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Mechwarrior Online 2021: Monetization

2021 monetization

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#141 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 10:11 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 16 November 2020 - 12:51 PM, said:

  • New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns)

This is the only one that makes sense to me. Camos have been pretty lacking and most of the cool ones are typically locked behind special variants but definitely different paint effects like metallica, pearlescent, etc would be nice. Tracer or impact effects are also a big thing CoD seems to be pushing with Warzone as well that seem like good options here and asked for a while (lasers specifically). However it shouldn't change the ability to visually identify weapons. So small lasers that are colored like large lasers would be a no-no (unless we are moving to a different scheme where ER/Standard/Heavy lasers share the same colors instead of color being by size).

A little confused by what mechlab customization means here, I'm hoping it means the bolt-ons but I think something that would be nice that still is in the game for some mechs is different looking geometry for some mechs or equipment. Like can we get different PPC styles that we can apply across mechs? Or stuff like different cockpit or part styles similar to the Atlases' different heads. That would be decent avenues for monetization.

Another thing is how you release mechs, Siege probably has the closest comparison to Mechs. Instead of the monthly schedule of yore, you just have season passes that allow you full access to everything introduced in the season at the beginning and each season introduces two mechs (one IS/one Clan) as well as other new stuff (like cosmetics or anything like that). The season schedule of 3 months seems to be a good time frame for both anything competitive related but also allows time for meta shakeups to settle. Basically instead of the weird events you do that are often at times that are limited and not for everyone, just have 3 month long events that give players plenty of time to get free stuff and play the game. If you really need to get players to test things, just have a free premium weekend or something as double XP/C-Bills is always nice.

#142 Forgeling


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 12:31 PM

Hero Omnipods for MC would be fantastic.

Hero or Loyatly Camo for MC would also be fantastic but might be problematic.

Custom Beam colours is something I've always wanted but I never modded the game since it's against the rules.

#143 Will9761


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 03:29 PM

Given the fact that competitive units are the only group who get the exception to have their decals made for free when they make it to the Mechwarrior Online Championships has me thinking. It would be nice if this type of gratitude was extended for those unit leaders who want to make their own type of decals, provided they're willing to pay for them. The way it should be done is that PGI should allow the unit leader of their group to upload a picture for decals that the PGI artist can interpret into MWO, as long as the upload images are used as a reference.

  • Upload a file that is either a GIF, PNG, JPG, or a JPEG.
  • Fill out the name of your unit and the tag of that unit, so that the image can be transferred to that unit in game once the unit logo is completed.
Guidelines to Follow:
  • The image must not infringe on an existing intellectual property.
  • It must not be done as a way to disrespect PGI members or the company as a whole.(i.e. F' Russ, Daeron Sucks, PGI Derpy face or PGI Troll face)
  • The imagery must not be offensive or sexually explicit. (Swastikas, genitalia, racial caricatures, etc)
  • The image in question must not be made for personal use [i.e. Solo Units] (well, it can be, but it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine).
  • The image in question must not already be used by someone else.
  • After you have submitted your logo to PGI, it should take around three days or a week to review the logo that was created for your unit.
  • If your decal did not become approved, you will receive a refund in MC. As long as you did not break the guidelines.
  • If you have broken one or more of the guidelines stated above, then you will not be refunded your MC.
  • In either case, you will be asked to change the image accordingly to fit the guidelines. It will also tell you where you went wrong and how to fix the problem.
Here is a bit of a sketch-up of what the system could look like. The other route that PGI could do is create a "Show Your Unit Decal" Thread and see how they could interpret the unit decal art into the game.

But still, here is my mock-up of it.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Disapproved (Good Terms):
Posted Image

Disapproved (Bad Terms):
Because why should you be rewarded for bad behavior? This is in case if the leader is using the unit decal system to promote hate speech, act a fool, or take personal jabs at people, PGI or events. In that case they just wasted money.
Posted Image

Edited by Will9761, 08 December 2020 - 11:01 AM.

#144 Timuroslav


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 10:19 PM

Only thing I'm not keen on is custom laser colors.

I like being able to see a laser beam and know, what is being shot at me.
Opposed to some random pink glitter rainbow beam, with unknown distance.

#145 w0qj


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 10:30 PM

How about splitting up the Laser beam color into two (2) observable components:
ie: Player can see their own customized colors; other players cannot see the customized colors, for easier beam/weapon identification.

a) To the Player: Customized laser colors (PPC, Laser, Flamer, TAG, etc.)

b ) To Other Players (on other computers): same laser color scheme as presently in December 2020 (PPC, Laser, Flamer, TAG, etc.)

