Laser Kiwi, on 11 September 2018 - 05:54 AM, said:
This is something,
i mean if you're going to 'ruin' my favourite mechs like the iv4, the anni and a few others give them an agility buff.
I like the cyclops because the torso agility is very high, but a couple of other mechs on both sides could use a hand there. The annihilator has a slow torso, so it would be horrible once the armour quirks go and a lot of good players i've played against slaughter that head stalk if you have the misfortune of having to crest.
On the other hand having played a kodiak which feels like its in a giant tub of molasses we could probably do with some quirks being added to assaults on both sides.
And yeah, imagine the dragon without ultra jam decrease quirk for example, total non starter, it has such limited options as is.
I would argue that a few assaults, such as the Cyclops, are probably already too fast, rather than most assaults being too slow - The cyclops twists faster than mechs like the catapult, Jagermech, and rifleman, which is a little ridiculous. Hell, it almost matches the ShadowHawk, a mech that's a whopping 35 tons lighter.
Now, don't take that as a glaring indictment that
all assaults should be molasses slow, or that i don't think some of the particularly slow assaults don't need a little help. Many of the mechs that twist in the 50s either need an bucketload of armor to match (see annihilator) or a smallish rate increase. (Think agility close to the levels seen on the current stalker, or Awesome.)
However, expecting the agility of a 60 ton mech is probably not realistic to see in any assault mech you can put an assault class payload in. The only way I'd support that kind of agility in an assault mech is if they moved the minimum Engine size to an uncomfortably high level. (Think like 350 minimum, for an IS mech) The clan mechs that have that kind of agility are typically Locked to an over-sized engine, and that more or less works. IS mechs can follow the same path if they're going to have out-lier agility mechs.
Edited by Daurock, 11 September 2018 - 06:36 AM.