Alreech, on 18 July 2020 - 05:04 AM, said:
MWO doesn't need more maps anyway, because most players vote for simple, easy to play maps like HPG, Mining Collective, Canyon Network....
Who want's an other useless map like Terra Therma, Polar Highlands or Alpine Peaks?
Such maps are ill suited for Solo Quickplay.
Those three maps provide some of the most varied gameplay provided you aren't stuck with a W + M1 group. Especially like Terra Therma as it's one of the only maps that even remotely reminds players "Oh yeah, heat management used to be a major component of this game!"
Problem is that people vote for those maps (often using high multipliers) and then it's stuck on domination which, instead of encouraging multiple small engagements all over the map by using a moving circle, convinces players to walk dead center of the map and plant roots.
Honestly the maps aren't the problem in map stagnation- it's the playerbase pushing out any form of contribution that isn't purely direct damage based mixed with an exodus of mic-using, drop calling players. Can't know where to flank if there are no lights scouting, can't have lights scouting if the massive power creep leads to normalized 60+ alphas insta-gibbing the now ridiculously huge models, why bring a medium if you can bring a heavy and why bring a heavy if you can bring an assault sort of play.
Funny story, I played a few drops in which there was a competitive level group on my team recently and noted that one of the major differences was that in having a full lance of folk who were willing to listen they consistently used the main force as a pinning agent then flanked in from the side or rear causing the enemy team to either panic and split engage, or turn and drop to low rear armor in moments.
Then i thought back to the days when quite a few people had mics, lights were numerous and ran in wolfpacks as a standard, and sighed a little inside.
Map voting was a mistake and the only thing that fixed it was the vote multipliers allowing people to force a difference between the constant order of (coldest map possible > HPG > Canyon Network).
Players will optimize the fun out of a game if given the slightest opportunity, after all.