View PostTimuroslav, on 07 December 2020 - 10:19 PM, said:

Only thing I'm not keen on is custom laser colors.

I like being able to see a laser beam and know, what is being shot at me.
Opposed to some random pink glitter rainbow beam, with unknown distance.

Edited by w0qj, 08 December 2020 - 10:16 AM.

#146 AnAnachronismAlive


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Posted 07 December 2020 - 11:11 PM

It has been adressed several times, that modifications to laser-colors etc. only to be viable when client-based only.

#147 Lepestok


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 02:33 AM

Mechs are created by people of the Inner Sphere of a wide variety of customs and cultures. But in MVO all cockpits are made according to the same template. Give players the opportunity to buy different types of cockpits, for example, with rounded shapes, with wood trim, leather and the like.

And offer to buy female MechWarriors (with different chest sizes).
You can do quite cool - let the MechWarrior stand in the hangar and do something. For example, after a fight, he or she fixes something, or covers the fur with a rag, or just sits on it in thought, or does push-ups.

#148 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 02:49 AM

View PostLepestok, on 08 December 2020 - 02:33 AM, said:

Mechs are created by people of the Inner Sphere of a wide variety of customs and cultures. But in MVO all cockpits are made according to the same template. Give players the opportunity to buy different types of cockpits, for example, with rounded shapes, with wood trim, leather and the like.

And offer to buy female MechWarriors (with different chest sizes).
You can do quite cool - let the MechWarrior stand in the hangar and do something. For example, after a fight, he or she fixes something, or covers the fur with a rag, or just sits on it in thought, or does push-ups.

for thats its give Hentai Mecha Games with Nude female Pilots and sexual pics/videos...what for kidding ideas

#149 Alreech


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 08:20 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 08 December 2020 - 02:49 AM, said:

for thats its give Hentai Mecha Games with Nude female Pilots and sexual pics/videos...what for kidding ideas

Female Pilots in skinny clothes? In my Battletech Universe? Posted Image

Pilots next to the Mech would be nice (and the Cry Engine is able to create good looking human faces), but pilots only make sense if they replace the skill trees.

#150 Forgeling


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 12:24 PM

View PostTimuroslav, on 07 December 2020 - 10:19 PM, said:

Only thing I'm not keen on is custom laser colors.

I like being able to see a laser beam and know, what is being shot at me.
Opposed to some random pink glitter rainbow beam, with unknown distance.

I think It's pretty clear that it would be client side. Under settings you'd be able to choose a colour each for large, medium, small, and micro LASERs, Then that player see all LASERs of those sizes as those colours, not just their own.

#151 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 08 December 2020 - 06:20 PM

View PostAlreech, on 08 December 2020 - 08:20 AM, said:

Female Pilots in skinny clothes? In my Battletech Universe? Posted Image

Pilots next to the Mech would be nice (and the Cry Engine is able to create good looking human faces), but pilots only make sense if they replace the skill trees.

yes Posted Image nude Womans sells, and thats a part from BT thats im not really understand and very pubertary:(and not really a good aspect for a Video game today

like many other Mechanics, Rules and Ideas ...from full modelled Hands (great to crash thats weaky complex hands against massive Armor )or shoulder Rolling Shadow Hawks in the Thunder Rift Novel(fth ...this Machine has a Autocanon of his Shoulder! and a Tornister ?) in one Novel mechs have no windows ,in the next Windows..and the clans ...not bad for the Novels, a bad idea for the Game

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 08 December 2020 - 06:48 PM.

#152 Horseman


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 01:28 AM

View PostAlreech, on 08 December 2020 - 08:20 AM, said:

Female Pilots in skinny clothes? In my Battletech Universe? Posted Image

*Silently points to the original cover of Tales Of The Black Widow Company.*
Yes, before they patched it with a t-shirt.

#153 Jeff The Animal


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 07:19 AM

View PostKrucilatoz, on 25 November 2020 - 12:08 AM, said:

I wonder why no one ever mentioned about Regional Pricing.

Yes, this may be unknown / unheard of for most most EU / US player (or AU).
But for 3rd world citizen like me that will be a huge factor.
I bought mech pack such as Solaris heroes and performance pack because on Steam, it was a very reasonable priced.
And some of my friends (RL) bought it too.
Hope this will be on your consideration

oh, and subscription model for new map is also OK


#154 Wild Kadabra


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Posted 09 December 2020 - 02:33 PM

The Mechwarrior lore has weapons made by different manufacturers. You could reflect this as having weapons of "different" brands have different colors or visual effects.

