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Faction Fights! 15 Days Of Faction Play Events And Sales!

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#121 Dee Eight


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 09:35 PM

I've noticed besides the wrong prizes for completing event goals a lack of "sales" that are claimed to be taking place in these 15 days of faction events and sales.

#122 Vellron2005


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Posted 01 November 2018 - 11:49 PM

Sadly, this event brings to the spotlight, a major problem with FP..

The severe need for matchmaking and quality maps..

Played all afternoon yesterday.. Most fights were one-sided stomps. It was impossible to win on Invasion-attack. Especially if not in a big group.

The game should not be this one-sided..

I can't wait for the FP changes that were suggested last.. They can't arrive fast enough.

View PostKell Aset, on 31 October 2018 - 11:42 AM, said:

Events with rewards like mech bays/MC/mechs/colours/camos are the only reason for me to even consider playing this so called "Faction" Play in its current state. FP is a shallow game mode where winning or losing planets doesn't matter since all planets are the same and equally unimportant. Borders change on big IS map and that doesn't matter.
We can't do anything with those planets that our factions already control, can't upgrade them, build anything on them like more turrets, radar towers, more walls etc. Map resets that we have from time to time make any sort of conquest even more meaningless.
Also, nothing in this game mode makes me care about my so called "faction" nothing makes me care about planets, why would I care more about planet X over planet Y? why would I care that my "faction" lost number of planets or some particular planet? My "faction" is winning or losing but why should I care? There are no consequences of any sort.
We don't really have "factions" in MWO, just bunch of ppl with same faction logos, we dont have faction leaders nor even faction leader representatives, we have fancy faction ranks in FP that are so very meaningless, all those generals, galaxy commanders etc. cant do ****, have no "real power" if only we had some politics system, alliances or a little of that planet upgrading stuff perhaps then they would have smth to do.
Really a shame, I would like CW/FW/FP to be more than it is but I'm waiting for that to happen for a long time already heh.

I've only been saying that for about 3-4 yeas now..

Glad to see others are catching up..

Would love to see PGI catch up too..

Edited by Vellron2005, 01 November 2018 - 11:49 PM.

#123 D V Devnull


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 12:02 AM

View PostDee Eight, on 01 November 2018 - 09:35 PM, said:

I've noticed besides the wrong prizes for completing event goals a lack of "sales" that are claimed to be taking place in these 15 days of faction events and sales.

Check the In-Game Store. You'll find the Sales are showing up there. Also check the Decals, Colors, and Cockpit Items from within the MechLab. Sale info should show up there too. B)

To be fair, you're probably right in that PGI's Events Team could have put a Hint on the News Posting as to how the Sales would be displayed. At least then questions like yours would be a non-issue. ;)

~Mr. D. V. "It's just a mere matter of where to look for answers." Devnull

#124 arcana75


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 04:39 AM

The faction rewards. 1 instance being injected instead of 2? I see only 1 listed in the popup. Also double-checked the hanging/mounted/standing section, it's only showing 1 and I didn't yet mount any.

Edited by arcana75, 02 November 2018 - 07:02 AM.

#125 Dee Eight


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:03 AM

View Postfedratsailor, on 30 October 2018 - 07:58 PM, said:

Seriously PGI you guys need to fix boreal vault. attackers can't do anything. the ability to strike and fire at them before they can even open a gate, just ruins the game.

I won a boreal invasion lastnight as the attacker... perhaps you need to merely find eleven other average skill potatoes to drop with and carry you ?

Edited by Dee Eight, 02 November 2018 - 06:16 AM.

#126 Eisenhorne


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:04 AM

View PostDee Eight, on 02 November 2018 - 06:03 AM, said:

I won a boreal invasion lastnight... perhaps you need to merely find average skill potatoes to drop with ?

Boreal Assault requires your team to be coordinated and significantly higher skilled than the enemy team to win. It's not unbeatable, but it is the hardest map to attack.

#127 Dee Eight


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:18 AM

View PostEisenhorne, on 02 November 2018 - 06:04 AM, said:

Boreal Assault requires your team to be coordinated and significantly higher skilled than the enemy team to win. It's not unbeatable, but it is the hardest map to attack.

Life is hard. Deal with it.

#128 Danial Kerensky


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:32 AM

I will keep saying it until I get a response from PGI. Please do away with the 10 match probation thing already... If you don't care about people switching, at least let them get faction rewards for it.

#129 Eisenhorne


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:44 AM

View PostDanial Kerensky, on 02 November 2018 - 06:32 AM, said:

I will keep saying it until I get a response from PGI. Please do away with the 10 match probation thing already... If you don't care about people switching, at least let them get faction rewards for it.

For events like this, the real solution is to go Merc, so you can get merc tree rewards and not have to worry about probations. Of course if you're already capped at rank 20 merc (rare) then this isn't really good. It is funny though that the ultimate reward for the merc tree, which requires a couple thousand invasion games to earn, is smaller than the total event reward.

#130 Danial Kerensky


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 06:56 AM

Yeah, exactly. I dont care about the whole not switching for loyalty reasons, but if you are switching factions for an event, at least let people earn a bit of faction rewards...

#131 2Gun


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 07:37 AM

Everyone keep yer pants on. In the next year or so, MWO will be replaced with MW5. All the camo's, cockpit items, mechs and variants, all the faction stuff and hopping in and out of factions like a prostitute swaps beds, will be made available for FREE to anyone still playing.
Been playing MMO's for over 20 years. I've seen this cycle many times.

