I haven't read the rest of this, because it's eighteen pages in length, so far. However, as someone who's been here since the very beginning -I think I was the second actual Player, not staff, media, programmers, friends or family, but second Player to actually sign up to these forums- I'm going to put my two cents. I'm reticent to see how things will go, but here goes, anyway...
EDIT: I've now read the first seven pages of this thread and it's the same BS we've always had. Piranha never listened to the BS, before, so why now?
I think everyone's definition of fun can be taken care of. Let Players select the account type they want, how high they want to go in MWO.
NOTE: The Clans do not accept Inner Sphere folks in their ranks to fight, unless they've been captured and seen as someone that can be retrained, per the canon. Stop practicing that crap where anyone fits anywhere; that's not how it works and I'm sick and tired of the
everyone gets a trophy mentality.
Ghost (can play anywhere as a unit filler without really gaining or losing anything; this would be great for solo players)
Play With My Buddies (can play with the friends he has in his friends list; can also play as a Ghost; could be great for Lance sizes of friends)
Non-serious Unit Play (this is what I left behind in 2017 when I stopped playing with the faction play, when very stupidly Piranha decided they were going to limit folks; can play as a non-serious unit, finding spots to fit a Lance or two into playing across the Inner Sphere; can also play only with their buddies and/or as a ghost, and this is where training simulators against AI or live-pilot teams become available)
Unit Play (can play as a low-ranking individual in the unit; you have the ability to accrue points and use simulators as part of a more role-play capable experience, but have access to all lower tiers of account types; once you have taken yourself to a high-enough rank, you can be invited to play as...)
Command Staff (this is where the contract, resource, and overall unit management takes place; lower tiers don't deal with these, but Command Staff, as with all lower steps, can play in all lower account tiers).
Why do things this way? Because the greater portion of your Players don't want anything to do with any sort of management of resources, whatsoever, but those resources can be responsibly controlled from the top, which affects everyone in the lower tiers without their real knowledge. How does game-play work? It's an actual Inner Sphere with contracts, resources, units, etc., though only the Command Staff and Unit Play folks know what's going on, while everyone else participates in simulators if they're not participating in a shooting war, without knowing or needing to know what and why they are fighting. Why are Command style folks, who enjoy the unit management thing, coming to play MWO? Because this is what MWO was, originally, going to be. Those of you who wish to remain unwitting pawns can do so without any sort of penalty or nasty effect, except maybe in being told what weight class of 'Mech to bring to participate with a particular unit/element.
This will likely not be well-received because there are just too many folks who only want to pound on one-another ceaselessly, mindlessly, without considering what the rest of us who have been left out, have been marginalized, want to play. It's a matter of logistics for Piranha, it's a matter of desired fun for the community that is not, presently, nor since 2011, being represented. The unit leaders are the ones that have held things together since 1995, who CREATED warfare where there was no support for it in MechWarrior II, Mercenaries, and Ghost Bear's Legacy, in MechCommander and MechCommander Gold, in MechWarrior III and Pirate's Moon where independent, unpaid support was created by the absolute fanatics of the BattleTech universe, and in MechWarrior IV, Black Knight, and Mercenaries where we saw as much of perfection from unpaid developers as we could possibly get, built over thousands of man-hours of beating the learning curve, developing new maps, 'Mechs, and modes, even if they were unregulated by the programming, etc. Piranha ain't done **** in this realm, and the CW/FW changes that allowed a list of Players with their 'Mech and extraordinarily weak contracting do NOT count.
I, myself, learned how to build web pages in 1997, and I learned how to use the phpBB forums, php in my headers, footers, and menu's, where I raised and lost Armageddon Unlimited to greedy pretenders who couldn't care less about the reason AU existed and preferred to act like little kids and run around killing all the bad guys with impunity and zero honor whatsoever, because there was ZERO STORY, and a second and third time and, finally, MWO killed AU in 2017 due to the lies and nonsense and theft when we, the BattleTech community who were told what sort of game Piranha wanted to build and we all agreed with it and put in money, I think it was $16.4 million, to build THAT game, the GAME they told us they wanted, and then we got the ******** we've got, now.
Why in hell can't we have unit, resource, and contract management in a game WE PAID FOR?
There is a way to salvage it, all of this hard work, and make it a game for EVERYONE!!! My God, if I could get the game you, Piranha, originally told us you wanted to do, without all the nonsense that Paul threw into it, which likely cost the greater portion of the FORTUNE you had available to develop the game, originally, I would be singing from the rooftops, and you, Piranha, would NEVER have to put out nonsense, like the 'Mech Packs, EVER again. I've been telling you this since 2011, damn't and, perhaps, you may actually listen this time!!!
Make me sing across the rooftops the good news of MechWarrior Online and I will figure out how to **** a new computer, if I have to, so I could come play with my buddies, with my Armageddon Unlimited, again.
Otherwise, you may as well quit, now, because those subscriptions, new and old, WILL NOT BE THERE to help keep MWO alive. I've been telling you THAT for a decade, as well.
Colonel Kay Wolf, Armageddon Unlimited (Commanding Officer; ret.)
Edited by Threat Doc, 13 October 2020 - 07:43 PM.