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Mechwarrior Online 2021: Monetization

2021 monetization

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#61 LordNothing


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 05:39 AM

View PostBrauer, on 18 November 2020 - 05:37 AM, said:

What do you mean? Do you mean that if you buy a mech with cash it should be 10% stronger? If so that's a horrible pay to win idea and has no place in a competitive game.

If you mean mechs bought for real world currency should get a cbill or xp boost that's fine imo. I doubt PGI would go for it because it doesn't conform to their current model where hero, special, and loyalty mechs get cbill boosts, but you never know.

mostly in the form of reduced grind.

there are also other things you can boost besides cbills and xp. idk why the solaris pack didnt have acc bonuses for example. make it easier to grind for bolt ons. fp packs should come with rp/lp bonuses. you could sell merc themed packs with rp (say the gray death legion color scheme from the locust/shadowhawk heros), and faction themed packs with lp. you might also have a bonus to supply cache progress.

i think that players who have contributed a certain dollar amount to the game should reach a point where everything else the game has to offer is grindable. even stuff you would normally have to pay for. its anti whale, but those people probably own everything they are going to buy by now, pgi isnt exactly making content anymore.

im to the point where i feel i have contributed enough monetarily to the game where the only things i will consider buying are low dollar impulse buys, for which there are none. the ones you need to get to buy stuff are the ones who haven't spend a dime yet (see my posts about initial buy-in bonuses). i think it would be an important goal for funding if you could convince everyone who hasn't to buy at least one mechpack. and you do that with strong grind reducers that everyone who has bought their first thing gets.

Edited by LordNothing, 18 November 2020 - 05:54 AM.

#62 Kojin


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 06:29 AM

I had a thought while looking at paint schemes to try decide what I was going to paint my BTech mechs.

CBill Paint schemes. 2 colours only but basic patterns. Remove the Star from Sherman pattern and make that a CBill variant along side Dazzle (refund anyone that has purchased those in the past). Add other 2 tone schemes later

Restructure price of 'Unlock' patterns (increased, but more consistant - Schemes with special effects being more expensive (2000MC?) than detailed schemes, which in turn are more expensive (1250MC?) than simple 3 colour patterns (500MC?)), but remove chassis restrictions. Keep 'One Shot', but make them a smidge cheaper (50MC?).

More lore related schemes! There's a lot that could be added.
House and Clan packs that include the decals and colours along with the pattern it's self.

#63 Knight Captain Morgan


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 08:10 AM

I’d pay for a feature that prevents anyone on my blocked list from being placed on the same team as me.

#64 FearThePaladin


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 08:14 AM

Posting this here so that it is buried and ignored instead of general discussion like I wanted too...


First no one likes to pay for jack. That is a simple thing..

We LOVE Free to play until we have to pay...

If we start with this fundamental premise things like talking to the community about how to monetize a product things become a little more clear.

1. F2P - Your model here changes only in that you have a limited set of mechs you can own. You have a maximum number of mechbays (4) and a selection of light and medium mechs you can chose from (8) total. Numbers are arbitrary, PGI can put these at whatever they feel comfortable with.

2. Subscription - Monthly subscription allows you access to all the variable mechs and you keep the ones you already own. Price $x.xx per month with decreasing costs if you buy a 3/6/12 month subscription.

3. Keep developing bolt ons, which cost additional mc which can be earned or purchased the same way it has been in the past.

4. Decals / Cammo / Colors same as above.

Personally I would pay $10.00 a month to play if PGI would promise me a new map, new mech once per month. I would also pay that if there was a honest effort to update the engine to something more modern.

I always try to purchase a mech pack or something to help fund PGI three or for times a year. So for most of us a 10$ a month purchase probably is acceptable. But we need to hear solid content updates will be part of a move to that model.[/color]

Edited by FearThePaladin, 18 November 2020 - 08:24 AM.

#65 Kojin


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 08:27 AM

View PostFearThePaladin, on 18 November 2020 - 08:14 AM, said:

1. F2P - Your model here changes only in that you have a limited set of mechs you can own. You have a maximum number of mechbays (4) and a selection of light and medium mechs you can chose from (8) total. Numbers are arbitrary, PGI can put these at whatever they feel comfortable with.

