CherokeeRose, on 19 November 2019 - 03:44 PM, said:
Just because I haven't played MWO long, and haven't achieved "expert" status, doesn't mean my opinion is worthless.
It doesn't mean it's worthless, but it means it has substantially less weight and credibility than that of more experienced and higher performing players.
As a (highly sucsesful?) new player, helping another new player, I think I may have just as much relevant info as an older player who does nothing but well co-ordinated team work in CW/FP in well tuned teams, with coms, etc.
You don't. it's just your ego talking, sorry.
You know how people get such nice k/d w/l ratios? It isn't in quick play... which is where newbies like me are (almost exclusively).
Except that the leaderboard
only covers quick play.
yeah there's a lot of tactics, etc, that help... but at it's heart, it doesn't matter how good your tactics are if you weapon selection just won't put out the damage fast enough and at a good range. Or do so in a reliable manner.
Tactics matter to give you and your team enough time to actually deal the damage in the first place. OP's problem wasn't really that he had a
bad build (although it could be optimized better), it was
that he played his build badly .
I'm constantly amazed at how RACs are treated like a pariah. Sure they have some issues, like spool up time, and jamming, but they are the highest DPS weapon in the game, and give ample opportunity to shift aim if initial lead is off, as it will often be with a player learning to lead targets. I think they are a great.
They have DPS, sure. What they don't have is burst damage or focus - the damage is spread around like m*********er and you have to continue staring at the enemy while you're firing, which means that if your target isn't already distracted you're going to get cored out a LOT.
Which is the problem right there. Streaks used to be better, but they were nerfed both by changes to distribution of their target components and the reduction in the targeting reticle area.
My Butterbee is a killing machine. 4 streaks (2,4,4,6 so no ghost heat) linked to a tag, and 3mpl...and it not only racks up massive dmg numbers but also reliably gets kill via the pinpoint MPL dmg.
And without a BAP, most of your firepower can be instantly shut down by a piddly little Pirates Bane being near you.
4xASRM6 and 4xMPL delivers more focused damage and a 50% higher initial burst. The key in this game isn't to take your time farming inefficient damage while your mech is getting shredded, but rather to deliver focused damage that either quickly eliminates opponents or deprives them of combat effectiveness.
OH NOES they are LOW SKILL WEAPONS. So what?
They're "safe zone" weapons, giving you
an illusion of performance but only working against incompetent opponents.
You don't get better by only staying in a comfort zone of weapons and builds that aim to compensate for your weaknesses. Get out of that comfort zone and start playing to your strengths instead..
Yet the hard cores would NEVER run a streak Butterbee. They'll say SRM+A all day long
Your streak BB deals a 50 point alpha, 32 points of which will be spread out across random components.
A 4xASRM6+4xMPL BB deals a 75 point alpha, with much more focused damage than your streaks.
Why does that matter? Let's take your streak BB to Solaris, against a Kodiak - what do you think wins? The conclusion is foregone: the Kodiak, because your streaks won't chip away its armor fast enough to matter.
Meanwhile, a 4xASRM6 Bushwacker - ten tons lighter than your Catapult - can just burst down that Kodiak's CT without a substantial difficulty (and has - I regularly run that BSW in Solaris).
I trust you can see the difference?
and expect a newbie to be able to hit a running light at 250 meters.
That's what chainfire is for.
A mere 3 tons on a streak is what, ~750 dmg sans AMS/terrain?
In a real scenario, their average accuracy rate is 75% so you're only going to get 560 damage.
Edited by Horseman, 20 November 2019 - 07:51 AM.