Mwo Anniversary Challenges Events And Sales Updated
Posted 21 September 2018 - 05:09 PM
Posted 21 September 2018 - 05:19 PM
BumbaCLot, on 21 September 2018 - 04:56 PM, said:
And additionally from my snazzy Legendary Founders logo, I can earn even more rewards!
The gift that keeps on giving!
I will stop harassment at once, now go nurse that eye, Dr's orders!
BumbaCLot, on 21 September 2018 - 04:35 PM, said:
See the rest of you on the battlefield!
In my case, it was an ear + jaw problem... Thankfully, it has recovered.

Now, however, I'm dealing with Real Life Issues that started before these Additional Challenges existed. You know what they say, "If it ain't one thing, it's another."

I do hope your eye recovers, though. Sorry to hear yours got knocked silly.

You can bet I'll reach the battlefield again as soon as I can, though. But I don't know when that will be.

By the way, when I do an Event Review & Rating, it's NEVER based on my Personal Completion Percentage. I'm always gauging them on their Underlying Technical Aspects, and trying to provide PGI with the sharpest Feedback possible that they can use to improve Future Events. However, it's harder to analyze the underpinnings of an Event when I can't give it a complete run-through, and further can see in advance that I might not be able to. Should that change, I might happen to pop one up... However, this Event just doesn't feel like I could do that properly.

And a Founder's Badge, eh? Good luck with those Challenges, as it means your choice of Mechs is temporarily severely restricted. I wasn't around MWO back then, so there's no "(F)-ing" (as in, Piloting a Founder's Mech --- GET YOUR BRAIN OUT OF THE GUTTER ... LOL!!!) on the battlefield for me at all.

~Mr. D. V. "I'm not a Doctor, Jim... The 'D' is a First Initial." Devnull
Posted 21 September 2018 - 05:40 PM
Give players an option of going into C-bill debt to buy the XL350 engine (currently at a cost of 5,716,667 cbills, nothing for most players, but as a poor mechwarrior as myself who is up to 19 million cbills in one instant, and at 30k the next with 0 engines, weapons, or anything else left to pawn / scrap / sell into slavery, I find that I will be unable to accomplish the Founders Challenge as I do not have an engine in any of my mechs currently.
Due to this, I will amend my prior 12/12 rating down to a 7/12. Improper planning on my part should constitute an emergency on yours.
I would also like the 5Million Cbills earned in the double or nothing challenge on a loan as well, which will almost pay off the XL350 I will sell for half of it's value accidentally before paying you back, leaving me in further debt and unable to accomplish the challenge.
I would also like the Founders Jenner, Hunchback, and Catapault to have their max engine changed for the duration of the event, as I cannot possibly afford 4 engines of any size at the moment, and this places undue burden on myself and those countless other Legendary Founders with awful planning and financial aptitude. You can change it back as soon as the event ends.
25 KMDDs seems awfully high in 4 days, and I just woke up after going to the dentist, and have to get this review suggestion out ASAP, and it's taken me 9 hours already I believe. I should have just forgone more sleep, and now I am stressed and have a headache. But it's not all bad, since I'm assuming the 4 kills I get in each chassis will count towards this, so leaving my points alone for now (but this is subject to change if new information is posted by any of my other Legendary Founders *did I mention I am speaking for those who can't? I am*.
Get rid of the XP Conversion rewards. No one should be rewarded twice (in real life, and in game) for having and spending money. Oh, the Founders rewards too as they also cost money. Especially those, as due to a lack of a functional time machine I am unable to go back in time and purchase (now I am speaking for everyone, not just me and my small subset of LEGENDARY FOUNDERS). But at least none of these things require in-game skill, so I'm safe there once again! No more stress! I thought I needed to accomplish 500 match score again, but upon second viewing it says accumulate! So I can suicide in with my AMS blaring repeatedly until I can shoot down 500 LRMs and they are impossible to shoot down with everyone else all trying to do this event all at once!
The play every map challenge will be unfair to those who can't play all weekend, as who ever gets a positive vote on Terra Therma? This event needs extended until I can get one of those for sure.
And it is unfair to those of us who want only to play on Polar Highlands, forcing us to play on maps like Solaris City where our LRMs will only crash into buildings, no one holds locks, and we are ridiculed for bringing our SNV-As and Stalkers. How about make it play 8 games total or something everyone can achieve?
I also think 100 assists is a bit high. Maybe make it 85 or whatever others suggested during the 100 components events, as whomever didn't get that event done is probably still upset about it, and if they didn't get that one done, they may not be able to get this one done. Can someone answer the eternal question for me: Does pressing R really give an assist?
Ok I'm done. 10/10. *with the review, I couldn't possibly have finished the event, I have no engines!* Game on!
Posted 21 September 2018 - 05:45 PM
D V Devnull, on 21 September 2018 - 05:19 PM, said:

Now, however, I'm dealing with Real Life Issues that started before these Additional Challenges existed. You know what they say, "If it ain't one thing, it's another."

