- Missile Spread, Chain-Fire Too Wide vs. Grouped -- Needs Fixing for certain...
I've created a Bug Report about this in the PTS Feedback Board area, and the problem is also present on the Live Server Client as well. It took this specific LRM PTS v2.1 to find it, strangely enough. I don't understand why we're widening a Chain-Fired Volley, when it's the Grouped Volleys that are making people complain about LRMageddon. Sure, it might be nice to get off an Emergency Missile Alpha, but it still doesn't mean that Chain-Fire should be spread so wide as to render it being a less-worthy Option by comparison. Even further, if someone launches a barrage of Smaller Launchers (say, 4xLRM5 or 2xLRM10, or other such combinations) all at once, it should NOT result in a Spread that's more Narrow than a single Larger Launcher (say, a LRM20) that's firing a count of Missiles equal to all those Smaller Launchers added up. Otherwise the Larger Launcher is devalued by comparsion with the Smaller Launcher Set, putting a Weapon to pasture out of the entire lineup. If we're looking at making LRMs more of a DPS-Type Weapon, killing Chain-Fire Spread goes the opposite direction of that. - Active Sensor System still NEEDED for MWO -- I've written the proposal, WITH Proper Rule Set...
I'm sure someone was sitting around, thinking I could never get around to writing that. Think again... No, seriously, think again! I have indeed finally written the proposal out, in proper detail with everything my mind could pack in one go. I've even gone so far as to design it for virtually any and every type of Pilot in the Player Base, so that basically nobody has been left out. This particular Equipment is so badly needed for MWO that I've gone into detail on Cost/Risk/Capability/Benefit/Restrictions/Limitations/Reward, and went so far as to make sure it could absolutely NEVER be Exploited or made OverPowered. It even has to be clicked from "Passive" to "Active" to gain access to 99% of it's capabilities, but comes at Severe Danger to do so. The only thing I could not cover is what Additional Rewards in terms of(C-Bills) and/or XP that PGI could/should attach to it, but I sense we already have enough of that in MWO to utilize and apply. Well, that and I wasn't sure about whether or not to make it capable of displaying Missile Travels on the MiniMap in the HUD's bottom-center area, so that may be the one thing I've missed in the Proposal's Design Post over there. Although, is CryEngine even capable of tracking and/or displaying mapping of that?
- Missile Spread when using Personal Lock's Target Decay -- Should NOT go wide
I've mentioned this before, but if someone gets the Lock all by theirself, and has no Teammates assisting with it, they still have to deal with trying to maintain the Lock all on their own. They're still at risk to a rear/flanking attack on them from having to keep that CT and Reticle pointed at the Enemy Target which they happen to be trying to hit. Having the Missile Spread go wide on a Fully-Personal Lock when behind Cover at launch for an Altered Angle, when it's running on their own Target Decay, is effectively unfair to the person who got their own Lock and needed to implement a Hit-and-Run Strategy. They still have to poke out again to keep that Target Decay from running out, which means the Enemy Team is going to get extra chances on them, so it's only equally fair to not widen the Missile Spread on a Fully-Personal Lock where someone finally fires from behind Cover.
- TAG Functions -- It should still get a small/minor boost on Lock Speed, since it is assisting your Sensors to get the Lock
- Initial and/or Allowed Locking Angle -- STILL needs Some Widening... Face-Hug Exploiting of the Lock Angle in general should NOT be a thing!
- Missile Projectile Health vs. AMS -- A Risky Slope... Be careful here...
While it may be good to make sure that Small Weapons like the LRM5 and ATM3 are not made totally worthless by Single AMS units, it can be a slippery situation too. It's as equally dangerous in the other direction to give Missiles fired from these Smaller Launchers too large of a Health Pool to survive from. I'm thinking we don't want to end up accidentally creating any 9xLRM5/9xATM3 monsters, problematically over-efficient LRM10/ATM6 Barrages, or any mixes thereof. Why? Because it would very likely devalue Larger Missile Launchers, as well as possibly create some OverPowered Shielded Missile Bursts that then result in creating another complaint-loaded LRMageddon that wasn't intended.
- Finally Avoiding the IDF Spread Nerf -- Good!
This is rather good news in the scope of LRM PTS v2.1, given the other things that will be affecting LRMs in general anyway. Plus, it stays away from the Issue with dealing Accidental Team Damage when one's Team goes needlessly Face-Hugging on an Enemy's Mech on the battlefields. Particularly however, as long as those with Medical Disabilities are kept in mind while working on Game Balance, should anything from the LRM PTS Series gets implemented into the Live MWO Game Client, then I'll be reasonably okay with whatever first steps are transferred over there. I get that making anything better and/or proper takes time, and that it will take multiple steps to develop Weapon Changes into a final form. - NARC Ability Boost on Spread -- Likely Needed...
I had this feeling for a long time that NARC had been left undervalued. While it could definitely be fired too fast before in some cases, that was about all it had running for it. While not too important, it might be worth giving the Baseline Cooldown a small Buff back up to only 6 Seconds between firings. But, the Change to add Spread Assist is a very good move, and gives NARC use and value in a new way. Hopefully more people will find a want to use NARC, should anything from the LRM PTS Series be added to the Live MWO Game Client for normal gameplay.
~Mr. D. V. "Here you are... That's my mental impression of LRM PTS v2.1 for your reading." Devnull
(p.s.: Skipped the Emotes again... Trying to use a bunch on long posts just has all kinds of trouble linked to it.)
(p.p.s.: I just noticed that other poster while I was typing this. I'll have to get back to them shortly. Hopefully, I haven't missed anything else because I somehow missed another alert... if I missed one...)