No Lrm Hate Posts? Very Good.
Posted 29 July 2019 - 04:28 PM
Posted 29 July 2019 - 04:31 PM
Sorry you can't figure out how to adapt. Lrms and especially ATMs have ridiculous DPS right now and that's a fact.
Posted 29 July 2019 - 05:30 PM
oh well..
Posted 29 July 2019 - 06:50 PM
And by stats I mean my average damage per game.
Because from what I can tell my average damage dropped from ~2400 to ~1600, and that's despite having progressed in experience, builds and using 2019 mechs, which should have further increased my average damage instead of significantly reducing it.
Under the understanding that in 2019 I'm using LRMs from closer then ever before, so I was doing a lot more LRM damage from further away in 2018, then I can do now that I'm shooting LRMs from even closer then before.
And that's why I'm calling the name "LRM balance patch" a complete lie : It was a full LRM nerf, with less LRMs being shot because of the pile of lock nerfs (that no amount of twitch skilling can reduce), and more LRMs missing their target because of the direct LOS low arc nerf, then ever before. And again that's despite those LRMs now being shot from closer then ever before.
Edited by Humble Dexter, 29 July 2019 - 10:58 PM.
Posted 30 July 2019 - 02:10 AM
Humble Dexter, on 29 July 2019 - 06:50 PM, said:
Alternative theory: LRMs got buffed to the point where many of us started investing the tonnage to actively counter them.
I prefer to pilot ECM-equipped Mechs much more often these days, and I take AMS a lot more than I used to. While the counter measures don't cure Sky Cancer, they make it somewhat less irritating.
Posted 30 July 2019 - 06:15 AM
Humble Dexter, on 29 July 2019 - 06:50 PM, said:
And by stats I mean my average damage per game.
Because from what I can tell my average damage dropped from ~2400 to ~1600, and that's despite having progressed in experience, builds and using 2019 mechs, which should have further increased my average damage instead of significantly reducing it.
Under the understanding that in 2019 I'm using LRMs from closer then ever before, so I was doing a lot more LRM damage from further away in 2018, then I can do now that I'm shooting LRMs from even closer then before.
And that's why I'm calling the name "LRM balance patch" a complete lie : It was a full LRM nerf, with less LRMs being shot because of the pile of lock nerfs (that no amount of twitch skilling can reduce), and more LRMs missing their target because of the direct LOS low arc nerf, then ever before. And again that's despite those LRMs now being shot from closer then ever before.
try to press the almighty w-key for a change, go to midrange/closerange lurming - and your stats will go up. but hey I know.. it's not easy to press that dreaded w-key.. for some.

Posted 30 July 2019 - 06:37 AM
Humble Dexter, on 29 July 2019 - 06:50 PM, said:
And by stats I mean my average damage per game.
Because from what I can tell my average damage dropped from ~2400 to ~1600, and that's despite having progressed in experience, builds and using 2019 mechs, which should have further increased my average damage instead of significantly reducing it.
Under the understanding that in 2019 I'm using LRMs from closer then ever before, so I was doing a lot more LRM damage from further away in 2018, then I can do now that I'm shooting LRMs from even closer then before.
And that's why I'm calling the name "LRM balance patch" a complete lie : It was a full LRM nerf, with less LRMs being shot because of the pile of lock nerfs (that no amount of twitch skilling can reduce), and more LRMs missing their target because of the direct LOS low arc nerf, then ever before. And again that's despite those LRMs now being shot from closer then ever before.
the rise in complete trash builds and XL mechs that never figured out what torso twisting is. people just melt almost instantly in games these days. way less damage potential.
Posted 30 July 2019 - 06:39 AM
Prototelis, on 29 July 2019 - 04:31 PM, said:
Sorry you can't figure out how to adapt. Lrms and especially ATMs have ridiculous DPS right now and that's a fact.
Yeah, lion share of high damage games I see from other people are some form of missile boat. Of course everyone's always hyping up those LRM boats for doing 1000+ damage, but no one notices the Light mech on their team breaking his back every game for their locks!

Edited by Jman5, 30 July 2019 - 07:06 AM.