That would kill my ability to play. I have 159 mechs and play through many as and when I feel like it. Restricting a F2P game like that is the most frustrating thing F2P games do. I've spent more money on this game than any other F2P simply because I can choose what to pay for and when and have no real restrictions imposed on me.

This unrestricted play is why I spend money. Feeling 'forced' to pay to remove restrictions to my options is exactly why I don't play other F2P games or spend money on them if I do.

#66 Mycroft000


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 11:20 AM

Give me a monthly subscription that's low enough to be forgettable.

#67 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 11:28 AM

View PostKaukas, on 18 November 2020 - 08:41 AM, said:

hi, i sugest pgi makes MAP PACKs our new monetization model side by side with mechpacs , so every time u making new map u make MAP PACK same like u doing with new mech - mechpack. this will allow comunity to invest into new maps and suport pgi with new map development and if its succesfull mabe we get new map very often Posted Image

when u preorder MAP PACK u get some bonus with it , mabe cbilss, mabe some colors related to new map, mabe some existing mech related to map with weapons suited for that map and mabe even camo for that mech.

i think MWO is in best shape ever , we have plenty mechs ( i would realy like more new mechs) but main thing we need is new maps - and this MAP PACKS will allow comunity to directly support pgi development of new maps and pgi will get its money and we customers gona get our long waited product and everyone will be happy.

first im will seeing back of Feet/Leg IK, fix of the Climb system, and first previews of maps ..all other only the hollow Words from PGI since Years..im not give Money for Amateur Maps like Solaris or Rubelite

#68 Forgeling


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 01:23 PM

As far as laser colours go I think it should be player side not server side. Laser colour is typically used to detect the range and damage of enemy laser attacks. If one player's large laser is blue and another player's is yellow, it's gonna get confusing but if you can go in your settings and choose a colour each for large, medium, small, and micro lasers it'll maintain functionality while still being customizable. Also micro lasers and small lasers should already be a different colour. Perhaps micro lasers could be purple.

#69 Nightmare1


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Posted 18 November 2020 - 06:29 PM

I would be willing to pay a small subscription fee per month for MC and Premium Time benefits.

Also, I love spending on cosmetics. I would be willing to pay for those as well as other visual or audible upgrades.

#70 MechTech Dragoon


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 06:55 AM

Reduce pricing on bolt ons. They are great. I want more. It costs something like 10-15$ to deck out a mech in bolt ons. Allot of people have hundreds. Its too expensive.

#71 Brauer


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 08:13 AM

View PostKaukas, on 19 November 2020 - 01:32 AM, said:

hi , regarding laser colors and sounds they make - i think its good idea to be able to change them and if people want to spend money and make they mechs weapons lets say all red u can do that ,those who say that u need to see what lasers enemy uses without locking the enemy - there is old proverb "in war and in bed there are no rules", war industry and army uses camuflage and distraction all time and try trick enemy so why we cant doit in mwo? of course there are people who think it will make things harder to detect enemys loadout but its even more fun this way - u can never trust your eyes - check few times to make sure

we gona adapt to that thing that people can on purpose change colors and let say make all diferent lasers same color on they mech - thats even more interesting and distracts enemy and mabe even give u some advantage over not experienced player. and i think customizing lasers will give people more option with mech camo where u can make let say all yellow mech will all lasers yellow ;)

im voting yes for it

Being able to buy a change to laser colors that provides a material advantage would not be a good development for the game. No. Any change to laser colors should strictly be client side.

#72 Jungle Plague


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 08:26 AM

Re-Boot the whole darned game in UE4.

Start with Limited Stable of Mechs.

Introduce Season Passes ALA Destiny or Call of Duty.

Players can play (fo-free) and earn "new" mechs/variants through the season pass - or pay for the season pass to unlock a premium track and unlock them all MUCH faster. Season pass buyers get new, unique hero variants.