This is a simple cosmetic change and you could sell this weapon customizations for MCs.

#155 Ekson Valdez

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Posted 11 December 2020 - 12:14 AM

Removed some talk about certain playstyles. This is a topic about suggestions for monetization.
Please stay civil and on topic, people.

Edited by Ekson Valdez, 11 December 2020 - 12:22 AM.

#156 Will9761


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Posted 11 December 2020 - 02:50 AM

Back on topic, give us some more unit decals for the Inner Sphere:

I'm glad that I had these mothballed images from 3 years ago from the decal thread. Anyway.

Draconis Combine:
1. Otomo
2. Legion of Vega
3. Arkab Legion Since the Arkab Legion Decal is already in the game, I had to edit it out.
4. Ryuken-ni
5. 1st Sword of Light
6. 2nd Sword of Light
7. 5th Sword of Light
8. 7th Sword of Light
9. 8th Sword of Light
10. Sword of Light (Default)
Posted Image

Lyran Commonwealth/Alliance:
1. Lyran Guards The Lyran Guards decal is already in the game so I'm marking it out
2. Donegal Guards
3. Lyran Regulars
4. Lyran Royal Guards
5. Arcturan Guards
Posted Image

Capellan Confederation:
1. 1st St.Ives Lancers
2. Death Commandos
3. Red Lancers
4. House Imarra
5. Shin Legion
Posted Image

Federated Suns:
1. Davion Brigade of Guards
2. Deneb Light Calvary
3. Syrtis Fusiliers
4. Robinson Rangers
Posted Image

Free Worlds League:
1. Free Worlds Legionnaires
2. Regulan Hussars
3. Atrean Dragoons
4. Marik Militia
5. 1st Free Worlds Guards
6. Free Worlds Guards
7. Orloff Grenadiers
Posted Image

Edited by Will9761, 13 December 2020 - 01:24 AM.

#157 Alreech


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Posted 12 December 2020 - 05:46 AM

View PostHorseman, on 09 December 2020 - 01:28 AM, said:

*Silently points to the original cover of Tales Of The Black Widow Company.*
Yes, before they patched it with a t-shirt.

And that's the reason why MWO needs more decals with pin up girls for MCs Posted Image

#158 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 12 December 2020 - 11:59 PM

View PostAlreech, on 12 December 2020 - 05:46 AM, said:

And that's the reason why MWO needs more decals with pin up girls for MCs Posted Image

Sadly like the Bolt ons ...many ugly like the hell, while no really Ambitions from the Artists behind the Theme ...Hey "Josh" give the Community a Pair of new Decals/Bolt Ons ,when not working to mW5 ...you have 2 Hours

When im Thinking to the first Decals without each Contrast and blurry like hell,thats Fails a garage Production and never seeing before in Mods or a little professionel Games

Im seeing here in the Decal Tread Better Decals as in the Game.

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 13 December 2020 - 12:00 AM.

#159 MrVaad


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Posted 13 December 2020 - 02:30 AM

I don't know if this has already been suggested.

PGI could release "supporter packs" (like path of exile), just after adding some content (ie not mechs).
- The packs would follow a theme around the released content.
- The packs would contain a combination of new warhorn, new skins, colors, MC, time, forum badges, i don't know.
- The packs would be replaced each time new content is added.
- People would buy packs if they like the content, even if the packs are not incredible from a $ perspective.

CurrentIy, I think any other monetization would have a hard time (except those for new players)

Edited by MrVaad, 13 December 2020 - 05:14 AM.

#160 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 14 December 2020 - 10:57 AM

Lots of possibilities.

Ballistic tracer effects

PPC/Laser Color effects without making it difficult to tell what weapon is being fired at you

Mech destruction effects (excessive explosions, lights on fire, etc)

Voice profiles (for both command wheel and triggered by other events like friendly fire, taking excessive damage, high heat) These would be heard by teammates. Could also do some kill quip that the downed enemy pilot hears.

Mechs with well optimized loadouts and skill trees already filled out - not unique variants, just customized and skilled out. This can help serve as a guide to new players as well. The mech could include one of the camos in game already fitted to it and maybe a custom bolt-on or two.

You can also sell groups of the above bundled together. There are so many options too, with all the different houses and clans.

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