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Mw5: Back To Its Roots!

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#181 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:00 AM

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 06 December 2019 - 12:29 AM, said:

So, one guy who is active here is the only guy who can do it? Did you see anyone from MW : LL team or Roguetech team or any vastly experienced modders talk about it?

There is no guarantee any of those people are going to do the same thing with MW5. They probably will, but there's no guarantee. So far I've seen a couple people talk about some serious plans about MW5 - and I tend to believe in what I see, not in assumptions by some random dude (you) on forums.

Furthermore, this argument of yours is beside the point that they shouldn't have to fix one of the most fundamental aspects of the gameplay.


No one said that the game should be easy. What we have now is a demo. If you want to keep harping on about AI being easy, guess what the counter-argument will be?

So far it has been everything from "it's fine" to "it's serviceable" to "you don't understand AI" to "it will be ok in the big picture because of maintenance and repair" to "shut the f*ck up, I like the game and you're hurting my feels Posted Image "


So far, you've seen videos, read some forum posts and have created hyperboles. No wonder video game developers don't care about actual customers. People like you have done such a great job in making noise at an unreleased product that nothing else will matter, not the people in the middle, not the fans and certainly not the paying customers 'cause you have made sure that everyone gets painted by a broad brush.

You seem to forget that I've also played the demo. And when it comes to those Codex -videos, I'm assuming they are pretty accurate. For example, the prices of weapons and components are unlike to change, because they are the exact same prices as in Sarna - which means they are original TT prices.

From my point of view, people like me didn't make ENOUGH noise when MWO was in beta, and we have a worse game for that.

Also, I am a fan (of the earlier games and the BT universe at least) AND a paying customer. And I have BEEN a paying customer for MWO and almost every possible mech-related PC title that exists. I am as entitled to my opinion as any one of you.

And if you think that I'm scaring potential customers away by "making noise" on MWO -forums... well, that is just laughable. No one else reads these forums except extreme fans of the series. And even if some of those have decided to not buy MW5 because of my comments... Well, all MW5 needs to do is be a good game to prove me wrong and get people to buy it.

So, what are you afraid of? That I'm right and MW5 will be a broken game? Because if it's going to be a good game like you think, then people WILL buy it.


Just shut the hell up and let the developers release a game and we'll change what we don't agree with. Let them create something that their vision perceives and release their product first. If it's easy, we'll change it. If it's too hard, we'll change. It's people like you that climb on any bandwagon to get some fame without actually doing anything. But hey, you're free to use the mods others make.

Nope. I will not shut the hell up until the game releases and proves me wrong. And if it won't prove me wrong, I will continue making noise until someone fixes it. Because I care about it. And it seems like I care more about it than you or the developer at this point.


It's perfectly understandable if MW5 is super easy. Lots of the developers aren't good gamers and if they see that it's too hard for the creators themselves, then they'll be reluctant to make it hard for the paying customer. Just grow a brain first, man.

No, it's not understandable. If the developers are not good gamers, they ask real gamers to beta test it for them. Like they are supposed to. Especially if they want to open the game to a wider audience than just the fans who play with joysticks and only want to see explosions and stomp around in big mechs without a care in the world. And to be honest, I think even those people are going to have too much of a cakewalk if the AI remains what it is in the demo.


You're acting like a hormonal teenager who doesn't know anything but makes a lot of noise by looking out of the window.

Nice going with the ad hominem -arguments again. When it comes down to it, you don't provide any arguments that prove my claims wrong. You don't make any kind of research into the game, the files, the mechanics, how the AI works or anything - you just attack the person because you have a different opinion based on hopes and feelings.

Edited by Jyi, 06 December 2019 - 01:10 AM.

#182 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:04 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:00 AM, said:

I played the DEMO and have seen some codex, now I know everything and my point is the only valid, THEY STOLE MY CANDY!!! Posted Image

This fits best for you:

Posted Image

#183 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:11 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 12:42 AM, said:

You bought ONE!!! copy, so this is how important your opinion is.
Deal with it.

So, it's either exactly equal to your opinion or more important than your opinion depending on whether you bought a copy.


You are only ssalty and try to spread that upon others, even more when you see that others actually like the game how it is or have minor problems with it.

No, I am disappointed about things that shouldn't be like they are, and I am making noise to get the developer to fix those things. I am not saying you're not allowed to like the game, but when you post arguments like "it's fine, it's going to be good", I am dismantling those arguments - because you have no proof and I do.

You seem to be happy even if the game is mediocre or bad. You are allowed to be. If you don't think the game will change depending on what I do, then what does it matter? And if you do think the game will change depending on what I do, then you're just getting a better game with a better AI - so what does it matter?