#132 pacifica812


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 08:03 AM

View PostDee Eight, on 31 October 2018 - 08:04 PM, said:

All the cockpit item rewards say "quantity 2" yet the injections have only been single examples.

View Postarcana75, on 02 November 2018 - 04:39 AM, said:

The faction rewards. 1 instance being injected instead of 2? I see only 1 listed in the popup. Also double-checked the hanging/mounted/standing section, it's only showing 1 and I didn't yet mount any.

I've seen this as well, but I'm not sure in ammount injected.

Matt can you confirm this?

#133 Davegt27


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 09:27 AM

they(some loyalist players) want dual events at the same time one Clan vs Clan and one IS vs IS or some combination (basically they want to click on the FP tab and have no impediments to playing or getting rep points) HTHs

(for the record it does not bother me what you do its your game so tell them not to go after me in game)

#134 Iron Lemur


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 10:42 AM

View PostMatt Newman, on 30 October 2018 - 03:21 PM, said:

I'm probably going to regret asking this but how exactly am I Ignoring/punishing loyalists?

Explain to me how to make an event that doesn't make them feel ignored or punished?

I am asking because is genuinely don't want that to be the sentiment when I create events.

I know this set of faction events isn't particularly creative but i wanted to include all factions and i also wanted to do more Clan vs Clan and IS vs IS as it has a positive response in the past and Faction Play is the only place I can do that.

Re: Probation Period - I am having this investigated to see if and when it could be removed from the game as it also comes up every time a faction play event is created.

Regular Faction Play is turned off to reduce the number of matchmaking buckets

If I can take a stab at this...

The core "issue" is that you have a body of players who, for whatever reason, choose to join a single faction and play as that faction. When events like this come up, compared to other players, they're frozen out: first, in that they see other players who are willing to jump factions getting more stuff than they are, and second, when they aren't in the current faction pairs, they are literally frozen out of faction play. All of their own choices (and I'm making no value judgement here), but it's how they play the game.

Would it be possible to have a general, open-to-all-factions faction event, where there is a rotating set of conditional prizes? For example, right now each challenge in the event is giving away some CBills, MC, and faction specific beauty products if you're playing as one of two factions that change over time. Could it be set up so that faction play is open to all factions, even if it's Clan v Clan and IS v IS, and everyone gets access to the CBill and MC challenges? And then, concurrently, there's a rotating cast of faction specific challenges that awards the faction-specific content.

No one has to make a "how I like to play the game" decision to participate, those folks who jump factions for shiny things can still do so, and everyone gets access to what I consider the generic prizes.

Just an idea.

Edited by Iron Lemur, 04 November 2018 - 12:16 AM.

#135 ThomasAH


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 11:08 AM

I'm a loyalist, but I don't play FP that often, partially due to the waiting times between matches.
During events like this there are enough players that the waiting times can be lower (very good), but I can participate only in 2 of 15 days in FP (not good). I would even just play without the additional rewards, just because now there are enough people to play with or against.

And even if I would be willing to play for a different faction, I would have to leave my unit and afterwards pay 10-15 million to join it again.

Even as a loyalist I'd say: Remove the probation time. I have never played anything but FRR, but after each map reset I'm on probation for 10 matches?

Apart from that:Thank you for the event! I just had a fun scouting match and hope to do a full FP match later.

#136 Monkey Lover


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 11:36 AM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 01 November 2018 - 06:07 AM, said:

As a Loyalist, just want to say thank you PGI and Matt for the free stuff.
I'll play FW any time you bribe me with free stuff

How much free stuff do you need? You been playing this game for 5+ years. I have so much junk I dont even really look at it anymore. Be nice if people played this game mode for fun and not just for free stuff.

#137 Eisenhorne


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 11:37 AM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 02 November 2018 - 11:36 AM, said:

How much free stuff do you need? You been playing this game for 5+ years. I have so much junk I dont even really look at it anymore. Be nice if people played this game mode for fun and not just for free stuff.

More faction-specific warhorns is always a good thing. I could use a lot more of those.

#138 Monkey Lover


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 11:38 AM

View PostDanial Kerensky, on 02 November 2018 - 06:56 AM, said:

Yeah, exactly. I dont care about the whole not switching for loyalty reasons, but if you are switching factions for an event, at least let people earn a bit of faction rewards...

Why? Youre not loyal to the faction. You should get nothing.

#139 DarkFhoenix


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 03:33 PM

I have a favorite faction I am loyal to 90 percent of the time . Who says I cannot temporarily switch factions to participate and enjoy events and prizes ?

You role play you belong to a clan tribe or innersphere house . Why can you not role play a reason for playing a few days under another banner ? " You are a jade falcon spy that infiltrated house Steiner....... "

#140 General Solo


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Posted 02 November 2018 - 03:39 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 02 November 2018 - 11:36 AM, said:

How much free stuff do you need? You been playing this game for 5+ years. I have so much junk I dont even really look at it anymore. Be nice if people played this game mode for fun and not just for free stuff.

I only played to help out some of my unit mates, and as a consequence got free stuff.

Was just saying thanks
Its a good event for people that desire stuff thou, especially if you can only afford to play for free/little money.
Even if players like that don't spend a lot, they stop you waiting so long in queues.

I always tell dudes that need mc and dont have the means to get it to wait for the Trick or Treat event.
Its like MWO's version of Xmass for free stuff and free MC

thou I don't really need stuff since I'm richer than Blake in terms of Mwo Stuff and CBills.

The Fun part.....
That depends
if your part of an organized team fighting another organized team, for sure thats fun apart from any waiting.

If you part of a mismatched game, not so much.

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