I do hope your eye recovers, though. Sorry to hear yours got knocked silly.

You can bet I'll reach the battlefield again as soon as I can, though. But I don't know when that will be.

By the way, when I do an Event Review & Rating, it's NEVER based on my Personal Completion Percentage. I'm always gauging them on their Underlying Technical Aspects, and trying to provide PGI with the sharpest Feedback possible that they can use to improve Future Events. However, it's harder to analyze the underpinnings of an Event when I can't give it a complete run-through, and further can see in advance that I might not be able to. Should that change, I might happen to pop one up... However, this Event just doesn't feel like I could do that properly.

And a Founder's Badge, eh? Good luck with those Challenges, as it means your choice of Mechs is temporarily severely restricted. I wasn't around MWO back then, so there's no "(F)-ing" (as in, Piloting a Founder's Mech --- GET YOUR BRAIN OUT OF THE GUTTER ... LOL!!!) on the battlefield for me at all.

~Mr. D. V. "I'm not a Doctor, Jim... The 'D' is a First Initial." Devnull
I just learned how to hover over people's names, and wow, I am seriously going to give you some kudos for your low post count of 2000. I thought it was high, but earlier I found a fellow with 20000 who doesn't even play anymore! I was way too hard on you, and will immediately stop any and all further attacks on anyone with less than 20000 forum posts. At the rate I'm going I will surpass you, but never him! He's also had a forum account for 4-5 months longer than me, but I have already surpassed him in matches played, as I have no life!
Posted 21 September 2018 - 05:52 PM
D V Devnull, on 21 September 2018 - 05:19 PM, said:
By the way, when I do an Event Review & Rating, it's NEVER based on my Personal Completion Percentage. I'm always gauging them on their Underlying Technical Aspects, and trying to provide PGI with the sharpest Feedback possible that they can use to improve Future Events. However, it's harder to analyze the underpinnings of an Event when I can't give it a complete run-through, and further can see in advance that I might not be able to. Should that change, I might happen to pop one up... However, this Event just doesn't feel like I could do that properly.

~Mr. D. V. "I'm not a Doctor, Jim... The 'D' is a First Initial." Devnull
My mind must be really playing tricks on me, as I now am finding out that you can't see in advance and don't give advanced reviews on stuff you can't complete! Man, someone call me a real doctor, my forum persona is losing his collective mind.
Posted 21 September 2018 - 06:22 PM
Posted 21 September 2018 - 06:44 PM
BumbaCLot, on 21 September 2018 - 05:04 PM, said:
Guess I wasn't throwing enough criticism around for you to get it. (And I still don't feel the need to.)
However PGI has made that part of the event appear to have started on the 19th, expect others to start up about that later on when they can't complete those challenges.
Angrius Windstorm, on 21 September 2018 - 06:22 PM, said:
Posted 21 September 2018 - 06:54 PM
Posted 21 September 2018 - 07:48 PM
Ixidor Dinne, on 21 September 2018 - 06:54 PM, said:
If you are referring to my post, it is almost 100% satire, although it's not funny I will admit.
I always finish the events. But yes, I wonder the same thing.
So there are 4 different events running now. Incubus event (not playing as I don't buy mech packs) XP Conversion Event (only a madman like Holy Jackson would spend MC on XP conversion) the MWO Anniversary challenge (WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED WITH THE FORMER!) and the Legendary Founder's event.
Legendary Founder recap
Atlas: 1 kill 1 drop
Catapault: 5 kills 1 drop
Hunchback: 3 kills 1 drop
GAME 1:and HAD TO WASTE a 5x multiplier on ALPINE CONQUEST!
3/12 stomp. Would not do again.
GAME 2: 3/12 stomp Polar Domination, greedy potatoes leave lights to die for entire game, then at 20 seconds all but 2 greedies move into center 1 at a time to die.
GAME 3: 12/0 conquest win, no kills, did most of the capping myself but 106 match score for capping. Hey at least I got some missles shot down.
GAME 4: Grim Plexus, waited until minute 12 to start moving in some G the H weird move. Harass and disrupt the enemy, get a kill, and the mighty NASCAR takes it's inevitable form (and someone complains to stop when we are 6-1.. It's only bad when you leave behind assaults guys, it's actually flanking and a good thing at times...)
Jenner is definitely going back into the 2012 garage until my son wants to paint it again.
400MC and 2M cbills in 7 matches for $80 spent 6 years ago.
Also achieved: MWO Anniversary challenge
1287 match score: 3 mugs
1.8M Cbills (thanks TSB and Premium time, as well as Founders bonus?)
26k XP/50k so this will be easy to knock out
26 assists / 100 (play a harasser, shoot everyone on the map once with a laser, hope your team kills them)
1560 / 5000 damage (this one is never an issue, you just play the game)
156 AMS / 500 - My least favorite. 7 matches with AMS and I only knocked out not even 1/3 of this challenge.
I am going to have to play a silly kit fox or something, or have to have subpar play all weekend in subpar mechs.
Hmm, 500k reward? I think I'll pass on this. Sorry event tryhard completionist me!
10/25 KMDDs So I basically killed everything and got 0 KMDDs, which is rare for me. Not a bad thing!
That XL 350 will make me some serious Cbills in the pawn shop.
Maps: Terra Therma, Frozen, Polar, Alpine, Mining.
To do: save up multiplier for Viridian Bog and Forest Colony, get HPG by default, and hope I have an AMS mech when I get to Caustic next time (ugh, should I keep playing these Catapault and HBK? Nah)
Edited by BumbaCLot, 21 September 2018 - 07:49 PM.
Posted 21 September 2018 - 07:54 PM
Max Rickson, on 21 September 2018 - 06:44 PM, said:
However PGI has made that part of the event appear to have started on the 19th, expect others to start up about that later on when they can't complete those challenges.
Yes, they already complained at the beginning of this thread. You don't need to throw criticism around for me, I rate all events 10/10 12/12 or any other number that equals 1, and I always complete them! (except this garbage XP conversion one).
My bad, it's a reward not a challenge.. so I'll shut up

