Vellron2005, on 11 April 2019 - 02:35 AM, said:
The problem I have with FW as it is now, is thus:
Yes, I am in a small unit, and when we drop solo, it's always big unit stomp-fest. I've tried joining bigger units after my old unit fell apart, but there was always the same issue.
Big units tend to run cookie-cutter meta mechs. and refuse to incorporate all playstyles into their tactics.. so I get fed up of being told what mech to bring, what build to put on it, and how to play it real fast. And LRMs are a big no-no when all your unit does is SRM rush..
So I stuck to my own small unit, and occasionally "guest star" with other small units or solo players to form a larger group. And I also pick play times when most of the big stompy units are sleeping or are at work..
Hopefully, the PTS FP changes will change all that for the better..
That is weird, tbh.
I'm having my own 1 person unit. I drop solo or group up with folks i know (luckily, i get invites for decent "on the fly" premades often) and i play an aweful lot of different styles.
Of course i bring what works best with my current teams composition. Why would i bring a narc and 3 lrm mechs to an attack on vitric. That doesn't make sense.
However, i play a very very wide variety of mechs and decks.
pure dakka decks
pure laser.
Mixed dakka vomit
Narc light + lrm boats
Rushdown decks
slow as hell defensive decks
i even run a pure heavy gauss deck with nothing but 6 heavy gauss on 4 mechs, and even that works reasonably well (in the appropriate situations).
I usually stick one oddball mech into each deck (not effective but more fun).
I can't really relate to what you experience. Unless you run with very strict units you should be good without bringing ultra meta cheese. Or your impression of what would be a good deck for a task (mode, map and teamcomposition) is likely a little bit off.
I also shouldn't start every sentence with "i" but.. meh.