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Mechwarrior 5 Release Date & Epic Games Store Exclusivity

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#201 Alvar Von Kenesthor


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:06 PM

I'm going to play devils advocate and not refund yet...
Maybe this shitstorm makes PGI realize that it's necessary to at a bare minimum, have the decency of keeping the promises made and give the steam keys despite keeping the Epic exclusivity just like Metro Exodus did.

i'll place all my faith left in the incoming Discord AMA in hopes I'll have cooled off by the time...

#202 Bravado


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:08 PM

View PostCoffeeghoul, on 25 July 2019 - 12:59 PM, said:

Then please tell me what's the problem with EGS? I haven't even heard about that until today. If that's PGI's way to save the game, why not? Or what did I miss?


That about sums it up.


My personal 2Cents: I consider Epic a company that doesn't give a **** about it's customers. The lack of features speaks Volumes how much they aren't willing to to make a competitive Product.
Make no mistake though. Epic doesn't care about Developers either.

Edited by Bravado, 25 July 2019 - 01:10 PM.

#203 Mechfan666


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:08 PM

Quite displeased with this decision.

I didn't preorder, on principle, but I was rather excited for the game. I had planned on picking one up within a month of launch, after some reviews came out. That plan as gone out the window apparently. I probably will never buy this game, even after it hits steam, there's plenty of other fun games for me to play instead.

Guess I won't be going back to Mechcon this year, either. Real shame.

#204 Earl Whitehaven


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:09 PM

View PostPando, on 25 July 2019 - 12:28 PM, said:

Greetings everyone

I've been around for a long time. I've watched MechWarrior:Online grow from as early as 2012 in closed beta and I hope i'm getting that right. Back when the Atlas "head" hitbox was the entire head and you had twin AC/20 cats roaming around like headshot machines. Back when Paul was tripped by goon's which forced an update to eliminate knockdowns. Back when SPLATCATS were a thing and feared. TLDR guys, there have been changes good and bad that have changed the game and most of us who choose to post feel like we're being ripped or lied to. Sometimes we're told one thing and something happens along the way and PGI has to "face the music" and tell us they've decided to go a different route.

Guys, I have a mint condition PC Gamer mag from 2012 featuring MechWarrior:Online on the front page with a beautiful picture of a centurion and within the articles it raves about clans coming later that year. Remember, clans didn't drop until 2014 almost two years later. Point is, **** happens.

PGI is the only company that went to bat for the MW IP during a time when no other company or publisher gave a **** and on top of that impossibility actually had a successful game developed that we can all enjoy today FREE that many of us have helped shape over years of development. PGI created something from nothing and it lead to another game being developed and its a great game if you haven't played it....its called Battletech and it's available on steam.

At the end of the day, politics is politics. I hate the feeling of being lied to but I'm sure if I sat down with Russ and he explained the full reasons behind the decision I would probably agree with him. We're on the outside looking in and until that changes we should just focus on being players and playing the games we're interested in instead of spreading cancer across the internet and pointing fingers when you don't have the full story.

In my best Arnold voice "put the pitchforks down" and be thankful for what we have. If it wasn't for PGI, the OG Founders and subsequent backers we'd all be sitting around playing MW4 wishing for a new game with that energy.

If you like stompy co-op robots......I'll see you on MW5.

I respect your opinions on this even though I disagree with most of them, however I have to point out the reason the game is free to play is because it was made to be free to play monetizing items and mechs. The whole business model requires the game to be free to play, the game is not free because they care but rather just business. I didn't have much trust or frankly respect for this team before from previous BS but this ends any I did have. I hope you have fun with MW5 but I can't move passed being lied to again by PGI.

#205 Jackal Noble


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:10 PM

View PostGrus, on 25 July 2019 - 09:47 AM, said:

Called it!

What did you call? You didn't call **** lmao.

#206 crazytimes


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:10 PM

View PostFatherSarge, on 25 July 2019 - 12:54 PM, said:

People like you are the reason the games industry has lost all it's luster and humanity. Anything for a buck

Damned game playing people and their *shuffles deck*... refusal to not just want to play games.

#207 Coffeeghoul


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:11 PM

View PostBravado, on 25 July 2019 - 01:08 PM, said:

That about sums it up.


My personal 2Cents: I consider Epic a company that doesn't give a **** about it's customers. The lack of features speaks Volumes how much they aren't willing to to make a competitive Product.
Make no mistake though. Epic doesn't care about Developers either.

Thank you for your time.
I reconsider.

Edited by Coffeeghoul, 25 July 2019 - 01:24 PM.

#208 Stridercal


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:11 PM

View PostNFSRacer, on 25 July 2019 - 12:04 PM, said:

You know, it's funny. This game was one of my most highly anticipated games to date. This choice by PGI may very well have killed the franchise. BATTLETECH may be a different answer, since that's a completely different developer and publisher, but this has me genuinely considering the refund option. PGI will be loosing money hand over fist with this action, that much I foresee, and it's a case of 'I told you so' for those that denied my mentioning that PGI may go the way of Epic. Honestly, this is a right shame to see. I rather wish I could go to PGI's office to chew them out, for sure.

The only real way I'd be willing to keep support for the game is if they released a DRM-free version of the game. Yeah, I get it: These venders have DRM requirements to keep from having pirates of the game itself, but even then, it's the idea of having to go through a less superior vender and a less effective system that requires users to start from practically the ground up with their accounts that the biggest issue! That's a BIG ask for a lot of users, and a pill that's next to impossible to others who have been using certain systems for over 10+ years! PGI, this ISN'T a worth while option! Not in the least bit!

