Jaecyn, on 27 April 2020 - 06:43 PM, said:
This isn't directed solely at you good person, but this is a good encapsulation of much of the sentiment against making this kind of change I think. I'd just like to offer a view from the other side of things, as a Tier 4 scrub solo player. Not for nothing, but might I actually get to learn something from playing with organized lances operating beside and against me? Since, as has been pointed out several times I literally can't do group drops right now (45+ wait times if I scrape 2 or 3 people together before just giving up and sync dropping), I've never really even had the chance to experience anything like what many here are describing as the 'optimal' experience.
Mostly, you'll learn "Gee, how do they make people DIE so fast?" as there isn't as much learning experience time while you're in one cockpit while the grouped up lance is harvesting as many kills as quickly as possible- or you will end learning because you will unfortunately be the one the enemy team lance finds and focuses down, giving you ample time to watch in spectator mode.
Don't expect communication. Most groups use outside VOIP simply because it's a clearer channel and soloers are frequently more of a liability if not an active impediment (if you've ever heard someone going full salt in solo, well expect to hear it more often).
Either way, also expect your grinds to be slower. Being more efficient, most lances will proceed to gobble up the lion's share of kills, leaving you with few if any games of note other than being "Fodder #6" in the ranks once you hit Rank 3+ and can be included in the same games as most groups.
And if it's a lance that can be in T4 games? Cringe, because odds are you're about to experience the joys of people in accounts they should not be, looking for target practice far below their skill levels.