And if you think I am scaring other customers away by my doomsaying... well, like I just stated: all the game needs to do to prove me wrong is be good. All the game needs to be for people to buy it is good.


As I said before, grow up!

Says the person who posts Justin Timberlake songs on a topic about gameplay mechanics and AI on forum of a game with giant space robots. Yep.

#184 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:16 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:11 AM, said:

Says the person who posts Justin Timberlake songs on a topic about gameplay mechanics and AI on forum of a game with giant space robots. Yep.

I see, you don't understand the Intention, but ok, if this is a valid Argument for you, I see where you're coming from.

Btw, PGI has NOTHING to prove to YOU, it has to sell a huge amount of copies around the world, so they can keep the License and release as many good dlc as possible, that's all.

I don't think you will get your candy back, maybe call the Police and tell them PGI stole your candy, wonder how this works Posted Image

On the other hand, I can't get rid of a feeling that you maybe are just a bot that copy&paste the same arguments over and over….. Posted Image



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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:16 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:00 AM, said:

Nice going with the ad hominem -arguments again. When it comes down to it, you don't provide any arguments that prove my claims wrong. You don't make any kind of research into the game, the files, the mechanics, how the AI works or anything - you just attack the person because you have a different opinion based on hopes and feelings.

You're a presumptuous little nitwit if you think that I don't do research into game files, etc., I've been doing that since Morrowind. If anything, I actually know how to mod stuff which is why I'm calm whereas you are totally afraid that the game won't cater to you and to you alone and have to throw a hissy fit. People who know how to get things done, don't make noise like morons.

There are top players playing MW5 every other day. Go check the Discord channel out. There are already mods altering loadouts and even hardpoint counts for mechs. There's all sorts of activities in full swing and those top players are checking things out. All you're doing is complaining that people are ignoring you in your other topic and have invaded every topic there is screaming and throwing a hissy fit.

#186 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:24 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:00 AM, said:

blub…. you just attack the person because you have a different opinion based on hopes and feelings.

You just attack PGI, because you have a different opinion based on hopes and feelings....



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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:27 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 01:24 AM, said:

You just attack PGI, because you have a different opinion based on hopes and feelings....

Don't fall for that. He thinks that his "doomsaying" will frighten customers away. That's like thinking someone who sells pencils in a tea-cup on the road and holds the banner that says, "The world is ending", will scare people.

#188 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:31 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 01:16 AM, said:

Btw, PGI has NOTHING to prove to YOU, it has to sell a huge amount of copies around the world, so they can keep the License and release as many good dlc as possible, that's all.

Which is not going to happen if they don't make a good game.

I would love for PGI to sell huge amounts of copies around the world because they made a good game. Then I'd love to see more and more good BT-games. Like a modern version of Mechcommander (with a different name, perhaps). And DLC's to MW5.

But, if the base game isn't good enough to sell, none of it will happen. And it won't be my fault. No, I will be the one paying for it in form of a bad or mediocre game, hoping that some modder will fix it for me.

I like to look at myself as an investor. Posted Image

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 06 December 2019 - 01:16 AM, said:

You're a presumptuous little nitwit...

Look, there you go with the insults again. What have I done to anger you so? Possibly been right? Possibly been wrong? What does it matter what I say or do if you're so certain everything is fine?


...if you think that I don't do research into game files, etc., I've been doing that since Morrowind. If anything, I actually know how to mod stuff which is why I'm calm whereas you are totally afraid that the game won't cater to you and to you alone and have to throw a hissy fit. People who know how to get things done, don't make noise like morons.

Well, go fix the AI then. If you're capable and calm, go work on it. I'll thank you forever if you fix the AI.


There are top players playing MW5 every other day. Go check the Discord channel out. There are already mods altering loadouts and even hardpoint counts for mechs. There's all sorts of activities in full swing and those top players are checking things out.

I have been reading the Discord channel every day. Sadly, I don't think it's a very good channel for any kind of feedback or input. But I have said what I have to say there and read most of what other people say there. A ton of talk about joysticks and other irrelevant things, but not much about AI. I cba to post more there, as I might get some people banned from the Discord by angering them unnecessarily.


All you're doing is complaining that people are ignoring you in your other topic and have invaded every topic there is screaming and throwing a hissy fit.

I wouldn't call it a "hissy fit", I'd call it constructive criticism and brutal honesty... but yea, I'm pretty proud of my achievements too.

View PostFRAGTAST1C, on 06 December 2019 - 01:27 AM, said:

Don't fall for that. He thinks that his "doomsaying" will frighten customers away. That's like thinking someone who sells pencils in a tea-cup on the road and holds the banner that says, "The world is ending", will scare people.