I'm afraid to say it, but all I can see is issues with this choice in the future, and it's making me upset about this entire choice! There's one simple choice that I feel is the best for EVERYONE that can be made to rectify it: Remove the exclusivity today and make it available to everyone across Steam and Epic from day one! This will reach a wider audience far faster than going strictly through Epic Games and their shady tactics. After all, if there's one example we should look at that's comparable to what's happening here, look at A4 Games and METRO Exodus! That was a prime example of this sort of issue, and it lead to less than stellar sales as a result on the PC platform alone! MechWarrior (at this rate) is doomed to follow the same series of events at this rate from what I can tell. I personally do NOT want to see this happen!

If you guys want to save my purchase (and that of millions of others), then pull the exclusivity deal. Otherwise, not doing so effectively makes a statement to your fan base that you lot do not care about your fans and are only in it for the money (like almost every other company out there).

MW5 on GOG? Sign me the **** up right bloody NOAW!

#209 Wrathful Scythe


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:12 PM

Interesting. Very interesting.

PGI's last form of income was the remainder of the trusty mechwarrior niche, still kinda hanging in there with all the stuff happened in recent years. And still, they just take the money from epic with all the controversy going on. I do hope that the money was worth the missed out sales. Would be a sad move otherwise.

So, now PGI has to deliver a really good game now to convince me in installing that crap launcher but with their track record I just don't see it happening.

#210 GrandSlamPancake


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:12 PM

First you announce a two month delay,but also announce epic exclusivity!!! Who did you think this would have went well with? Who?!

Not only will I no longer be pre-ordering MW5, I will also uninstall MWO. I will take the money I would have spent on Mercenaries and spend it on the classic tabletop instead. I will only re-install MWO and order my copy of MW5 when you cut ties with the Epic Store.

I wouldn't even pirate you.

#211 Jackal Noble


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:13 PM

Also will be requesting a refund.
What a **** show and color me not surprised.

#212 Grendel408


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:16 PM

Great job PGI... you screwed the pooch again... great job Russ!!! Posted Image

I'll go spend my money on the Clan Invasion kickstarter instead... I had strong hope you'd keep this on Steam. You have once again put the community on an island all alone.

#213 Agent of Change


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:18 PM

Just to add my thoughts.

This is a slap in the face. I preordered MW5 to get a steam key for the game. It was explicit.

I will be getting a refund, I dont appreciate the bait and switch. If and when the game comes back to steam I'll play it, but until then I guess I'll buy different games to play.

It's not that EGS is a terrible.platform. it is. It's not that this exclusivity nonsense is aggravating, it is.

It's that when you sell someone a preorder for a specific platform... you should honor that agreement. But given PGI's history of changing their minds about things they've told the player base I shouldn't really be surprised at this point.

Mostly I'm just disappointed and annoyed I need to figure out whatever hoops they set up so I can get my money back.

Edited by Agent of Change, 25 July 2019 - 01:19 PM.

#214 Earl Whitehaven


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:18 PM

View PostGrandSlamPancake, on 25 July 2019 - 01:12 PM, said:

First you announce a two month delay,but also announce epic exclusivity!!! Who did you think this would have went well with? Who?!

Not only will I no longer be pre-ordering MW5, I will also uninstall MWO. I will take the money I would have spent on Mercenaries and spend it on the classic tabletop instead. I will only re-install MWO and order my copy of MW5 when you cut ties with the Epic Store.

I wouldn't even pirate you.

Tbh Tabletop is where I get the most satisfying games of battletech. Battletech the turn based game came close, but still never made it.

#215 Dee Eight


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:18 PM

You know I remember when they announced MW5 the first time at MechCon that it was originally being sold as a stand-alone game, you'd download it once to your PC and that was it. Next it became a "steam store" key you'd get...great...except does that mean I have to run steam everytime I want to play MW5 ? Oh well I suppose steam isn't going to fail anytime soon I guess I can live with that. Now its Epic and depending on them not up and failing... ummm.... no thanks I think I'm good without MW5 when Cyberpunk 2077 is coming out. Still, the epic money better be enough to keep the MW0 servers running and to pay for the license renewal with microsoft...otherwise... what's the f'ing point ?!

#216 Jaxill


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:19 PM

OK soooooooo You said this game will have mods on steams workshop.. How are the steam mods going to work on the Epic store????? lol.. please explain this to me..

Ill take a guess.. There will be no mods.. lie#2

#217 Alienized


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:25 PM


hope Russ is happy with this Island.

#218 Rather Dashing


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:26 PM

You promised a steam release and I demand a steam key for paying you money in good faith that my payment would be honored. You guys may have always been scummy with the grabdeals but at least you were up front about it, this is just ******* low.

#219 Ruediger Steiner


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:27 PM

Normaly barely any comments. Now 600 comments in just 6 hours on the unmoderated Facebook page of MW5. 90% asking for refund. Congratulations.

I didn't mention the release date, cause i said the earliest date will be december when i got the MW5 pack. I only played MWO for two and a half year, but i can count 2 and 2 together (german phrase) so i'm not surprised.

#220 valrond


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Posted 25 July 2019 - 01:29 PM

Aaaaand another backstab by greedy devs that only care about the money. First Shenmue III (I'm a $100 backer there, waiting nearly 20 years, got backstabbed), and now MW5, another nearly 20 years of waiting, and yep, throw the people that make the game possible under the bus. That is the last of my money PGI has seen from me (and it has been A LOT).
Now they have killed 2 games with one backstab, I don't even want to play MWO anymore.

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