1. All mechs come with standard EW package, which limits detection from standard sensors to 800m range. This equipment does not put nearby mechs into low signal or protect allies, it is simply considered "normal".
2. The standard EW equipment is affected by the ECM skill tree nodes
3. Lower ECM skill node effect to ~30-35%, boost ECM equipment effect, so that max ECM effect range is unchanged
Lock-on Missile Weapons:
1. 0 lock-on time, when you mouse over a target (direct or indirect lock), you get instant lock and can fire (buff)
2. LRM/ATM/SSRM travel speed reduced by 30-40% (buff still as lock + travel time is reduced overall)
3. LRM/ATM/SSRM missile heath reduced by 20-30% (nerf)
4. LRM/ATM/SSRM spread increased by 50-100% if target is under the effect of ECM (neutral since no ECM lock on penalty anymore)
5. Streak SRM changed to use ATM flight model (still no need to maintain lock, can enable dumbfire but don't hold your breath)
6. Streak SRM will use spread mechanic, with spread tweaks so that all missiles will hit an Atla's 3 torsos square on, but only 50% of missiles will hit a flea or piranha.
1. Allowing all mechs to use ECM skill nodes is both true to lore (all mechs did come with EW) and is also a counter to sensor range skill nodes should you invest in it. (more changes would be better here, but I'm trying to keep this suggestion a simple XML tweak)
2. Removing the lock-on time is to make missile weapons easier to fire up close (read less frustrating), and can be used to trade shots from cover, this is to encourage people to move up with the team
3. Reducing the missile velocity means that it's easier to dodge missiles (or be forced into cover faster, depending on perspective), and to balance out the buff of no lock-on time (3s lock time + 4 second missile flight time today versus 0 s lock time and 5.6s missile flight time is still a buff)
4. AMS being made more powerful through nerfing of missile health is also to counter the buff from not needing lock-on time.
5. If lock-on time is removed, the ECM protection effect is changed to spread, something we know can be changed dynamically on missile launch through the LRM trajectory update
6. Streak flight change is a tweak to be less OP against lights and more effective against assaults
7. Skill floor is lowered because you do not need to wait a long time for a lock, giving you more chances to fire
8. Skill ceiling is raised because while you have more opportunities to fire, the missiles are easier to counter, so you have to learn WHEN to fire to score hits
9. Skill ceiling is raised in that you can trade with LRMs in LOS against direct fire weapons
10. Eventually, you learn that indirect locks don't give you enough information to accurately lob missiles, and being in LOS yourself is the most sure way to earn damage, though doing both is fine and leads to LRMs performing on par with direct fire
11. Removing lock time is critical to being able to pair lock-on missiles with other weapons with some degree of effectiveness
12. TL:DR: These changes narrow the gap between lock-ons and direct fire weapons, without moving the power level, and enabling a smoother transition for those dependent on indirect-fire today.
Edited by Nightbird, 26 October 2020 - 07:56 AM.