Posted 30 July 2019 - 12:24 PM
Humble Dexter, on 29 July 2019 - 06:50 PM, said:
And by stats I mean my average damage per game.
Because from what I can tell my average damage dropped from ~2400 to ~1600, and that's despite having progressed in experience, builds and using 2019 mechs, which should have further increased my average damage instead of significantly reducing it.
Under the understanding that in 2019 I'm using LRMs from closer then ever before, so I was doing a lot more LRM damage from further away in 2018, then I can do now that I'm shooting LRMs from even closer then before.
And that's why I'm calling the name "LRM balance patch" a complete lie : It was a full LRM nerf, with less LRMs being shot because of the pile of lock nerfs (that no amount of twitch skilling can reduce), and more LRMs missing their target because of the direct LOS low arc nerf, then ever before. And again that's despite those LRMs now being shot from closer then ever before.
First of all I went to Jarl's list, you are clearly talking about CW.
Second, I am sorry but while I have seen you do 2000+ before when you happened to end up as a pug on our drops, I have faced you enough and pugged enough to know that saying you 'averaged' 2400 damage per match is in no way shape or form accurate. A good deal of the time when you were facing BCMC/Evil groups you're lucky if you break a k. I don't mean this as a slight, cause as far as dedicated lurmers go, you are experienced and like I have said, I have seen you pull solid/decent numbers.
If you were to tell me that 2400 is very common when you end up in a pure pug on pug game I'd certainly buy that, but as an average no way. That'd make you one of the best players in CW, which just simply isn't the case. Not saying this to try and offend you, it's just your perception of things is way off here.
Posted 30 July 2019 - 01:03 PM
I like how it promotes people to get their own locks for better spread and speed
also glad there are less immediate missile warnings coming from 800 meters thanks to scouting - the delay to lock on time based on range was a good change IMO
Been a while since I've died to an assault hiding in a ditch at max range and never seeing their mech, but the ones that keep a tag laser on me have a good chance to do some damage.
Now you see missile boats more often sticking within the team and offering versatile fire support which is how it should go
Still feels like the weakest option for missiles still, but at least it has a role and is less annoying to deal with now
Posted 30 July 2019 - 01:19 PM
Posted 30 July 2019 - 07:35 PM
With what I've seen, only the terribads complain about poorer IDF, and that's just shows why. What makes LRM full of hate before is the terribads that utilize them in such a poor way that it sticks to us. But now we can distinguish from the good and bad, it's no longer the weapon system's fault but the pilot's fault.
Prototelis, on 29 July 2019 - 04:31 PM, said:
Honestly, I agree.
What they should have done is made LRMs and ATMs alpha-centric with defined performance floor and low ceiling, than an inconsistent DPS-centric one with high ceiling that coordinated teams can make consistent, and now you got immense DPS and a dumpster fire waiting to happen.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 30 July 2019 - 07:38 PM.
Posted 31 July 2019 - 03:11 AM
Feral Clown, on 30 July 2019 - 12:24 PM, said:
You'll often see the same skewed idea of "average" when people talk about their solo Q numbers. I think a lot of people tend to use "average" to represent scores that they feel i normal for a decent match, or something like that, not to represent their actual average damage. On top of this misunderstanding of averages there is an inflated expectation of what your averages should be to not be bad. The actual average damage in a solo q match is somewhere around 250-350 damage, that's the amount of damage it normally takes to kill a mech and the averages obviously cant be higher than that, and that's the range where average players will be when it comes to average damage, and yet you constantly see people saying things like you should average 500 damage to "pull your weight", it's this rhetoric that confuses people I think.
I mean I'd love to say I average over 2k damage in FP, because 2k+ damage is quite normal for when I win a match with MJ12, but objectively my real average is much much lower both because I just have **** games every now and then, sometimes we lose and don't get to do that much damage, conquest and incursion matches that might end before significant damage can be made etc etc. and also when our group gets too big and strong I drop down towards 1500 range, there just isn't more damage to share and when I'm no longer better than my teammates there just isn't any way to push that high. It all plays into that average score.
