Hellbringer, on 16 February 2019 - 07:21 PM, said:
Hold up, hold up, this mech hadn't even dropped yet and you guys are already complaining !? Just give it a chance first before you start arm chair quarterbacking.
While this is true, after being with the game since its birth and playing well over 300 different mech variants, there are just some things I can pick up on that are issues without having to have played the mech. Most of the base mobility stats, while sucking, aren't necessarily an issue but that truncated torso twist range and slow twist speed, combined with the other agility stats is a huge deal.
First of all, defensively, the Warhammer IIC is going to rely on twisting for its survivability. It came in at a smaller scale that I was expecting but the CT and ST sections are well defined and easy to target from any distance. This means that to protect its hit boxes it is going to have to twist. The first problem is the twist speed, it is slow which means it can't play the fire and snap twist game most IS mech with similar torsos use. This is even made worse by the fact that Clan weapons with their longer beam duration, already require about a 1/2 second more face time before you can begin to twist defensively. With the torso twist speed so low, enemy mechs are going to have no issues hitting you anywhere in the torso they want to most of the time. Secondly, only being able to twist 75 degrees means it is going to be hard to twist far enough to keep your CT from being able to be hit even after you twist. The likelihood is, if the enemy pilot is even remotely a decent shot, at only a 75 degree range of motion, he is going to still have an angle on the CT and even if he isn't a good shot, there is still a high likely hood of fire accidentally hitting the CT.
Then, offensively, the Warhammer is going to have a hard time engaging targets that require him to twist from side to side. If he is looking left and an enemy appears right, he is going to have difficulty engaging that target before it get back into cover. Also if the target is far enough to the right, he is going to hit his torso stops prior to even getting on target which means he will have to turn his entire mech to engage. Of course since the turn speed of the mech is so bad, it just makes the 75 degree limitation even worse.
Other factors, there is the fact that he is going to have to approach targets at a much shallower angle which which exposes the more surface area on his mech to be fired at. Other repercussions are that he is going to have a much more difficult time strafing and engaging targets.
Finally the Warhammer IIC is going to be much more vulnerable to light mechs which between the limited range of motion on his torso and slow overall turning speeds means he is going to have a hell of a time trying to pivot fast enough to engage a light mech at his feet.
Grus, on 17 February 2019 - 07:05 AM, said:
I know your making a joke but honestly I am at the point I wonder if this is actually occurring. I sometime think Chris said, "The game is balance but you know what, I am so tried of IS players whining about Clan superiority that I am just going to make 80% of all Clan mechs so bad that they shut up because even than they aren't going to believe the Clans aren't superior" Honestly, balance or no balance, the bulk of Clan mechs aren't very much fun to play anymore.