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Mechwarrior Online 2021: New Features

2021 new features Gameplay Mode General

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#361 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 08:09 AM

View PostHorseman, on 25 November 2020 - 10:11 AM, said:

Who are all pushed into that as the default mode, as I understand. That is not the case in MWO, where most of the players stick to QP instead.

I mean, QP is the giant bright green button that says "Play", while everything else is dimmer, and takes you to complicated menu screens that have no explanation and often won't let you join a match until you've fulfilled some unannounced prerequisites first (picking a faction, dropdeck, sponsor, etc). If you're here because you saw a banner ad on the side of a webpage, or YouTube recommended a gameplay video to you, but you don't know ANYTHING else about MechWarrior or Battletech, how clear is any of that going to be?

View PostHorseman, on 25 November 2020 - 10:11 AM, said:

You're making an assumption that there are 100 concurrent players active in FP. Usually it takes ~30 minutes for 24 people to queue at the same timer for a 12v12 match.

That sounds about right. 30 minutes is the length of a FP match. What you're seeing is the length of time it takes for the current match to end and for those same players to requeue for the next match. I'd be surprised if there were more than 30 people interested in FP at any one time: 24 to play a match, and 6 to sit there wondering why they were promised a "priority spot" and got left behind, anyway.

View PostHorseman, on 25 November 2020 - 10:11 AM, said:

If that was all it took, then why did FP numbers fell below a level where it was sustainable, forcing PGI to reduce the buckets multiple times? And how would you prevent that from happening again?

This is why, and this is how:

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 25 November 2020 - 02:37 AM, said:

EVe and the Old dead "Battlestar Galactica onlene " has a dynamic FP ...chatcommunication like...Sector XYZ has heavy enemy Contacts,need Help ...
Here nothing, only Quickplay with Dropdecks without each strategical or Tactical Sense
Fights for Ressorces, Special chassies Versions ,
special Items like Bolts ons (thats not ugly like hell), or against Limitations.-
When we not hold the Factory , the next Weak we not have more as 2 t LRM ammunition per Mech/, we only have 1 or 2 Mech/Player by Drop, we not can use Timberwolf or have Arti.
No Jumproutes(thats can Blocked), no Jumptime, nothing Tactical or Strategical Features ,nothing from the Heavy Strategical Features for example in the MW4 leagues thats more or a little Empire at war

FP was promised as a global battle for the whole of the Inner Sphere, representing all the different conflicts at once. It was promised to reflect real-world combat, which is 90% logistics and 10% combat. We got the 10% combat, and completely missed the 90% logistics.

Okay, we defended/destroyed the orbital gun. Now what?
If defended, status quo is maintained.
If destroyed, well, then those "landing forces" should be able to land, right? What are they going to do then?
Maybe we're after a factory? Maybe we're assigned to destroy the factory where Rotary Autocannons are built (wouldn't that be nice? :) ).
Yay, we destroyed the RAC factory. Wouldn't that cause a shortage of RACs? Shouldn't it now be hard for people to buy and equip Rotary Autocannons? The price might double or triple, or there might simply not be any available at all (maybe we took out the warehouse behind the factory, while we were there).
Or maybe we captured that warehouse: everyone gets two RAC/5's and three RAC/2's from the warehouse at the end of the mission.

One of the biggest balancing factors that I feel is missing from MWO is consumable ammunition/armor/structure that needs to be replenished/repurchased/salvaged after each mission. I feel like I heard something about that back when the game first started (I couldn't get a computer for it until 3 years in), and the community bitched enough for it to be removed, but that's combat. That's literally why the US Navy abandoned their plans for a Rail Gun: is because each shot was going to cost a million dollars. Ammo is expensive (depending on the ammo), and it's a real logistical cost. It would make the game SO much more interesting and dynamic if there were ammo or equipment shortages, or particular ammo types are more expensive but more functional, etc.

Artemis Ammo costs twice as much as standard, but can be used with an Artemis-equipped launcher, which is much more accurate.