According to your posts, it seems to be YOU who's afraid that I will frighten customers away. All I care about is getting the attention of the developers by activating likeminded people on the forums to post their opinion on the AI.

Edited by Jyi, 06 December 2019 - 01:29 AM.

#189 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:45 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:31 AM, said:


You often say AI works like braindead zombies, mmkay, so let's go this way:

Were zombies in RE:2 Remake smart?
Hell NO!

Did the game sell VERY well, because the rest around it (story, atmosphere, etc) was just epic?
Hell YES!

Eat that and take a break Posted Image

Edited by Unleashed3k, 06 December 2019 - 01:45 AM.

#190 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:50 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 01:24 AM, said:

You just constructively criticize PGI, because you have a different opinion based on facts and research into game mechanics...

Look, I fixed it for you.

But yea, PGI is not an individual customer, they are a company who are selling a product. And I'm not attacking them, I am helping them. I am giving constructive criticism on how to make their game sell.

Even if I was attacking them, PGI is a big boy, it can handle it.

Edited by Jyi, 06 December 2019 - 01:57 AM.

#191 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:55 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 01:45 AM, said:

You often say AI works like braindead zombies, mmkay, so let's go this way:

Were zombies in RE:2 Remake smart?
Hell NO!

Did the game sell VERY well, because the rest around it (story, atmosphere, etc) was just epic?
Hell YES!

Eat that and take a break Posted Image

Umm... they were literally zombies that are supposed to be dumb as a brick. Like, are you sure you want to make this argument?

I mean, RE2 is hard and brutal. Most people will die multiple times while playing it. Because it's full of narrow corridors. It doesn't matter that the AI in the game is braindead zombies - actually, it's a good thing. The zombies will still kill you.

If the mechwarriors in MW5 were all zombies for lore reasons, and they were dumb as bricks like now, but the game still provided enough challenge for people to have fun... Well, HELL YEA, WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!

But right now we're supposed to believe the mechwarriors in MW5 are veterans or elites who can pilot a mech like a champ. They are the only challenge of the game. There are no narrow corridors. You have to actually gimp yourself to even die in the demo. The only challenge is finding mechs and builds that are so bad that you can die.

Edited by Jyi, 06 December 2019 - 01:55 AM.

#192 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:56 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:50 AM, said:

Look, I fixed it for you.

But yea, PGI is not an individual customer, they are a company who are selling a product. And I'm not attacking them, I am helping them. I am giving constructive criticism on how to make their game sell.

Even if I was attacking them, PGI is a big boy, it can handle it.

It is one thing, to post constrcutive critcism once or twice, but "the AI is broken AF and they did everything wrong with it".... and this same Thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN....
well, if this is "constructive" for you, I get a clue how you were raised...

AND STILL: Your "facts" and "research" only come from a DETA/BEMO, where you can only see a small part of the whole game itself... in a PRE-release state.

So well, that's not smart either….

Btw, if you wanna talk to PGI, go to Discord, but I guess they've already banned you there, for "constructive" hate....

Edited by Unleashed3k, 06 December 2019 - 01:59 AM.



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Posted 06 December 2019 - 01:59 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 01:50 AM, said:

And I'm not attacking them, I am helping them. I am giving constructive criticism on how to make their game sell.

Oh, yeah, sure. All you've done is throw out hyperboles constantly. Why would they take you seriously? The people who are providing feedback are doing it already. You on the other hand, are trying to make yourself feel important by parroting ideas but mixing it up with your nonsense.

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 01:56 AM, said:

It is one thing, to post constrcutive critcism once or twice, but "the AI is broken AF and they did everything wrong with it".... and this same Thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN....
well, if this is "constructive" for you, I get a clue how you were raised...

AND STILL: Your "facts" and "research" only come from a DETA/BEMO, where you can only see a small part of the whole game itself... in a PRE-release state.

So well, that's not smart either….

Exactly! Quite frankly, the people who are genuinely interested in helping the game, are doing so already. They providing feedback and are in contact in Discord. But this guy.....

#194 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:12 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 01:56 AM, said:

It is one thing, to post constrcutive critcism once or twice, but "the AI is broken AF and they did everything wrong with it".... and this same Thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN....
well, if this is "constructive" for you, I get a clue how you were raised...

It's called "voicing your opinion". The constructive thing about it is, I have provided more and more examples on how it happens and what kind of things to do to fix it.

Also, I think having a heated discussion on the forum for all to see has its merits.


AND STILL: Your "facts" and "research" only come from a DETA/BEMO, where you can only see a small part of the whole game itself... in a PRE-release state.

