In terms of fixes - I think MWO suffers from a deficiency in options to break up formations.
A short term hash fix would be allowing up to two active artillery strikes for a team, and reducing the call in time on arty somehwat so that it's more viable against moving formations.
Longer term, the canon had some interesting depictions of people deploying mines, which, were enterprising light or stealth mechs to dodge head of a NASCAR and deploy them, could punish people for mindlessly moving in formations. A number of maps have viable choke and focus points that a minefield could seriously mess up a formation.
Maybe, say, .5 tons for a two use mine pack that deploys a four pack of 3 damage mines, or 1 ton for a two use pack that deploys 8 4 damage mines (Bear in mind these are one shot weapons that the enemy can in theory avoid completely - so its hit or miss - Rocket Launchers are a similar one shot weapon).
Those would be nice base starting values, in my view
I'm sure mines have been proposed and dismissed before, but it might be worth revisiting, as I'm at loss on how to alter the playerbase.
I truly dislike NASCARing, as it fundamentally disrupts my play style - which is stealth play.
I can handle enemies on the move. But when your own team is constantly turning the enemy line, this shrinks the number of windows I have for backshots and general interference play, because you own team is migrating their space into your own, and drawing the enemies focus there, and obviously, forcing the enemy to rotate.
It also promotes herd play, which minimizes stragglers and prompts heightened awareness on side angles.
Which, I get why people find that attractive. Because it's a leveling mechanism. NASCAR is vital to allow lower skill component players, those with sub-optimal, inattentive builds and perhaps reduced or uncultivated situational awareness to average out their skill gaps with the team.
But it isn't fun to play against. As I've entered Tier 2, I find myself starting to miss the rush and dynamism that, ironically, I felt in lower tiers. I'm not noticing a skill change as much, hoping thats in tier 1, but I keep encountering matches where I spend huge portions of my playtime having to re-adjust to my team's position, which hurts my ability to impact things in their favor, and they often die as a result.
I also miss the thrill of having the occasional full light lance operate independently of the enemy, the rush and stress of evading them, the occasional jubiliation at wrecking them in my 40ton cicada.
In summary, I agree that it doesn't seem to add much to gameplay, seems like a lazy strat to average out unskilled players in tiers that are supposed to be of greater skill (But hey, inertia, right?). Its just disappointing, because I see the NASCAR start, and my mind instantly trips on "Am I just wasting my time fighting for these guys?"
So really, what I'm saying is, when you NASCAR, I lose respect for my team-mates. I just take whatever your match score is and instead of saying "Yeah, hey, they did good with that mech, that's impressive!" I just draw an imaginary sharpie line through your name.
Edited by Insignus, 06 July 2019 - 08:16 AM.