Throe, on 30 October 2018 - 03:45 PM, said:
I'm not complaining about skill, running up to someone's leg while the person they face is in an assault and you are in some super tiny mech IS NOT SKILL.
1. This is a game and not everyone is some super serious guy, people often get off work to fool around or relax or they are merely tired of playing too serious all the time.
2. People brought LRMs, people voted for polar and not HPG and few people on the opposing team are brawlers with certain mechs that dont have access to ecm?
3. Irrelevant? So if 8 people die in under 5 minutes and only 4 remain? Buddy, you are going to make much less damage than you usually make because the opposing team will be on you like white on rice.
Teams are just grab bags you can be very good and still do not as much all.