vulture prime, on 25 May 2020 - 06:07 PM, said:
It's hard to give input on resetting the tiers because I don't know exactly what goes into PSR....
Current PSR system works like an experience bar :
- Good matches will raise your PSR experience bar faster.
- Bad matches will raise your PSR experience bar slower.
- You automatically end up being forced into Tier 1 over time, no matter how good or how bad you play.
- Tier 1 is a mess of every player who played long enough to be dumped into the Tier 1 mess.
With the suggested PSR system change :
- Good matches help you reach Tier 1.
- Bad matches prevent you from reaching Tier 1.
- You might drop back to Tier 5 to access easier matches, instead of being automatically dumped into Tier 1.
- Tier 1 will provide the highest difficulty setting, instead of a mess.
Edited by Warning incoming Humble Dexterer, 25 May 2020 - 06:30 PM.