NARC ammo costs twice as much as standard, but can be used with a NARC tracking beacon (wouldn't that help balance out LRMs, if only NARC ammo could track a NARC beacon? You either spend double in the hopes that there'll be a NARC, or you spend regular and spend the whole match getting your own locks, unable to use any assistance that might have otherwise been available. Or you devote the tonnage and hardpoint to bring your own NARC). Streaks are unaffected by NARCs.

FP has a LOT of potential, and the key word that Shortpower kept repeating is "dynamic". FP is currently "static". It changes once every 8 hours, and barely perceptibly, and only on the between-match screen. If there are real consequences to wins and losses, and real change from match to match, that's when you drive interest in a mode.

And yes: QP should definitely be divided up by faction. It should be Clan vs IS, or Clan vs Clan, or IS vs IS, and you should have to choose a faction (even if a new player picks at random) and gain access to that Faction's tech (AS7-K for joining Kurita. AS7-S for joining Steiner, etc) because that's how a brand new player will start to learn some of the differences between the different tech bases, and the factions involved, and start to form opinions about who they like or dislike, and gain a willingness to defend that prejudice on the battlefield. Right now, there is no need to know any of that, thus no need to learn about it, and it causes confusion among new players about why they're so different.

View Post-P U R E-, on 18 May 2021 - 07:14 AM, said:

There is a game with it - Mechwarrior 5.
You have bots, infantry ( soon ), tanks, aerospace, stock builds and more.
It even looks better and runs better than MWO.

In which case, as much time, money, and effort has been sunk into MWO, why can't we just have MW5 multiplayer? If it's already got everything in it that we need, and is directly built upon, and improved from, MWO, then maybe it's time we port everything over to that platform and call it MWO 2.0.

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Posted 18 May 2021 - 09:32 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 18 May 2021 - 08:09 AM, said:

In which case, as much time, money, and effort has been sunk into MWO, why can't we just have MW5 multiplayer? If it's already got everything in it that we need, and is directly built upon, and improved from, MWO, then maybe it's time we port everything over to that platform and call it MWO 2.0.

You will have it. MW:LL 2 is under development

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Posted 18 May 2021 - 09:34 AM

View Post-P U R E-, on 18 May 2021 - 09:32 AM, said:

You will have it. MW:LL 2 is under development

Whoops. You said Living Legends. :) Missed that part. So I'm watching that, and I'm excited, although I'm a bit bummed that they're still deviating from TT build rules.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 18 May 2021 - 09:35 AM.

#364 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 09:38 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 07 December 2020 - 12:17 PM, said:


Make override a permanent toggable option!

Or!! Or... Make override something you have to hit every time you overheat, with different intervals in which to hit it: 10 heat over 100%, you have 5 seconds. 20 heat over 100%, you have 2.5 seconds. 30 heat over 100% you have 0 seconds and you instant-shutdown, thus punishing builds like the Nova-H (10 Heavy Mediums) that would generate 70 heat in an alpha strike and only sink 40 of it, leaving 30 which hits the no-choice shutdown limit.

