Invasion Vs Resistance Event And Sale
Posted 28 September 2018 - 04:40 AM
The bolt ons will have me grinding like a slave.
Think I only need the Gargoyle mech.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 05:26 AM
Aidan Crenshaw, on 28 September 2018 - 01:49 AM, said:
Last I checked, the in-game ticker said that the challenges are live, soooo...
Posted 28 September 2018 - 05:31 AM
Subhntr, on 28 September 2018 - 05:26 AM, said:
As stated on the event main page
"*Event Start and End Times are different from the Sale start and end times"
If you look at the timer at the top of the pages, it will tell you when the events start. I, too, was confused at first, expecting the sales and events to go live simultaneously. Don't worry, the events will go live later today.
Edited by Gen Lee, 28 September 2018 - 05:33 AM.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 07:52 AM
Other than that, nice event except for the damage requirements. Some people (me among them) might need up to 6 matches to rack up those numbers in trials or non-elited mechs...
Edited by PraetorGix, 28 September 2018 - 07:53 AM.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 08:05 AM
Subhntr, on 28 September 2018 - 05:26 AM, said:
I now had the opportunity to check ingame. You're right, it says the challenge is live, but it's easily falsified if you check the events-tab ingame.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 09:13 AM
Posted 28 September 2018 - 09:46 AM
Me like!

Posted 28 September 2018 - 10:14 AM
CycKath, on 27 September 2018 - 06:17 PM, said:
Don't know yet, but I would like to think any Variant of a given Chassis would count. We'll find out soon enough.

Mighty Spike, on 28 September 2018 - 02:50 AM, said:
Yeah, PGI still has plenty to learn. And that includes how to make Challenges more mentally realistic to the Entire MWO Community. We'll have to keep teaching them, if they're willing to listen.

On the bright side, instead of using a Red Cross, I would suggest using a Red Smile Face instead. Maybe even make it Green, because this is a good thing.

And now for that clod of linked posts... YIKES!

ReichKaiser, on 27 September 2018 - 07:49 PM, said:
mad kat, on 27 September 2018 - 11:22 PM, said:
Games have just started improving after the last challenge ended and now we're straight back into another one. Sigh...
Damage farming crap here we go again.
Also as someone else pointed out there's a sale on every five minutes now. Is PGI not telling us something?
Aramuside, on 28 September 2018 - 01:48 AM, said:
Aidan Crenshaw, on 28 September 2018 - 01:49 AM, said:
Mighty Spike, on 28 September 2018 - 02:50 AM, said:
>They should increase the penalties for team damage during that kind of events.<
.and Sale after Sale...They must really need money... Whats up? Taken the mouth to full with " to bring you the MW game you all dreamed about" ??? Hahahhahahaahhaaaa....and oh btw: We´re still waiting to see the promised mWO
Iam going to suspend for the item reward challenges. Not going to damage my nervs again for some items with all the "high skill "lrm&mg heroes who are shooting everything that looks like a mech no matter if teammates or enemys..Stopped counting how often my SRM brawler was teamkilled be friendly lurmers cause its to hard for them to take even once al ook at mini map if the teammate is engaged with the target close..
Kinski Orlawisch, on 28 September 2018 - 03:02 AM, said:
ZortPointNarf, on 28 September 2018 - 04:40 AM, said:
The bolt ons will have me grinding like a slave.
Think I only need the Gargoyle mech.
Subhntr, on 28 September 2018 - 05:26 AM, said:
Gen Lee, on 28 September 2018 - 05:31 AM, said:
"*Event Start and End Times are different from the Sale start and end times"
If you look at the timer at the top of the pages, it will tell you when the events start. I, too, was confused at first, expecting the sales and events to go live simultaneously. Don't worry, the events will go live later today.
PraetorGix, on 28 September 2018 - 07:52 AM, said:
Other than that, nice event except for the damage requirements. Some people (me among them) might need up to 6 matches to rack up those numbers in trials or non-elited mechs...
Aidan Crenshaw, on 28 September 2018 - 08:05 AM, said:
Hi there, everyone. I see similar confusions and upsets here, even things that are consequences of certain issues with both PGI's calculations and the Community. I think we all need to bandwagon and ask PGI for an additional couple of days on the Event, possibly even longer. Right now, we're looking at a combined total of the following...
- 208 Kills and/or KMDD
- 17600 Damage Done (this is probably the least problematic item, by the way)
- A large Minimum of usage of 28 Different Mechs
- Multiple Challenges all actively in conflicting status with each other
- A total of somewhere not much over 5 Days to work with

(depicted with a Triple FacePalm Image, as I know not of a true Triple *FaceDesk* Image currently)
...at PGI as it would definitely take 3 of me to *facedesk* enough to get the message across this time. Heck, it could even be pointed out with a repeated headbang-type *facedesk*, like this...

