FupDup, on 25 July 2019 - 10:57 AM, said:
All that Epic Games money is gonna be cancelled out by the tidal wave of incoming refund requests. Instead of playing it safe PGI decided to take a short-term cash bonus at the expense of possibly putting the final nail in the company's coffin.
Precisely. The first reason I can imagine PGI pulling this stunt is because the Epic store is enticing devs to publish on there first, or only, by promising them a larger cut of the profit vs Steam... Installed user base, however, is another story...
Nightbird, on 25 July 2019 - 11:02 AM, said:
It's not going to get cancelled, exclusive deals involve so much money that PGI will be in profit even if all pre-orders are cancelled and 0 copies sell in the EPIC store on release.
I highly doubt that. Even if it is an initial net gain between the years of us whaling for PGI, and the Epic Store carrot under their noses, they will still need continued sales to sustain their funding, and since the Epic Store probably has maybe a couple of percentage points of the Steam user base, and they won't be releasing it for a year onto Steam, AND those of us (including me) who are demanding refunds because they lied to us... from the standpoint of economics and consumer numbers, I just can't see MW5 Mercs being a commercial success with this BS move...
Edited by Wilhelm Kerensky, 25 July 2019 - 03:41 PM.