#365 Deathz Jester


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 11:58 AM

  • Advance the timeline already, its been what "3050-52" for like 8 years now?
  • New Weapons
  • Ammo Types for Weapons that use ammunition (Inferno SRMs, Swarm LRMs, Slug LBX, Deadfire LRM, Magpulse LRM/SRM, FTL LRM, Incendiary AC ammo, Caseless AC ammo, AP AC ammo, etc. Hell make some new stuff up)
  • New Mechanics for said ammunition types
  • New Equipment
  • Make ALL mechs viable
    You added so damn many, and counting, it was kinda cool at first but then you end up with this very large pool of mechs that just arent viable, due to the meta cancer or boating as many pinpoint alpha weapons as possible. Do something about this cancerous meta, its been a problem since like 2014.
  • Fix this Nascar bs of both teams just spiraling into a murderball around the map until someone gets fragged.
  • Bring back the damn turrets on assault, it made people actually have to "Assault" the base, that or make an actual base for "Assault" mode.
  • Add a game mode thats ticket based like MWLL did or Battlefield, you have to deplete the enemies respawn tickets to win. Sidenote, while World of Warships doesn't have respawning, an interesting thing is they assign a point value based on ship class, that is then added to your teams score and subtracted from the enemies score.
  • This is just a shits and giggles suggestion, but add a Stock Mechs only gametype.
  • Make community warfare maps playable in regular play, its become nigh impossible to play over the YEARS, without joining an organized group. While grouping can be fun, grouping shouldn't be mandatory to play.
​I enjoyed the game way back when I backed you guys as a founder, closed beta, open beta, to live, but over the years its just become more and more repetitive nonsense* with sparse content. You can throw all the mech variants and new mechs you want out, but thats hardly exciting anymore. Hell I've got 30,672 hours of premium time banked, dumped an exorbitant amount of cash on this game, and dont plan on touching it until a substantial update, like maps, weapons, equipment, ammo types, game modes.

But who am I kidding, y'all dont read or listen to feedback 90% of the time lol

For more information on repetitive nonsense look here:

Edited by Deathz Jester, 18 May 2021 - 12:25 PM.

#366 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:06 PM

View PostVlad Ward, on 27 December 2020 - 04:29 PM, said:

Repair/Rearm was a loss tax and made the game less fun.

View PostAlreech, on 28 December 2020 - 04:40 AM, said:

It was a stupid Idea in a game without "Give up/Retreat" option to cut the loss.
It may work in a game mode with respawns and the option to give up (retreat) to keep the matches short.

It may work in an Endgame content game mode as C-Bill sink to remove cash from rich players (Unit Coffers in Faction Play?). But at the moment MWO is mainly solo quickplay, so that's not important anymore.

Wait, did Repair/Rearm only apply after a loss? Seems to me it should apply after any/every match, regardless of win/loss. If you took armor damage or used ammo, or had a heatsink destroyed, you'd have to pay to replace all that, plus pay your techs to put in the labor hours, even if that's all the damage you took.

I'm 100% onboard with Alreech's take on it, though: having to pay to repair/rearm your 'mechs after a battle is a direct incentive to not take too much damage. It adds a roleplaying dynamic to the game, but that roleplaying cost NEEDS to be balanced by the roleplaying decision to cut your losses and run. It then benefits the winning team, too, to not have to pay as much for armor/ammo replenishment if you allow the other team to retreat.

And Alreech has that last part 100% on the nose: I became interested in repair/rearm the day they got rid of Modules in favor of the new skill tree and I found myself sitting on millions of CB with literally nothing to spend them on. CB Bonus 'mechs are literally worthless, because CB are worthless to me. And I offloaded 500 million CB to a couple of different units, so I'm "only" sitting on 400 million CB right now. (I know people who have billions of CB, so I'm quite small-fry in that regard). If they'd kept the Modules system, I'd still be saving up for more modules to this day. Back when I only had 200 'mechs, I calculated 1.8 Billion CB to equip them all with modules. I've almost doubled that, now. I wouldn't be anywhere close.

View PostVlad Ward, on 27 December 2020 - 04:29 PM, said:

Knockdowns were funny for a hot minute when Dragons could troll everyone but are ultimately not fun.

View PostAlreech, on 28 December 2020 - 04:40 AM, said:

Knockdowns by random enemy & friendly collisions were a stupid idea too.

Knockdowns after critical hits to gyro & hips would have been a good idea to use Mechpilots with Piloting Skills and skill checks as XP-grinding mechanism...

I'm with Alreech on this one, too: knockdowns by collision sound like they'd get old, fast (although the ability to "kick" a crotch-hugging light would be super useful. Even if it's not a knockdown: in MW2, a collision would kinda rubber-ball the 'mechs about 100m away from each other. Just enough to get a shot off from a tall 'mech that's currently pinned in place, unable to shoot, while its CT gets cored out from the bottom).