Players who have already bough heroes (in current MWO) will get them added fo-free to their new account whenever the respective Chassis is unlocked/added to the MWO2.0

I don't think that pure cosmetic MTX are going to be a sufficient monetization method - and I don't think that Cryengine is long term sustainable. Gotta swing for the fences, or don't swing at all.

#73 Big-G


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 01:31 PM

View PostJungle Plague, on 19 November 2020 - 08:26 AM, said:

Re-Boot the whole darned game in UE4.

Start with Limited Stable of Mechs.

Introduce Season Passes ALA Destiny or Call of Duty.

Players can play (fo-free) and earn "new" mechs/variants through the season pass - or pay for the season pass to unlock a premium track and unlock them all MUCH faster. Season pass buyers get new, unique hero variants.

Players who have already bough heroes (in current MWO) will get them added fo-free to their new account whenever the respective Chassis is unlocked/added to the MWO2.0

I don't think that pure cosmetic MTX are going to be a sufficient monetization method - and I don't think that Cryengine is long term sustainable. Gotta swing for the fences, or don't swing at all.

And people with 500+ mech's? Do they suddenly lose most of them for the "limited stable"?

There better be a heck of a "refund" alternative to that...

#74 dr3dnought


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 05:35 PM

Pretty much all existing MC and $ prices are about double what they should be imo.
Premium time should be a 100% boost to c-bills and XP rather than 50%
I don't approve of selling GSP bundles as this crosses the line from pay-to-skip to pay-to-win imo

All packs should come with proper builds (or enough c-bills for a proper build)
  • New Player Packs
Two mechs (IS and Clan) from each weight class (light, medium, heavy, assault). So 8 mechs total. These should be high or top-tier mechs. Make it like $20-$30
  • Starter Packs (Brawling, Long Range, Heavy)
Yes, packs like this. The range-specific packs could be made to fit a faction play deck. Something like an 'IS Heavy' pack could include a good IS 60, 65, 70, 75 tonner. Make these $10-$20 for 4 mechs.
  • Themed Packs (Pop Culture, NASCAR)
Let's not encourage NASCAR. Lean into lore with faction/mercenary packs with mechs, patterns, colours etc I'm sure people would lap it up.
  • New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns)
High quality stuff like this would be great. Laser colours would need to only be changed for the person who bought them so that laser recognition isn't affected (ie if I make LL purple, I see all LL as purple, everyone else still sees them as blue)
  • Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value)
Make c-bill/xp booster items available for MC

Edited by dr3dnought, 19 November 2020 - 07:45 PM.

#75 Jungle Plague


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 05:42 PM

View PostBig-G, on 19 November 2020 - 01:31 PM, said:

And people with 500+ mech's? Do they suddenly lose most of them for the "limited stable"?

There better be a heck of a "refund" alternative to that...

Yep - all the non “ real $$ variants” go - give the folks with hundreds of mechs they never use some kind of massive skill point boost/cache/stash to customize out the nose with.

With each season - they theme it around a faction conflict - and everyone (ALL PLAYERS) are forced to choose a faction for the season - all points during the season (from QP, Solaris, FP, whatever) go to the respective factions total score - as the faction score goes up - that faction can unlock certain mechs/variants that are exclusive to that faction (for the season).

Ultimately - I think a model like that - that keeps content being regularly (re)introduced will help keep a healthier population, and will appeal to a bigger population (the only way the game survives)

As much as it sucks to say - I don’t think many of the mechdads are going anywhere... and at this point it’s not like they (PGI) have a ton to lose... if we’re all being honest - might as well swing for the fences in a bigger gamble.

#76 Big-G


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 06:02 PM

View PostJungle Plague, on 19 November 2020 - 05:42 PM, said:

Yep - all the non “ real $$ variants” go - give the folks with hundreds of mechs they never use some kind of massive skill point boost/cache/stash to customize out the nose with.

With each season - they theme it around a faction conflict - and everyone (ALL PLAYERS) are forced to choose a faction for the season - all points during the season (from QP, Solaris, FP, whatever) go to the respective factions total score - as the faction score goes up - that faction can unlock certain mechs/variants that are exclusive to that faction (for the season).

