As I mentioned last week, I'd be playing with a few of the match making numbers on the live servers throughout the weekend and I'd share info that was discovered in doing so.
So the initial numbers on Friday were showing me this:
Average wait in QP queue: ~48 seconds Tightened Tier Separation wait time: ~75 seconds Tightened Weight Class Restrictions wait time: ~59 seconds Combined Tier/Weight Class Restrictions wait time: ~1 minute 30 seconds
That being said, as more tests happened, the more accurate those numbers would change to. These would be:
Average wait in QP queue: ~48 seconds Tightened Tier Separation wait time: ~91 seconds Tightened Weight Class Separation: ~58 seconds Combined Tier/Weight Class Restrictions wait time: ~1 minute 40 seconds.
It became very clear that there was a heavy trade-off in wait times doing even minimal adjustments to the release valves and hard limits on Tier/Weight Class. Essentially it boils down to the same principle of economics:

Basically we are putting a point (set of MM values/restrictions) somewhere in the above triangle. Unless the point is dead center, there's a give and take effect happening. If that point leans toward any given corner of the triangle, the other two properties will take a hit in balance.
On Tuesday, when the queues were combined, there were very little restrictions in terms of Tier/Weight Class restrictions. It resulted in games kicking off very quickly.

While a lot of feedback was positive to the combination, there were concerns regarding Tier and Weight Class disparity between teams. We investigated what could be done with the current configuration tools. The first change I made on Friday was to tighten the Tier/PSR limits. This resulted in drastic increases in wait times as would be expected:
Friday/Saturday: Tier tightening

In the above image, the Tier tightening uses the average PSR of the teams and limits how wide the MM will go before expanding to include a wider skill set of players. Even minor changes to this setting results in significant queue time increases. It also leaves the weight class issue wide open and the disparity between teams is messed up.
Friday/Saturday: Weight Class tightening

The next test above, was to see the effects of clamping Weight Class restrictions. Tiers/PSR was reset to no restriction. This Weight Class restriction resulted in tighter balancing of weight classes and increased queue wait times to a notable level. Obviously Tier/PSR balancing took a hit here.
Friday/Saturday: Tier/Weight Class combination tightening

In the image above, I tried to find a happy medium where time to get a match, Tier/PSR matching and Weight Class matching all had their place. The combination of Tier and Weight matching is additive so no matter what the settings are set to, the global wait time is going to increase. It now comes down to how much time is acceptable to get the Tier balancing and Weight balancing having a positive impact.
The current values are giving us the following:
Average wait time in QP Queue: ~1 min 30 seconds (up from ~48 seconds) Average Tier separation between teams: ~300 (tightened from ~1800) Average Weight Class difference: +/- 1 or 2 in a given weight class (5 heavies, 3 assaults for example) (tightened from 12)
There are times where the Match Maker runs out of players. When this happens and the queue is waiting to fill beyond release valve timers, there will be the odd circumstance where all valves are open and you will see a full open Tier/Weight Class match formed. While this is fairly rare, it is possible.
For the time being, we're going to leave the numbers where they are and continue to monitor what's going on.