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Psr Tier Metrics - Round 1

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#181 Tyler Jorgensson


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 04:35 AM

View PostOneTeamPlayer, on 15 July 2020 - 05:49 PM, said:

Stock mech builds are lore too with customizations being ridiculously expensive and rare.

Repair costs are also lore.

Re-arming costs are also lore.

Permanent destruction of mechs is also lore

Pilot knockouts with long recovery times are also lore

If every bit of "lore" were present in MWO literally no one would play this game.

I also can't believe that someone is arguing for unbalanced results in what is advertised as a competitive game.

2020 is some kind of year "yeah we're playing a game bro, but getting your teeth stomped in because of a lack of an ability to create fair matches like literally every other competitive game does is lore, bro."

Even being a competitive game. There shouldn't be a total stomp match after match. I've been in that situation before and it is kind of demoralizing. Yes, I know it's just a game. But there are people out there (mostly T1) that take it seriously like they would a RL job. This is why they have a competitive mode and should have it enabled far more often than just a couple times a year to shove off the super serious T1/T2 people into an area where they can be all :| about it.

Quick play is meant to be drop for fun, kill some stompy robots, laugh and replay. It's draining when you end up facing :| kind of people and get your face kicked in time after time. Hopefully this rebalancing fixes this.

#182 Horseman


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 04:44 AM

View PostAlreech, on 17 July 2020 - 03:31 AM, said:

No, I lost more often and die more often then I try to protect my team mates.
Nobody is telling you to lose your mech to protect a teammate who's already screwed anyway.
Again, minimize losses - if it's a choice between both of you dying or only him, by all means preserve your combat potential (but make use of the distraction to get in a few more shots).
If, on the other hand, it's a choice betwen both of you surviving or only you surviving at marginally higher health... keeping both mechs on the board is worth more than preserving your immaculate paintjob.


Don't stay back to help slow "team mates"
Correct... call for a regroup instead.


So why most MWO players giving a dam about that?
Most players are even to stupid to press R to traget a Mech to see his weak spots.
More of them will listen than will speak up.
It may make only a slight difference, but if you aim to win you should be stacking every possible advantage rather than dismissing them because they're not automatic game-changers.

Edited by Horseman, 17 July 2020 - 06:08 AM.

#183 Slothasaurus


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 05:16 AM

Wait times aren't too bad so far. Matches have been for the most part more better/more competitive. Less outright stomps.

Slowly making my way through tier 2. I find though I better pick a mech I am good with. If I do I more often than not get rank increases. If I pick one i am skilling up or a one just for fun then results are usually not too good. From the in-game voice comms people seem to be a lot more serious now sometimes hostile with each other when talking.

Wish there was a queue to play in like how the old Quick Play was setup where you could pick whatever and stomp around killing stuff in a more relaxed atmosphere.

#184 KopfKnaKKer


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 05:37 AM

wait time is much to long now

#185 warner2


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 06:05 AM

View PostVorpal Puppy, on 15 July 2020 - 02:47 PM, said:

So, exactly how are groups matched? By highest tier number of player in group?

#186 Davegt27


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 06:34 AM

higher tier players made it clear they did not want to play low tier players

so longer wait times is to be expected

#187 OneTeamPlayer


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 06:55 AM

View PostAidan Crenshaw, on 17 July 2020 - 02:40 AM, said:

300 lootbags =/= 300 matches
you need 150 matches with at least MS 80 for Phase One, which lasts three weeks.
you need 20000 MS accumulated for Phase Two, which lasts two weeks and starts a week after Phase One.
you need 50 Kill/KMDD for Phase Three, which lasts one week and starts two weeks after Phase One.

so ideally you would play 50 matches in week 1,
then 50 matches in week 2,
and 50 matches in week 3

From the way i'm reading with the way phases are ending don't they all overlap in week 3?

Meaning it would be most time efficient to skip weeks 1 and 2 and get all the results done simultaneously in week 3?

Also would give matchmaker more time to settle down, if that's what's actually happening.

Edited by OneTeamPlayer, 17 July 2020 - 06:55 AM.

#188 Agyar30


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 07:11 AM

Still i am feeling penalized to be in tier 1, aiming for more competitive matches are great, however allowing 4 minute+ wait times because of that is just a really bad idea. Something needs to be changed.

#189 Snuks3


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 07:16 AM

View PostAgyar30, on 17 July 2020 - 07:11 AM, said:

Still i am feeling penalized to be in tier 1, aiming for more competitive matches are great, however allowing 4 minute+ wait times because of that is just a really bad idea. Something needs to be changed.

