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Beach Party Events And Sales

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#61 Warning incoming Humble Dexterer


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 09:05 AM

View PostHauptmanT, on 27 June 2019 - 05:08 PM, said:

"Earn a loot bag for every 80 match score."

It only gives one bag per fight regardless of matchscore.

It's : Earn a loot bag for every "80 match score"
And not : Earn a loot bag for every "80" match score

Although probably better replaced by : Earn a loot bag for every match score over 79.



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Posted 28 June 2019 - 09:19 AM

View PostMyj, on 28 June 2019 - 07:31 AM, said:

Let's instead focus only on complaining about how literally every mech needs torso pitch buffs. Or that most mechs need more agility. Or how it costs like ~$13 to buy enough MC to convert enough XP in GXP to skill 1 SINGLE MECH. And you STILL have to spend 4.5 million cbills after that! How crazy is that?! These are types of things that matter, let's not waste time complaining about how PGI offers to give us free stuff. Whether they do it to your liking or not, at least it's something they're actually doing with the right idea, unlike the other things I mention here.

Dude, if they lower those things, then they will not make money. This argument is almost as stupid as saying that we have entitled attitudes if we complain about the "Grand Prize" not being "Grand". In any case, if you want to convert XP to GXP, wait for the GXP conversion discounts. We just had one.

Also, there are plenty of threads offering constructive criticism about the mechs' agility, weapon balance, map redesign, FW improvements, etc., This thread is about the current event. I don't get where you got this idea that whatever we are given, we should be ever so grateful for it. That's not how it works. The word "Grand" has to mean something and in this case, it doesn't. That's the point. None of us are complaining about getting crappy stuff from Loot Bags 'cause that's what Loot Bags are. It's the fact that the Grand Prize is a single Mech Bay is what is disappointing. We have the forums to voice this for this exact reason.

#63 RobarGK


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 11:43 AM

Gotta say I'm also disappointed it's 1 bag per 80 score match and not 1 per 80 score. Definitely will see a lot of bad play trying to get fast matches.

#64 Myj


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 12:32 PM

View PostCulnan, on 28 June 2019 - 08:19 AM, said:

It has nothing at all to do with 'entitlement' (if there's one word I'd like to see never brought up again in gaming discussions...).

I just can't help but think that only entitled people would feel this way. Your whole argument has lots and lots of justifications for why it's okay to be entitled, but that doesn't make you not entitled. That just makes you a person who feels as though entitlement is okay, and for all the reasons you stated.

#65 Myj


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 12:41 PM

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 28 June 2019 - 09:19 AM, said:

Also, there are plenty of threads offering constructive criticism about the mechs' agility, weapon balance, map redesign, FW improvements, etc., This thread is about the current event. I don't get where you got this idea that whatever we are given, we should be ever so grateful for it. That's not how it works. The word "Grand" has to mean something and in this case, it doesn't. That's the point. None of us are complaining about getting crappy stuff from Loot Bags 'cause that's what Loot Bags are. It's the fact that the Grand Prize is a single Mech Bay is what is disappointing. We have the forums to voice this for this exact reason.

I feel like you should look at it from PGI's point of view, not just the players (yours). PGI reads everything (not saying they actually do, but I feel as though we should act as though they do), doesn't matter what thread it's in. Their brain's aren't going to just turn on and off for each thread as it implies to only that thread. My only concern is that if we use this thread to voice our disappointments with their decisions for event rewards, over time they'll be less likely to care about disappointments we have in other threads about other things that matter MUCH more IMO.

#66 Culnan


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 12:53 PM

View PostMyj, on 28 June 2019 - 12:32 PM, said:

I just can't help but think that only entitled people would feel this way. Your whole argument has lots and lots of justifications for why it's okay to be entitled, but that doesn't make you not entitled. That just makes you a person who feels as though entitlement is okay, and for all the reasons you stated.

Except that's just ad hominem BS. 'Entitlement' is only ever brought up in gaming conversations to argue against and shut down backlash or criticism. It's a buzzword excuse. 'Dismiss as entitlement, then I don't have to actually examine the points presented', just as you've done here, not actually addressing any of my points and just saying 'I'm entitled, and I think that's OK'. You're not actually addressing any of the points, criticisms or objections myself and others have brought up here.

I've already explained what disappoints and bothers me about this event, from the errors/bad communication to the anaemic nature of the rewards, and why it feels so lacking. Nothing about that appears to me to be 'inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment', which is the type of entitlement you seem to be attacking here. Again, this event seems to be either badly communicated, bugged and/or notably below the standard PGI has set based on previous events. I fail to see the 'entitlement' in being disappointed by this and pointing it out.

#67 Tordin


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 02:02 PM

View PostSt Annes Pooper, on 27 June 2019 - 08:04 AM, said:

Engine Sale! Yay!!!

Consumable Sale, Yay!
Red Smoke is for Pansies!!!

How about adding some Glowing Eyes to the sale?
My Atlas-Kraken needs some added flash.

Hmm.. Miiiight have a solution for you, a "McGyver" one. You know about the chrismas lights decals? Im not sure if they are in-game store. But I use a couple for each Atlas "eye" just by rotating the decals to fit. There are Yellow, Blue, Red, Purple, Orange, Green and Cyan.

