arcana75, on 23 September 2019 - 09:11 PM, said:
In 2019 I played every event and completed almost every challenge, save 1 event I didn't know was happening. Operation Langskip is the first event I intentionally skipped.
And I never bother to complete any QP-only events. Tried QP a few times last month and went back to occasional FP drops. I'd rather not to play than suffer from the sheer stupidity of QP matches.
This FP event was really great, but it was sad to see only a few premades and I did not see 12 man from the same unit even once. So much players lost
Caldek, on 22 September 2019 - 09:32 PM, said:
Why would I ever return to FP? There's nothing that makes FP special, only features that make is worse.
You may want to return for some unique experience that you almost never have in QP -
It was funny to watch how QP pugs are trying to do the usual rotating just to get smashed cause FP simply does not work this way.
Caldek, on 22 September 2019 - 09:32 PM, said:
Overall, your events are normally quite nice. I appreciate free stuff as much as the next guy. However, I would petition to remove all the event goals that depend on other players. Even things like wins, especially when I have to play pug vs 8-man 3/4 of the time, are very hard to come by and w/ FP I can't roll matches as in QP - I'm locked in for 30-40 min due to match making times.
It's not that different to QP - you just have to spend more time per match and you personal contribution/impact is higher than in QP. Someone can say it's even easier to farm event goals cause you can
CHOOSE players you play with.