Monetizing options to think about
1. Create new content
- new content should be created that players can spend money on
- if you don't want to create totally new mechs, you could also add new variants
- mech packs could be rethought so that they would contain one mech of each weight class. These mechs could then be new variants of already existing mechs that don't exist yet.
- you could think about different houses/clans and their specialties to diversify the different players and playstyles. Would players and hardcore fans want to pay for these traits? Would it be possible to use the traits on all your mechs if you unlock them first somehow? So basically you could get more options for your mech variants (bigger engines, switch some hardpoint on a mech, heavy gausses would use less slots, IS heat sinks would spend only 2 space slots, add 50% heat transfer skill or other non-critical skills to your chosen loyalist mech variant etc. This would require player to buy e.g. loyalist mechs which would be unique and they would contain additional section in the skill tree for unlocking the loyalist options.) This would need playtesting so that the given options are not too overpowered. Or then these options would only be active in e.g. faction play when playing for the house/clan mission.
2. Add MC spending options
- add extra votes when selecting gamemode and map
- spend MC to get rid of team damage / disconnect penalties
- spend MC to replenish all/some consumables in a QP match
- spend tons of MC to use Long Tom in faction play
3. Monthly passes
- you could add e.g. 5/10/15/20 dollar montly passes where player need to play event style objectives to get the pass rewards. This would appeal to new players as they could get e.g. hero mechs this way. You could have different cost tier monthly passes for different weight classes. The rewards could include a hero mech from a list of hero mechs to choose from, unique house specific camos for the mech, mc rewards...
- add a mechanic that if you play enough games during a month, you would get monthly premium time and consumable package + use of all colours to customize your mechs for the next month for a small e.g. 1-3 dollar fee.
4. Use drop decks for QP
- drop decks should contain one mech variant of each weight class
- four different mechs needed for QP would give players more incentive to invest in all mech types and you could sell more mech packs
- you could merge QP and FP queues this way if needed
- you could add objectives to QP matches where players would first use light mechs and then switch to other weight classes etc. For example in incursion there could be a fight with light mechs first about the energy packs. The winner gets the energy pack to their chosen use for the upcoming match. The main match starts after this prelude with different mechs.
- QP matchmaker could choose different weight class mech for a player if there is need to balance the teams via tonnage
5. MWO world championships
- should be brought back
- Bring back support passes and rewards for those who spend money to the game
6. Steam mech packs
- should bring money in + possibly new players during Steam sales
Edited by MeanMachinE, 07 October 2020 - 02:14 PM.