Great sales and events. Cool and ripe to get into for new pilots!
I think the explanation for lack of bonus mech for MC purchase is because of all the sales on mechs and such. Just a wild gaussgoose bet.

Oh.. And yeah, would love a solid sale on C-Bill packages.. Because those spacebucks WILL drain crazy fast for engines and whatnot. Still plenty of mechs to refit.

Edited by Tordin, 28 June 2019 - 02:03 PM.

#68 crazytimes


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 02:56 PM

View PostRobarGK, on 28 June 2019 - 11:43 AM, said:

Gotta say I'm also disappointed it's 1 bag per 80 score match and not 1 per 80 score. Definitely will see a lot of bad play trying to get fast matches.

Yeah the potato factor has been high. A handful of suicide rushes nearly every match with sub 80ms. I'd like to see some kind of extra benchmark to meet, like minimum 200 damage or survive at least 3 minutes or something. Something the average scrub can still easily achieve, but make them actually team play a bit before dying.

#69 RobarGK


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 03:42 PM

Or just make it one per 80 match score. That would encourage people to play their best and not stop after hitting an arbitrary milestone.

#70 Unnatural Growth


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 04:29 PM

View PostSt Annes Pooper, on 27 June 2019 - 08:04 AM, said:

Engine Sale! Yay!!!

Consumable Sale, Yay!
Red Smoke is for Pansies!!!

How about adding some Glowing Eyes to the sale?
My Atlas-Kraken needs some added flash.

I would love to have my glowing red eyes back for my Atlai. Was always bummed that they took them out. And now the only way to get them is to buy them again. Dudes (PGI)? Um, we already had them once... for FREE. (well, you had to buy the mech, but, there it is).

Wouldn't make the old boy (Atlas) play any better, and it would be even easier to get cockpitted, but man those things looked cool as hell coming at you.

#71 Boomlich


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 06:43 PM

event says 1 loot bag per 80 match score. but i'm only getting one loot bag regardless of score as long as it's over 80. that mean 100 games minimum for first stage. I like the game but that's pretty damn grindy for bays and nicnaks

#72 crazytimes


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 06:58 PM

View PostBoomlich, on 28 June 2019 - 06:43 PM, said:

event says 1 loot bag per 80 match score. but i'm only getting one loot bag regardless of score as long as it's over 80. that mean 100 games minimum for first stage. I like the game but that's pretty damn grindy for bays and nicnaks

The phases overlap between Jun 30 and Jul 12. That means you have 13 days to play 50 games of 100MS, so 5 games a day where you aren't AFK. Not a huge burden.

Not sure why everyone is upset- every loot bag event I have done has had exactly the same mechanism. The purpose is to keep population numbers up.to keep MWO alive, not just have people play super meta for 10 games and stop.



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Posted 28 June 2019 - 07:04 PM

View PostMyj, on 28 June 2019 - 12:41 PM, said:

I feel like you should look at it from PGI's point of view, not just the players (yours). PGI reads everything (not saying they actually do, but I feel as though we should act as though they do), doesn't matter what thread it's in. Their brain's aren't going to just turn on and off for each thread as it implies to only that thread. My only concern is that if we use this thread to voice our disappointments with their decisions for event rewards, over time they'll be less likely to care about disappointments we have in other threads about other things that matter MUCH more IMO.

So, you want EVERY thread to sound like a broken record? Sorry, man, but there is a reason why we have different sections of the forums.

#74 Boomlich


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 07:37 PM

I understand the overlap. my point is wording IS important. if they have done this event multiple times already then why is it so poorly phrased as to be misleading. As many have mentioned already, when you put such a low bar as 80 game score you have many that will jus charge in to get the 80, rinse, repeat. that is not GOOD for the game or developers. I only brought it up to begin with because I read the first page of the forum and didn't see It mentioned. I don't forum much so didn't see the other 2 1/2 pages.

#75 DFM


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 07:53 PM

Love 50% off c-bill engine sales.

#76 Aesthir


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 08:29 PM

They really should change it to "Earn a number of loot bags each match for Match Score/80". The current 1 bag per match is incentivizing people to suicide since you can get 80 score with one alpha strike then quitting.

#77 klaysdnd


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 10:59 PM

I just wish the Devs would give us more weapons to try out like the Civil war patch...

#78 VikAzgrael


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Posted 28 June 2019 - 11:32 PM

Promotions with a small number of players online - showing only the desire to make money while the game is nearing completion

Edited by VikAzgrael, 29 June 2019 - 07:57 PM.

#79 McLovin1


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 02:06 AM

View PostLastActionHobbit, on 28 June 2019 - 12:13 AM, said:

Yerp; please fix matchscore issue; 'every 80 matchscore' is what it says ;-)!

+1, yes please!

#80 Teenage Mutant Ninja Urbie


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Posted 29 June 2019 - 04:45 AM

if this sounds annoyed, then sorry

80 matchscore, 100 times?

I see why you can't make it 1 per 80 matchscore (aka 4 if doing 320), but this..
it just punishes factionplayers AGAIN, as we're playing ~20min per good match, whereas a QP takes ~3min?

.. can you adjust that pls?

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