I have already debunked this "beta" -argument. But to put it simply: it's not a beta, it's a demo. "Demo" is shortened form of "demonstration", as in "an act of showing that something exists or is true by giving proof or evidence.". It was released 2 weeks before the final version, so by all means it should give us a pretty accurate description of how the final product will be.

And like I've said before, there's a chance the demo is from an earlier build where AI is just bad compared to release. In which case, no harm, no foul. PGI will prove I was wrong by releasing an excellent game and everyone will be happy.

But, so far I haven't seen any proof of that, and I've seen a lot of proof that this is not the case. So, I'm making noise and hoping PGI will see it and react to it, even if they don't bother replying to it. In the end, I don't care how it happens, as long as we get a good game.


Btw, if you wanna talk to PGI, go to Discord, but I guess they've already banned you there, for "constructive" hate....

No, I'm there. I have posted my opinions there, like I said. But I don't think giving feedback on a Discord channel is a good idea. It's a complete mess, actually. A lot of talk about joysticks and stuff. I bet it's hard for PGI to read that huge and completely unregulated clump of messages. And I'm pretty sure PGI does read these forums, and if there's a lot of talk about AI here, it will get noticed.

By the way, I don't see YOU there. If you're there, what's your name, so I can say hi to you? Mine's Jyi, just like here.

Oh, and finally: if the release version will be good, I will be the first one to come back here and praise it and tell everyone I was wrong about the AI. Because I want it to succeed.

Edited by Jyi, 06 December 2019 - 02:16 AM.

#195 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:17 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 02:12 AM, said:

It's called "voicing your opinion". The constructive thing about it is, I have provided more and more examples on how it happens and what kind of things to do to fix it.

Also, I think having a heated discussion on the forum for all to see has its merits.

I have already debunked this "beta" -argument. But to put it simply: it's not a beta, it's a demo. "Demo" is shortened form of "demonstration", as in "an act of showing that something exists or is true by giving proof or evidence.". It was released 2 weeks before the final version, so by all means it should give us a pretty accurate description of how the final product will be.

And like I've said before, there's a chance the demo is from an earlier build where AI is just bad compared to release. In which case, no harm, no foul. PGI will prove I was wrong by releasing an excellent game and everyone will be happy.

But, so far I haven't seen any proof of that, and I've seen a lot of proof that this is not the case. So, I'm making noise and hoping PGI will see it and react to it, even if they don't bother replying to it. In the end, I don't care how it happens, as long as we get a good game.

No, I'm there. I have posted my opinions there, like I said. But I don't think giving feedback on a Discord channel is a good idea. It's a complete mess, actually. A lot of talk about joysticks and stuff. I bet it's hard for PGI to read that huge and completely unregulated clump of messages. And I'm pretty sure PGI does read these forums, and if there's a lot of talk about AI here, it will get noticed.

By the way, I don't see YOU there. If you're there, what's your name, so I can say hi to you? Mine's Jyi, just like here.

So you believe PGI will read through your million posts about the same stuff HERE and will take this into account… ouch

Children voice their "opinion" the same way, cry for hours and hours just in hope someone is "finally" listening….
...that underlines my previous statements about this behaviour very well.

Oh, and I said BEMO/DETA, where did I talk about a "beta"?

Edited by Unleashed3k, 06 December 2019 - 02:19 AM.

#196 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:19 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 02:17 AM, said:

Children voice their "opinion" the same way, cry for hours and hours just in hope someone is "finally" listening….
...that underlines my previous statements about this behaviour very well.

Well, it's pretty effective, isn't it? Posted Image

Though I'd say my posts are a bit more constructive than that.

Also, notice how you have been attacking and calling me this and that, and I haven't done that even once.

Edited by Jyi, 06 December 2019 - 02:20 AM.

#197 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:20 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 02:19 AM, said:

Well, it's pretty effective, isn't it? Posted Image


#198 Jyi


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:23 AM

View PostUnleashed3k, on 06 December 2019 - 02:20 AM, said:


When a baby cries, it will be attended to. You wouldn't leave a crying baby laying around if you happened to stumble on one, would you?

#199 Unleashed3k


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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:26 AM

View PostJyi, on 06 December 2019 - 02:23 AM, said:

When a baby cries, it will be attended to. You wouldn't leave a crying baby laying around if you happened to stumble on one, would you?

If it cries because I didn't buy the candy at the shop, guess what will happen.... right, nothing. Posted Image

And you're not insulting me/others?

From another thread:
"You're not a very clever man? Posted Image "

Yes, exactly...

Edited by Unleashed3k, 06 December 2019 - 02:26 AM.



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Posted 06 December 2019 - 02:28 AM

When a grown man thinks that attention-craving noises is a good way to get noticed....

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