Ultimately - I think a model like that - that keeps content being regularly (re)introduced will help keep a healthier population, and will appeal to a bigger population (the only way the game survives)

As much as it sucks to say - I don’t think many of the mechdads are going anywhere... and at this point it’s not like they (PGI) have a ton to lose... if we’re all being honest - might as well swing for the fences in a bigger gamble.

No thanks... you don't touch my mech collection... and for your info... I play each and every one.

#77 Jungle Plague


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 06:12 PM

View PostBig-G, on 19 November 2020 - 06:02 PM, said:

No thanks... you don't touch my mech collection... and for your info... I play each and every one.

*In Lord Farquad voice*

“It’s a sacrifice, I’m willing to make!” :-D

(I see where you’re coming from - really do - I have more mechs than I can shake a stick at - I just don’t see the game as viable (as in really successful with good healthy population) unless they do something drastic.)

#78 Akillius


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 09:02 PM

Low Priority - New Player Packs

Low Priority - Starter Packs (Brawling, Long Range, Heavy)

No Priority - Themed Packs (Pop Culture, NASCAR)

Low-Med Priority - New Items (Metallic Patterns, Custom UI Colors, Voice Packs, Sound Packs, Laser Color Customization, MechLab Customization, Global Patterns)

What's this mean exactly??? - Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value)

If this "Improve Cockpit Item Bonuses (added value)" means let the +5% CBill and +5% XP cockpit hanging+Standing items finally work without requiring to be installed in mech then yes.
This should increase sales of Civil War, Civil War Escalation, Evolution packs.
Suggest letting owners of those 3 packs have their buffs stack from +5% to +10% Clan, or +15% IS, max buff.
Do not devalue those by adding buffs onto other cockpit items or you'll add to the big loss of customer confidence issue.......
Especially with the current buff items being a low QoL issue in game. (must swap them between mechs constantly!)

Want to sell more mech packs etc. then consider:
+ Add the option to randomly change unlocked Titles daily, weekly, or monthly.
+ Add the option to randomly change unlocked Badges daily, weekly, or monthly.

Sell $10 Annual Supporter pack! (Rename from 2018's Tournament Supporter Pack..)
+ 10% boost to all of your C-Bill and XP earnings Jan 1st - Dec 31st 2021.
+ 25 bonus redeems in all loot bag events in 2021.

Maybe? Sell $10 Bling Pack similar to 2018's Mech_Con Virtual ticket?
+ Give dozen hanging & standing cockpit items, warhorns, boltons, (or a camo/colour).
+ Have a mug say something like "Bulldogged Booster 2021"?

Let players bank premium time. Because vacations or need a break...
+ Minimum bank time of weeks, months, or even a year or two.
This may increase sales of premium time and mech packs that include premium time.

#79 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 19 November 2020 - 09:32 PM

View PostKaukas, on 18 November 2020 - 08:41 AM, said:

hi, i sugest pgi makes MAP PACKs our new monetization model side by side with mechpacs , so every time u making new map u make MAP PACK same like u doing with new mech - mechpack. this will allow comunity to invest into new maps and suport pgi with new map development and if its succesfull mabe we get new map very often Posted Image

when u preorder MAP PACK u get some bonus with it , mabe cbilss, mabe some colors related to new map, mabe some existing mech related to map with weapons suited for that map and mabe even camo for that mech.

i think MWO is in best shape ever , we have plenty mechs ( i would realy like more new mechs) but main thing we need is new maps - and this MAP PACKS will allow comunity to directly support pgi development of new maps and pgi will get its money and we customers gona get our long waited product and everyone will be happy.

Thats was a terrible Idea in Battlefield 3 and its it in mWO, split the community, while many not buy Mechpacks...when you buy a Car,you buy a Street to drive it?

#80 Horseman


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Posted 20 November 2020 - 01:02 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 19 November 2020 - 09:32 PM, said:

Thats was a terrible Idea in Battlefield 3 and its it in mWO, split the community, while many not buy Mechpacks...when you buy a Car,you buy a Street to drive it?
I don't think he's talking about map unlocks in the literal sense, more along the lines of a "goodies pack" that you buy as a form of crowdfunding the development of a particular new map.

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