Edited by BumbaCLot, 21 September 2018 - 09:26 PM.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 01:34 AM
50% hero bonus
10% TSP
10% cockpit items
Double XP
The first time the level-grind feels reasonable.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 02:46 AM
ultraFloon, on 19 September 2018 - 06:30 PM, said:
the 50% C-Bill Bonus and for ?
( Heroes or Specials or Loyalty or Founder Mechs )?
- C-Bill Bonus Raised from 30% to 50% additional C-Bills During this event
- *This includes all Heroes, Specials, Loyalty, and Founder Mechs."
Edited by Mighty Spike, 22 September 2018 - 02:50 AM.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 06:10 AM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 06:46 AM
Assists are significantly easier than component destructions (at least for me), which luckily are not a part of this event at all.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 06:52 AM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:06 AM
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:22 AM
FirestormClone218, on 22 September 2018 - 07:06 AM, said:
At least it doesn't require winning on a certain map!
But just keep playing the game and you will eventually learn what gets voted on the most, and if it is a forgone conclusion, vote for the least likely, so you can get a multiplier (like when it's escort vs anything else pick escort). That, and play more!
I need one more map, and it's Forest colony!
I just woke up, and probably would have finished the event last night but parenting today. 10/12 of the way done in 5 hours or less, with 1 FP match at the end. I'll break 5000 damage next drop and should have in my faction map but fell asleep a few times.
Posted 22 September 2018 - 07:52 AM
ERescue, on 22 September 2018 - 06:46 AM, said:
Assists are significantly easier than component destructions (at least for me), which luckily are not a part of this event at all.
Yeah I don't mind easy events like this. My memory isn't good enough to remember if the initial announcement said there would be challenges at all. Double XP is a reward all by itself but there are a few with more XP than mechs. So now there is something for everyone! I finished AMS running towards the enemy in my founders hunchie that I continued to play on during a Frozen City and hiding behind a building until I ran out of ammo. I don't run kit fox support but with the current meta I do hear people asking for AMS and ECM cover at times on comms, so AMS carriers are very useful engines too (on some games).
Posted 22 September 2018 - 09:08 AM

Posted 22 September 2018 - 09:21 AM
4196/500 - Match Score
6,024,948/5,000,000 - Cbills
67,438/50,000 - XP
132/100 - Assists
5923/5000 - Damage
642/500 - Missles
25/25 - KMDD/Kill
1 Terra Therma / 1 Caustic
4 Frozen City / 3 Polar
1 Forest Colony (Last one) / 3 Viridian Bog
1 HPG Manifold / 3 Mining Collective.
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