cougurt, on 02 April 2020 - 12:04 AM, said:
if you keep an eye out for the bright blue laser beams they'll actually lead you right back to the enemies that are firing them.
True.. AFTER they hit you.. and literally take a piece of you. So the argument that sniping from 1000+ meters is better than Lurming because they expose is invalid, because yes, they expose, but if you're not also a sniper, they are in no danger when they expose.
And if you push them, you also have to expose, and they are alot more likely to hit you and kill you than a LRM mech would because a lurmer needs to lock, while direct fire can hit and be back in cover much quicker.
Therefore I really don't understand how sniping is not considered just as bad or worse, and OP as the worst possible Lurmer did before the mega-nerf.
Ignatius Audene, on 02 April 2020 - 12:40 AM, said:
So u can a. trade better with ac2, erll, eerppc etc
b. pusha (dps dakka or even nsr srm)
C. get in mid range and trade better (vomit, big alpha etc.)
Since b needs team work a and c are easier done as solo.
A) If you become a sniper to counter snipers, the game devolves into a sniper-only boring game.. so yuck. No.
B ) Pushing against a sniper has well-known results. Usually death or significant damage. Have machinegun nests in WWI tought you nothing?
C) See also point 2.
BTW, you can do A, B, and C against a LRM boat, and LRM boats were considered OP and were nerfed. (turned into direct fire low-damage ATMs, while their counters were mega-buffed). Would it not be then fair to nerf extreme-range spam? Or do snipers get special nerf-free treatment when compared to runt-of-the-litter LRM community punching bags?
Edited by Vellron2005, 02 April 2020 - 12:58 AM.