Posted 31 July 2019 - 02:09 PM
Sjorpha, on 31 July 2019 - 03:11 AM, said:
You'll often see the same skewed idea of "average" when people talk about their solo Q numbers. I think a lot of people tend to use "average" to represent scores that they feel i normal for a decent match, or something like that, not to represent their actual average damage. On top of this misunderstanding of averages there is an inflated expectation of what your averages should be to not be bad. The actual average damage in a solo q match is somewhere around 250-350 damage, that's the amount of damage it normally takes to kill a mech and the averages obviously cant be higher than that, and that's the range where average players will be when it comes to average damage, and yet you constantly see people saying things like you should average 500 damage to "pull your weight", it's this rhetoric that confuses people I think.
I mean I'd love to say I average over 2k damage in FP, because 2k+ damage is quite normal for when I win a match with MJ12, but objectively my real average is much much lower both because I just have **** games every now and then, sometimes we lose and don't get to do that much damage, conquest and incursion matches that might end before significant damage can be made etc etc. and also when our group gets too big and strong I drop down towards 1500 range, there just isn't more damage to share and when I'm no longer better than my teammates there just isn't any way to push that high. It all plays into that average score.
You can however look up mech stats on your profile and get an average damage per match on that mech. However since I am also a cw nerd the one issue I see is if you use that mech in cw a lot it screws things up. Which is why one of the reasons I started messing with free to play alts, to see and be able to isolate some of that.
Posted 31 July 2019 - 02:52 PM
Posted 01 August 2019 - 08:14 AM
Feral Clown, on 30 July 2019 - 12:24 PM, said:
You are right, 2400 damage was my average and common enough "good win", on a loss it would be closer to ~2000, and on a premade stomp it would be a whole lot less, and closer to "a complete waste of time".
Basically 2400 damage was the kind of regular win score I was happy to reach, with less then 2000 damage being a bit of a fail for a win.
Today those "good wins" are bellow 2000 damage, and 2400+ has become more of a rare exception then a regular occurence.
As for my real average damage I have no idea : It totally depends on how many times my team gets stomped by a premade.
And as for my score, my mechs are consumables with limited munitions that I use up and eject a lot, even on a win, so I typically end my games with no more then 1 mech left, and the high damage does not translate into a high score : Keeping your mechs alive is what (artificially) translates into a high score, and is the ~only way I'm able to score over 1000 on a match.
Edited by Humble Dexter, 01 August 2019 - 08:28 AM.
Posted 01 August 2019 - 09:48 AM
Humble Dexter, on 01 August 2019 - 08:14 AM, said:
Basically 2400 damage was the kind of regular win score I was happy to reach, with less then 2000 damage being a bit of a fail for a win.
Today those "good wins" are bellow 2000 damage, and 2400+ has become more of a rare exception then a regular occurence.
As for my real average damage I have no idea : It totally depends on how many times my team gets stomped by a premade.
And as for my score, my mechs are consumables with limited munitions that I use up and eject a lot, even on a win, so I typically end my games with no more then 1 mech left, and the high damage does not translate into a high score : Keeping your mechs alive is what (artificially) translates into a high score, and is the ~only way I'm able to score over 1000 on a match.
my post lrm patches dmg numbers also went down, because of how prevalent LRMs were and how sick I was of them, plus ams was made not completely useless as it was before (and then subsequently made worse again because of the dedicated lrmers crying). I traded some ammo, or a heatsink for ams on basically every mech I could. A lot of people didn't, but quite a few did, hence you would see a loss of damage as some of your missiles are now destroyed, where's before nobody had ams. Also it's obvious that when lrms were made better in direct LOS and worse in indirect, if the vast majority of time (or all the time) you use lrms indirectly they became less effective
the underlying mechanic is still the same though, you are able to use your teammates armor while not using your own to send damage one way at an opponent. On open maps you also don't need to worry about positioning, as you can instantly switch and fire at different enemies that would require repositioning to get LOS with direct fire, this also means multiple LRM boats shooting same targets are still hilariously OP as they can instantly switch and delete targets with overwhelming dmg numbers without ever having to move
Posted 01 August 2019 - 10:06 AM
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