Larsh, on 04 May 2020 - 07:22 AM, said:
Hard to say, and that is our dilemma here. This change, and forum, has brought to light the differing views of what MWO means to the different player bases. Some will say that a match was acceptable, while some will say that is wasn't. So if people want definite stats to give them conscience, that may be harder said than done. But, with a dwindling playerbase, and still on a decline, it's hard to say if GQ and SQ will need to merged in the end to survive.
Anyone here have a psych degree so we psychoanalyze of thoughts? haha.
About the psych can pretty much do that yourself. There are two test you can run to find out what kind of player you are and those are partialy also used in game development as well as psychologial studies.
On is the Bartel test ->
and the other is from Quantic ->
PGI could use this knowledge about players and their behavior and either create the game around a certain type of player OR they can look what kind of players they have and then design the game to further strengthen the game in that direction.
Beside that I think you need both, players opinions as well as the data and then take look at what it tells you.
For example when people loose more games but report that they have more fun and more people returning....that could be a hint that people have greater enjoyment of playing in small teams then they have the urge to win.
On the other hand if you see a lot more stomps when small teams are present and your playerbase reports that the games are overall not enjoyable, then small groups don't seam to work.
Both cases are oversimplified. Surely you have to look into those caes much more detailed like what kind of makeup had the groups, when did they play (timezone), what was those teams W/L rate over the day and so on.
Still I wouldn't dismiss opionions completely even if you know that a good number of those voices are just emotional and not objective.
VonBruinwald, on 04 May 2020 - 07:10 AM, said:
Is there a ratio at where we say an unfair game is acceptable. At what point are we ok with 1/x?
Do the contributors even matter, matchmaking, group stomping or hacks... should we even care about the contributors ratios as long as it doesn't exceed the sum?
Idealy you would have no stomps and perfect balance without cheaters but that is a dream. So you have to set a point, as developer, where you say "That is acceptable".
What is acceptable is very different for each person.Try to get the number as low as you can without blocking the MM from making any kind of matches...that should be the goal.