I agree. T1 wait times are non-viable for many players, including me. I don't have much time to play and don't want to be waiting ages for a few games.

#190 R Valentine


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 09:24 AM

Tier 1 matches are still garbage. 12-2, 12-1, 12-4 at best. But I have to wait upwards of 20 minutes for them. You clearly can't give us competitive matches, PGI. At least let us play the damn game.

#191 ESC 907


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 09:40 AM

Is it just me, or is this thread hidden from the main Forum? I can get to it from Paul's Twitter link, but it is not appearing on the Forum Announcements page.

#192 hardenum


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 09:44 AM

I'd love to be permamently put in low t5 so I can enjoy the game. I suck at gaming.

#193 Agyar30


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 09:51 AM

View PostKiran Yagami, on 17 July 2020 - 09:24 AM, said:

Tier 1 matches are still garbage. 12-2, 12-1, 12-4 at best. But I have to wait upwards of 20 minutes for them. You clearly can't give us competitive matches, PGI. At least let us play the damn game.

Yup, i think it is even more stompy now than ever.

#194 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 10:05 AM

Ya well, either the valves will open sooner (which would somewhat contradict the whole purpose of the PSR reset) or the scores that are necessary to "level up" to Tier 2 will be lowered.

#195 Vorpal Puppy


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 10:33 AM

As I see it, there are a few things that could be tweaked around if PGI is interested that would improve both the match quality and the wait times.
First, they have to quit treating everyone in specific tiers as equal. We have more granularity - USE IT!!
Now, using the actual PSR numbers, 0-5000, I think it is, add granularity to the release valves. For example, if a Tier 1 match was previously restricted to PSRs of 4000-5000, instead of waiting 4 minutes to go to 3000 (aka all of Tier2), at 30 seconds make it 3900-5000. Then every 10-15 seconds drop the bottom number another 100 or so. (you could do the same thing for Tier 4 and 5, just in reverse)
Then, once you get all 24 players for a given match, do a least squares balancing of the 2 teams because skill is NOT linear with their PSR numbers (will probably have to scale the PSRs first).
Played in several games the other night where I knew I was encountering groups of very high end T1 players. Most were stomps one way or the other - and they didn't have to be. Even with the elite groups, a better balancing of the remaining players would have made for much more competitive games.

#196 Goose


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 10:46 AM

You're just gon'a haf'ta suffer 'till more players move out'a Tier 3. Posted Image

#197 RoninTN


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 10:47 AM

I don't generally post, so here goes.
I love the game. I spend money on it to support developers, I give my main resource, time, to it.
It is not fun anymore, which is what I am looking for, before all the changes it was much better than now.
I will not spend another dime, and unless by the time the event is over, another moment on the game until something is done.
I don't know how to fix it, don't claim to, however, what you are doing now is NOT working.
I understand it might take some time for the changes to settle in, but the last couple of days of been a horrible experience from my side.
I don't care what tier I am, IF I am having fun.

#198 Horseman


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 10:56 AM

View PostOneTeamPlayer, on 17 July 2020 - 06:55 AM, said:

From the way i'm reading with the way phases are ending don't they all overlap in week 3?


Meaning it would be most time efficient to skip weeks 1 and 2 and get all the results done simultaneously in week 3?
Only if you are able to no-life the game through that whole week. You'd need to do an average of 20 games each and every day.

#199 K4I 4LL4RD LI4O


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 12:05 PM

PGI wake up!!! Paul, Matt, whoever, do something. This was the worst day I had in MWO so far and I am playing on several accounts over the years and invested hundreds if not thousands of Euro. Matchmaker is a joke. Waitingtime between matches unexaptable. Tiersystem and Matchscore is fundamantaly broken. You wanted skills to count for tier ranking well it is only damage that counts making good lightmech players obsolet.I know that I am not alone with my frustration cause it is the same through out every gamechat and if you need more confirmation watch baraduls latest video on youtube and hear what he has to say. I am close to quiting the game now. A game that I loved to play for years. Get your act together people, this game and community diserves better and most of use don't give a s... about MW5 until it is complett in about 3 years time judging from your development speed.

#200 Frith


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Posted 17 July 2020 - 01:17 PM

I'm in Tier 3, and it's taking me a lot longer to get into quick play battles than before. If the majority of us are Tier 3, why does it take so long?

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