Santos Villalobos, on 03 June 2019 - 04:18 PM, said:
The gauss mechanic ruined some of my favorite builds (because really my gauss+2ML YLW needed a nerf) and ghost heat also affected a ton of my favorite builds that weren't even part of the pinpoint-alpha problem. I would call ghost heat the single-most deleterious decision that PGI made with regard to my enthusiasm for the game.
It is all a matter of perspective. We all want that the game envolves but don't except changes. I started with ghost heat and for me it was just natural to limit he number of similar weapon systems because the decreased the Time To Kill (TTK).
The gauss mechanic came in to limit the pin point damage to increase TTK.
When we start to understand that our exploits are limiting the fun of the other gamer, I guess than we start to really enjoy the game. I this zero sum game the wins of one if the lose others. Only in match score you can achieve synergies.
And everyone forgot about flamers and stealth armour changes - lol.