But knockdowns from gyro damage, or leg damage, or loss of speed from leg damage (MW3 style), or even knockdowns from repeated kinetic impact (MW3 style). If you got hit 2 or 3 times in a row with an AC/20 in MW3, it'd eventually knock you over for a second if you didn't lean into it (which was hard to do). Also, having recoil that could knock you over might give the Heavy Gauss Rifle more of its flavor. It's supposed to have had such massive recoil that it'd occasionally knock over the 'mech carrying it. Bushwackers would be every single shot. Fafnirs would be almost never. Victors would be occasionally, etc.

View PostVlad Ward, on 27 December 2020 - 04:29 PM, said:

Hey, what about adding Mech Selection to the Dropship Lobby (the screen 24 players load into) with a team tonnage min/max limit?

Folks seem to treat groups like boogeymen. Giving PUG teams the ability to coordinate mechs for 60-90 seconds before a match (Ready button would still work as intended) eliminates the biggest tangible advantage groups have over PUGs.

12 random players wouldn't be able to agree on who gets to use what tonnage in a reasonable amount of time. Even a group of friends takes about 20 seconds per player in group (average) to settle on who's taking what, or to coordinate 'mechs that go with a group strategy, and they know and like each other! (Usually).

View PostAlreech, on 28 December 2020 - 04:40 AM, said:

  • Call signs for each Lance Member like Alpha 1, Alpha 2,... to adress lance members in VOIP without using their "kwel 1337 pilot namez"

I resemble that remark..... :D

View PostSmutty, on 28 December 2020 - 11:08 AM, said:

Actually yes. Being able to figure out which of your heatsinks/equipment got nuked would be nice for knowing how to roll damage. Heatsink/gear monitors would be great, but why stop there? Why not a whole new UI element to bring up in battle which gives you a complete readout of your Mech's current status so you can plan?

Gear monitors would also be great for the limited time I've put into this game with a VR headset. Anyone trying to play this game in VR is basically deprived of the HUD data that's displayed in the corners, since that area of the headset screen is not in clear focus, and is cut off at the edges.

There are other issues that would also have to be resolved to make this game truly VR compatible, but that's one item on the list.

View PostSmutty, on 28 December 2020 - 11:08 AM, said:

But why tho. Why go through all the animation trouble and hitbox troubleshooting just for your Fatlas to be able to what, lift its Medium Pulses over a bit of soft cover? I don't think PGI is in any hurry to waste money after the Solaris debacle and all that work sounds like it'll bear no fruit.

Of all the 'mechs with Low Slung Arm Syndrome, you pick the one that mounts most of its weapons in the torso?
Executioner is easily the #1 priority for being able to pick its arms up to shoot over things. You're literally the entire height of a Centurion between your cockpit and your weapons.

Other examples include:
Dire Wolf
King Crab
Marauder (all kinds)
Highlander (all kinds)
Night Gyr
Timber Wolf
Warhammer (all kinds)
Mad Dog
Phoenix Hawk
Ice Ferret
Arctic Cheetah
Kit Fox
Mist Lynx

Saying "et cetera" is a bit redundant at this point :)

View PostSmutty, on 28 December 2020 - 11:08 AM, said:

Flashlights? Why? Just turn up your gamma bruh

They're kinda iconic components on a few 'mechs. Warhammers and Hellbringers, in particular. I agree: they have more place in a game with dynamic day/night (even if it doesn't change during the match, if it can be randomly selected at the start of the match, like it used to be before they got rid of it), but they provide an alternative to night/heat vision, which can be spoofed by different things. Seeing a stealth 'mech on a cold night map, for example, would be easier with a flashlight.

View PostSmutty, on 28 December 2020 - 11:08 AM, said:

Reflec/Blazer armours would be great and piss off Clan mains, so I'm all for it. Balancing them might be tricky but certainly not impossible given like, an afternoon or two of thought. Probably not very high priority but more armour types would definitely be appreciated.

