Variant1, on 05 October 2018 - 03:53 PM, said:
Thats because i play for fun, if i wanted to i could equip some mechs with the most cheese min max build that cores mechs out quick with min maxing nodes to boot with only 2 weapon groups, but that wouldnt be fun, it wouldnt be my mech, it would just be another cookie cutter mech designed to crunch the most numbers in order to be the optimized "you can only win with this mech build" mech. That wouldnt be fun for me, and most certainly isint fun for most of the players. I recomend you try out a build that isint part of the main mech builds, build to your tastes, try to get more than 2 weapons groups if it doesnt work out after a few matches thats fine you can keep playing with the your default build its fine. Just try to understand not everyone is going to play with optimized build going for quick kills, after all the games mechlab is designed for people to build their own loadout doesnt necessarily mean it has to be the top tier build.
Holy c*ap you have more forum posts than games played