....ch?u=oneproduct). Of course that means a lot less when I'm not playing against organized groups where there's more skill involved. You can sort of tell by my survival rate that I'm not just hanging in the back and using the pubs as meat shields though.
What could they do to bring me back? I think smaller matches, like 8v8 would be a good start. The reason I prefer smaller game sizes is that it makes your individual contribution more important and makes flanking more useful. Right now if you try to sneak around, you always run the risk of just finding huge groups of people clumped up together, to the point where trying to flank can be a bad idea. Having more incentive to split up would be good too, like control points ticking up faster and being more relevant. Shared radar information is a big problem with this too, because if you're trying to sneak behind a group and one person sees you, suddenly everyone can see you on radar.
I don't want to say stock mode, because some stock mechs are just bad and there'd be a stock meta, but I like it when a hunchback has an AC/20, an awesome has PPCs, a catapult has LRMs, etc. There's a lack of personality on mechs that makes every new mech not seem that special. So... something that sort of encourages/emphasizes stock variations (without it being absurd quirks), but allows for sensible changes like actually having armor, adjusting ammo amounts, changing structure/engine and such might be nice. One of the tank games (maybe not world of tanks, but one of the other ones whose name I forget) has a historical battle mode, where there's a lot of tanks that are sort of bad, but acceptable within the context of which tanks are available in that time period.
I'd also like if there was less overall tonnage in a drop. Heavier mechs with huge alphas make games less interesting because they become too firepower based. Back in the day when there was an enforcement of 3/3/3/3 I really feel like it should have been more like 3/5/2/2 or something like that. I think medium mechs are in a happy place in terms of their survivability vs firepower ratio and would like to see heavy and assault mechs be more rare. It's also important for a mech to be able to engage and then break away from a fight if things go bad. With slow engines/high firepower, if you get into a fight it has a much higher chance to be a fight to the death compared to light mechs which could run away and look for backup. That makes battles a bit more dynamic.
I also liked the information warfare patch they had at one point, where mechs had sensor ranges based on their tonnage/class.
Edited by oneproduct, 30 July 2018 - 09:54 AM.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:46 AM
1) Greatly increased time and cost to skill, or master a mech. You can say "but they got rid of the rule of 3" part as much as you want until you are blue in the face - the TRUTH is that if you had a particular chassis in mind that you wanted to play, you almost always had an interest in at least 2 of the variants that you'd want to have mastered. The time to master a mech was something like 2-3 days at most if you played casually in the evenings. The current time to skill a mech is simply longer. It sucks, and is not fun.
2) My earned CBills are sunk into mastering a mech at a much sharper rate as compared to the old system. You can say "but people were module swapping scumbags!" as much as you want - my point is that it felt far less FUN to exit a match and see your earnings eaten.
3) Engine decouple from agility was supposed to be a nerf to the mobility of mechs by weight class to 'bring them more in line and give more meaning to the light and medium mechs for their intended roles'. Okay, I can see what they were talking about and what they were wanting to do - The Marauder IIC felt like a murder sports car of a mech at the time. The problem is that the nerfs were handed out unevenly as a directed nerf to Clans and Assaults only. It was a bait and switch, and there was nothing fun about it.
4) The above Engine Decouple from agility nerfed Assaults that were intended to brawl SO hard that they could no longer perform in that function due to the inability to torso twist damage, giving meaning to the large amounts of armor they carried. An entire method of playing the game was removed - which at times is a necessary step, only in this particular case, it flew in the face of lore mech design. Atlas and Kodiak mechs are SUPPOSED to brawl.
I play the game like 5 times or less a month now. If the goal of playing a video game is to have fun, I'm simply having more fun with other games. PGI has it in their heads that Nerfs = Fun which is what has driven off so many players. League of Legends mixes up Nerfs and Buffs far more evenly, with a company staff that you know, ACTUALLY PLAYS THEIR OWN GAME. What a concept.
Edited by FireStoat, 30 July 2018 - 09:48 AM.
Posted 30 July 2018 - 09:48 AM
At least the oneeyed guys can now think they are great at a videogame.
ggclose PGI
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