CLPS would be an absolute headache to deal with. CLPS on any given ECM unit? Have fun never being able to target their STs/arms again. Even without NSS it would create so much of a problem, especially when it costs no tonnage and only needs 6 slots. Bad idea in the game's current state.

VSS would be an utter nightmare to deal with. Cloaking and stealth in a tidy package that's easier to load than Stealth Armour and more effective? Big no. Don't bring that evil into this house.

So this is likely one of my favorite uses for PPCs, and one that's frequently overlooked in favor of Active Probes and TAG lasers: shutting down ECM and all associated equipment for 5 seconds to make a 'mech targetable. :) PPCs combined with streaks for a 1/2 punch is particularly fun, and is why I love my TBR-D so much. I just wish it was still "punch, punch" instead of "punch, tickle".

View PostSmutty, on 28 December 2020 - 11:08 AM, said:

Yeah okay this is all reasonable. Sorting Mechs is a pain in the *** when you have a few dozen in one class. It only gets worse when you're trying to find which one has a specific engine to repurpose. Being able to get an actual breakdown of your Mech without entering the Mechlab itself would also be a nice QoL change but it doesn't take that long to check anyways.

So I'm loving the idea of more ways to sort 'mechs (especially in the in-game store), but if you hover the mouse over a 'mech in the select 'mech screen, the top portion of the slide-out gives you all of your weapons, equipment, heat sink quantity and type, engine type and size, jump jets, etc. Much faster than clicking and loading each 'mech individually and hunting through its build page.

#367 Deathz Jester


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:15 PM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 18 May 2021 - 08:09 AM, said:

One of the biggest balancing factors that I feel is missing from MWO is consumable ammunition/armor/structure that needs to be replenished/repurchased/salvaged after each mission. I feel like I heard something about that back when the game first started (I couldn't get a computer for it until 3 years in), and the community bitched enough for it to be removed, but that's combat. That's literally why the US Navy abandoned their plans for a Rail Gun: is because each shot was going to cost a million dollars. Ammo is expensive (depending on the ammo), and it's a real logistical cost. It would make the game SO much more interesting and dynamic if there were ammo or equipment shortages, or particular ammo types are more expensive but more functional, etc.

Well for starters it wasn't in the game when it initially went "Live", The Community "Bitched" , because it was horrendously implemented. The mission payouts for literally everyone playing were significantly lower than the R&R bill you'd get slapped with, even if you won the match, god forbid you lose, you'd be even more broke. Low enough you'd start rapidly approaching bankruptcy after 1 or two matches, and if I remember correctly, I could be misremembering this part, it wasn't just Community Warfare mode that had R&R bills, they implemented it into QP matches as well. While R&R sounds cool for being immersive, the way it was implemented was horrible and would've exceeded the level of grind in Warthunder and World of Tanks, and thats just not ****** fun.

#368 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 12:29 PM

View PostLieutenant Bonerdongs, on 28 December 2020 - 05:07 PM, said:

OR do away with ghost-heat. I'd be fine with that too.

This, combined with getting rid of pinpoint weapon fire. I'd be okay with simply removing convergence, so all weapons fire straight ahead, and don't converge on anything. It'll make it easier to track the weapon flight path profile for the purpose of leading targets, and there's exactly zero (0) RNG involved. Alternatives would be to limit the convergence angle, or limit the time it takes for your weapons to converge, so you have to spend a second or two staring at your target before you fire to get everything to land closer together.

Get rid of Convergence, and you can get rid of Ghost Heat, because now you can't get that 100 dmg alpha to all hit the same component, and your target will have a better chance of weathering the attack.

