Any Ideas To Try And Keep Group Queue Viable?
Posted 02 August 2019 - 05:24 AM
All I can think of is to maybe create a thread wherein all of the usual units (SA, AW, 42, 228, HHOD, FOX, LORS, SRPH, BP, 502, etc.) post their TS/discord channel info so that in those times where folks aren’t getting matches we can more readily check in with each other and try to shift folks around (who are willing) into more appropriate sized groups so as to maximize the chances of getting games.
Any other ideas?
And before anyone says “play FP”, yes, I agree that ought to be a viable option, but there are a lot of GQ regulars who detest FP and refuse to play it under any circumstances so I am asking about ways to keep GQ going and not replace it with FP, ok?
In case the above is all we can do/come up with, for what its worth me and mine still use the FRR/Kurita TS: frrhub.isengrim.org password: Dragon (I think that’s the address still).
Posted 02 August 2019 - 05:57 AM
For those who don't detest FP though, jump in and have some fun! For those who do, go pound sand.
Posted 02 August 2019 - 06:37 AM
A lot of streamers already do group queue and a good deal of them have crossover in fans and I think more people watch streams than come to places like the forums or reddit so it is probably a better way to get the message out. An organised multi stream group queue community event may draw some people in and perhaps get more info out to more people.
I'd start with CycloneJack, he is a social butterfly that is friends and helpful to most of the streamers I see as well as having a large audience filled with players of all skill levels.
Posted 02 August 2019 - 09:06 AM
Bud Crue, on 02 August 2019 - 05:24 AM, said:
All I can think of is to maybe create a thread wherein all of the usual units (SA, AW, 42, 228, HHOD, FOX, LORS, SRPH, BP, 502, etc.) post their TS/discord channel info so that in those times where folks aren’t getting matches we can more readily check in with each other and try to shift folks around (who are willing) into more appropriate sized groups so as to maximize the chances of getting games.
Any other ideas?
And before anyone says “play FP”, yes, I agree that ought to be a viable option, but there are a lot of GQ regulars who detest FP and refuse to play it under any circumstances so I am asking about ways to keep GQ going and not replace it with FP, ok?
In case the above is all we can do/come up with, for what its worth me and mine still use the FRR/Kurita TS: frrhub.isengrim.org password: Dragon (I think that’s the address still).
I applaud the community still trying to make it work. Unfortunately the Dev's have done their best to make it that hard to get a match. We are at the point where we have to coordinate GQ drops lol. By appealing to nostalgia i was able to get 5-6 of my unit mates to actually play MWO last night. I think it had been a couple weeks since we had that many willing to play since Russ AMA'd the pop to death.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 02:48 AM
Posted 03 August 2019 - 03:29 AM
Posted 03 August 2019 - 04:03 AM
Posted 03 August 2019 - 03:23 PM
Thread lock in 3...2...1...
Edited by HammerMaster, 03 August 2019 - 03:24 PM.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 04:53 PM
Infact; it actively lowers my score.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:00 PM
Prototelis, on 03 August 2019 - 04:53 PM, said:
Infact; it actively lowers my score.
I'll quote myself:
HammerMaster, on 03 August 2019 - 03:23 PM, said:
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:07 PM
O wait
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:14 PM
Prototelis, on 03 August 2019 - 05:09 PM, said:
You're wrong.
You can't guarantee you even get on the same team. Most of the time you're just fighting each other.
You might understand if you had more friends.
Poisoning Single Queue By Sync Dropping whether your convoluted maths or sense of justification IS STILL POISON TO SINGLE QUEUE and considered an exploit by PGI.
That being said they are doing ZERO about it and I'm sick of it.
Friends like you?
Ya. I'll go it alone.
Edited by HammerMaster, 03 August 2019 - 05:23 PM.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:30 PM
Sync dropping doesn't confer any advantages, we aren't trading wins, it doesn't hurt anything.
Your WLR would be higher if I was on your team more often

Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:44 PM
Prototelis, on 03 August 2019 - 05:30 PM, said:
Sync dropping doesn't confer any advantages, we aren't trading wins, it doesn't hurt anything.
Your WLR would be higher if I was on your team more often

Probably true
I'll just do me though.
I offered to be your wing man before.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:47 PM
Either way; I typically play mechs that are 130-160kph and you consistently play heavies more often than not.
You can't follow a fle into zimbabwe in your mad dog and expect good results.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:50 PM
Prototelis, on 03 August 2019 - 05:47 PM, said:
Either way; I typically play mechs that are 130-160kph and you consistently play heavies more often than not.
You can't follow a fle into zimbabwe in your mad dog and expect good results.
Currently running a lot of the medium bloodlust. Relatively recent. Not sure it's posting. Actually works for me.
I sure do love going walkabout to Zimbabwe.
Edited by HammerMaster, 03 August 2019 - 05:52 PM.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:54 PM
The assassin does it better IMO.
Best Vulcan is the 5t with 5 medium pulse.
Posted 03 August 2019 - 05:56 PM
Posted 03 August 2019 - 06:40 PM
The only way to fix GQ is with higher pop. Not getting that.
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