MechNexus, on 01 March 2019 - 12:31 PM, said:
The problem with saying "just take radar derp/ams" is that people shouldn't be forced to spend between 9 and 16 nodes (for 60%/100% radar derp) and/or at least 1.5-3 tons on AMS to counter one weapon system that doesn't require any aim, exposure or any effort at all from it's user, when said skill points and tonnage could go towards more interesting things.
I say counter, that's only enough to make it vaguely tolerable to fight.
With the Changes to the Lock-On mechanics, those points are probably less necessary than before if he plays in that fashion. Keep in mind that they're significantly lengthening the time he needs to lock-on if he's firing Indirectly. What was before roughly "2 seconds to lock, 3 seconds for flight" becomes something more like "4 seconds to lock, 2.7 seconds for flight." That's a net Nerf to IDF. With the heat and spread changes, he's going to be hitting more softly, and less often as well.
If he has help via a UAV that fails to get shot down, a NARC, or a friendly light adept at holding locks and not dying, it doesn't matter whether you have those perks or not - Both now, and in the future, you're going to get rained on. (Only now, they'll hit a little less hard due to spread and heat changes.)
Edited by Daurock, 01 March 2019 - 12:58 PM.