...and I probably still wouldn't get the point across to PGI's Events Team, dangit. This now brings me to one last post to respond to, which I'll get to below. Time for another Horizontal Rule tag!

GamerPro4000, on 28 September 2018 - 09:13 AM, said:
Yeah, and I think they ninja'd it Live around about 2 hours before when I'm finally getting this post up. I've had a lot of Real Life disruptions happening, relative to the PDT Morning Time period. I didn't even know they had until I saw your post come in while I was typing this! I guess I should hurry out to the battlefields, or do I say to heck with it in order to catch up on a different Forum Thread and the topic within?!?!? Damned confusing things!!!

I think PGI's Event Execution is leaving something to be desired here. Enough so to warrant one last image...

...which I point significantly and squarely at PGI's Events Team... Maybe it's just me, but it feels like they deserve it.

And now, everyone, pardon me while I whack the Post Button and get moving. Sorry for the long wall of text that I'm realizing this will end up looking like.

~Mr. D. V. "I see the madness ensue again, so squashed into lack of an enjoyable & peaceful state." Devnull
Posted 28 September 2018 - 11:10 AM
Nice try PGI, but I will skip this event. Do not count on seeing me at all the next five days.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 11:49 AM
FlynnTheAvatar, on 28 September 2018 - 11:10 AM, said:
Nice try PGI, but I will skip this event. Do not count on seeing me at all the next five days.
Eh... You might want to give my post a 'Like', perhaps? And why not try to at least get what you can, all while yelling at PGI to extend the Event's time allowance? That would be the more sane approach so that you don't lose out on some part of the heap of

~D. V. "I feel like I have been partially misinterpreted here... possibly more so than I realize." Devnull
Posted 28 September 2018 - 11:55 AM
Posted 28 September 2018 - 12:34 PM
Dee Eight, on 28 September 2018 - 11:55 AM, said:
Right? It's a challenge event. You don't have to do all of them. If you only do one or two, you still got free stuff, so why complain? There are plenty of events that are very easy to do, they don't all have to be easy.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 01:26 PM
D V Devnull, on 28 September 2018 - 11:49 AM, said:

My issue with the event is that it is unlikely for me to achieve even a few of the challenges. If I am lucky and I get a decent team, I might get one kill and 300-400 damage. And perhaps I can do 3 to 4 games each day (yeah, I can play just one or two hours each day). But it is event time, and my games tend to be much worse during events. Dying early with < 100 damage is not uncommon for me.
So, what I am trying to say this event will not be fun for me. Why should I play and let the other team roll over me if it is unlikely to get any reward? I would prefer challenges that can be completed while just playing the game, and not being forced to play a particular mode, mech or map.
Posted 28 September 2018 - 02:37 PM
Posted 28 September 2018 - 04:33 PM
Posted 28 September 2018 - 05:02 PM

I think maybe I like Solar Array, The rest niet.
The Clan I like Shadow Cat, myst lynx. I think I rather do other things than this event for those rewards and little mc and little items.
Edited by ReichKaiser, 28 September 2018 - 05:11 PM.
Posted 29 September 2018 - 12:40 AM
Dee Eight, on 28 September 2018 - 11:55 AM, said:
Eisenhorne, on 28 September 2018 - 12:34 PM, said:
Wow... You two are funny, misinterpreting me like that. Now I really get to crack you both like eggshells during a period where I can't launch to the battlefields for reasons beyond my control. LOL!!!

First off, that long post is NOT an "Event Review & Rating"... I'm temporarily skipping those, as I've gotten a little too "Penn & Teller" (or "Siskel & Ebert", or some other critic reference... In short, a little too harsh...) over those. Yeah, 'go smoke a cigar' or 'fly a kite' or something relatively clean-minded on that one, would you?

Second, my posting here is EXPLICITLY NOT AND IMPLICITLY NOT any kind of so-called "gun to my head" (or "sky is falling" or "crying wolf" or similar) mentality, in any way/shape/kind/form/manner of any type. I would have gone all "Mr. Torgue" (Yeah, I'm really going to use a BorderLands reference... enjoy!!!) and used one hell of a lot more caps/bold/underline/etc. on the post like the "Dilbert" Series' Character who's named "Loud Howard" and makes everyone regret being nearby. Geez, can't you take notice of my posts being relatively subtle?

Third to note, somebody has to come along to point out where PGI might just have blown something. They want maximum players in the queues, right? They want people playing, right? Well, it's a little hard to achieve that if they're constantly slapping their 'Completionist Crowd' in the face. Further, it's hard to achieve that if PGI is making anyone below 'Tier 3' in particular (as in, who would like to take part in the Event... and I mean REAL sub-'Tier 3' players, not people who intentionally tanked their PSR somehow) feel like there's a giant wall to entry and getting any real progression in order to earn and be rewarded. All it takes is one really bad feeling within a really new player's mind to turn tail and leave again, and the Events are key to any impression they have about MWO and the Community. I want to see increases in the Player Base, NOT losses.

And to which we hit Item Four, as I understand not everyone is going to be interested in everything. So fine, get what you want and go take a rest, if that's how you feel about it. My words are NEVER a 100% reflection of the Community as a whole, but tend more to speak up for those who would otherwise lack a voice due to others in the Community being so disruptively intimidating. Yes, intimidating people and behavior I'm rather irked (and I could select a whole lot of nastier words, but I'm keeping it cleaned up and non-toxic here) by, marked with the behavior which the two of you are currently exhibiting in those posts, that constantly make it feel to others -- before they even try -- like their words would fall on deaf ears. Trying to constantly ram the thought of "take what little you get and shut up" down other's throats is the kind of toxicity that ruins games and communities, including MWO and its' Community. Stop being toxically intimidating already, and understand that not everyone experiences a game or looks at it the same way as you. Otherwise, you're going to find this game so short on players that it dies!

Then the proverbial Point Five drops in, its' note of the lack of available funding and Mechs in some of the player base's cases. I'm sure they'll try to get what they can, but being as their accounts are in such an early state, they need maximum possible (and quite reasonable, frankly) time to understand and get into things. As in, more than has been given at the moment, which currently feels like it's set so low that only an "Elite-Type, Competitive-Class Player" has any chance of really getting a good haul. If PGI would boost the Total Event Time to about 1.6x to 2x of what it currently is, it would put this Event back on the right track, given it's large (at least what seems large to me, being as only a small number of players can touch 208 Kills/KMDD in 5 Days) magnitude. Otherwise, the Newer Pilots come up metaphorically 'Bear Trapped' in a shortfall and turned off by not being able to get a grasp on anything. I'm thoroughly NOT saying that it should be all 'Easy Street' by any means, as I'm already sure the Damage Challenges were meant to cover that part. What I am saying is that there should be enough time provided, such that even a set of tough Challenges will still leave an opening for someone on the newer end of their Mech Piloting Career to have a chance at completing a minor few. Giving too little time shuts out even that window of opportunity, and then results in metaphorically cutting into people's minds in a manner that causes many to walk away, failing to give MWO any chance whatsoever. There again is a problem I think we can agree that we do NOT want, where people walk away from MWO instead of sticking around!

Sixth up and final on my thoughts right now, MWO's Community needs to grow, and the only good way is to grow it positively, through kindness/encouragement/accommodation of others. Forms of hand-holding and assistance which are Toxic and Abusive will NEVER do, and I will always be forever against those. We have to find ways that work positively with newcomers and the styles that work with their minds & bodies, NEVER trying to force them into various contrived moulds due to Community Veterans being stuck in some form of so-called 'Old Ways' that don't work with everyone. If people want to learn our styles, they SHOULD be able to opt into doing so, but NOT have it thrust on them by force ever.

Now, after having tapped out all this insight, pardon me while I scoot again... I think what was stopping me from the battlefields while I was typing this post has finally subsided, so it's time I go jump in a Mech again. Now... Where did I put those goofy-looking Keys which I need to access my Mech Garage?

~Mr. D. V. "Hmph... more formatting on this Post than intended... damned emphasis needs! Natural Anti-Toxic, though!" Devnull
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