View PostDeathz Jester, on 18 May 2021 - 12:15 PM, said:

Well for starters it wasn't in the game when it initially went "Live", The Community "Bitched" , because it was horrendously implemented. The mission payouts for literally everyone playing were significantly lower than the R&R bill you'd get slapped with, even if you won the match, god forbid you lose, you'd be even more broke. Low enough you'd start rapidly approaching bankruptcy after 1 or two matches, and if I remember correctly, I could be misremembering this part, it wasn't just Community Warfare mode that had R&R bills, they implemented it into QP matches as well. While R&R sounds cool for being immersive, the way it was implemented was horrible and would've exceeded the level of grind in Warthunder and World of Tanks, and thats just not ****** fun.

Ah, okay. See, implementation is the key to everything. You can implement everyone getting a solid gold coin every day, but if you do it by it landing on their head from 100 ft up, it's not going to be any fun, even if they're getting rich. :)

#369 C337Skymaster


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Posted 18 May 2021 - 01:11 PM

View PostAlreech, on 01 January 2021 - 03:54 AM, said:

View PostKosomok, on 31 December 2020 - 08:17 PM, said:

It would be nice if I could set up multiple builds for a mech so that when I queued up and got a map my mech is not suited for, I could at least change the setup to something a bit more map friendly. Say two or three builds per mech (and maybe only for a limited number of mechs in your stable.. 1 per weight class?).

That's the advantage of Omni Mechs in the Battletech Lore...

This. 1000% this. This is literally where I first had the same thought about a post-voting screen for selecting a build: I was trying to come up with ways in which Omnimechs could regain their "omni" advantage that made sense. An omnimech could be reconfigured in the dropship after terrain mapping scans were completed, as you're burning through the atmosphere and fighting off aerospace defenders (but don't drop that wrench on the guy below you!)

Battlemechs, on the other hand (which are much more customizable in MWO, and thus hugely more versatile and powerful) required months in a dedicated 'mech factory to get everything re-mounted, re-wired, to get the 'mechs computer adjusted to the new weights so it could maintain its balance, and to reprogram the targeting computer with all of the characteristics of the new weapons.

Last-minute reconfiguration should be an omnimech thing, and should naturally be restricted to the chassis you picked, and only vary the loadout. At first I wanted to be able to pick any variant of an omnimech, but an easier thing to code would be to pick any loadout that you saved in the 'mech bay for that specific 'mech.

View PostKosomok, on 31 December 2020 - 08:17 PM, said:

Would also be nice if the game actually supported my multi-button mouse. For whatever reason, it does not sense all the buttons (have tried various mice, as well).. this kind of limits my weapon grouping and weapon selection.

View PostAlreech, on 01 January 2021 - 03:54 AM, said:

Windows supports only 3 mouse buttons.

Some mice - like Microsofts Intellie Mouse - came with their own driver to support more than 3 buttons, usually assing additional buttons to keys like arrow left / right.

Most gaming mice use their own macro software to bind keys (and macros) to the additional buttons.
I use a Saitek RAT 9 MMO mouse, (9 additional Buttons, 1x 4-way coolie hat & button, 1x additional scroll wheel) and it works fine in MWO after binding a key to each button in the Saitek profiler.

I use an EVGA Torq X5 gaming mouse. The game recognizes 5 mouse buttons, and to get two more, I have to bind them to the number keys at the top of my keyboard, and bind the weapon groups to the same numbers. It then becomes impossible to mash those two weapon groups at the same time, so they do have to be assigned to weapons you use less frequently.

Also: EVGA makes a nice ambidextrous layout, but their scroll wheels are atrocious. I've spent double on shipping what I actually spent on mice, getting them replaced repeatedly until I finally got one with a semi-functional scroll wheel. For some reason, the mice always work flawlessly on EVGA's test rig, so they have no idea what I'm talking about...

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Posted 18 May 2021 - 01:31 PM

View PostKatrina Steiner, on 05 January 2021 - 10:14 AM, said:

I'm sure its been stated already but no matter which side I am, IS or Clan at least let me be able to setup both sides drop decks. If I am IS I cant see Clan mechs and vice versa.

So the way you do this, is to set up one drop deck as one faction, go to the faction page, select a faction from the other side, then set your OTHER drop deck up as the other faction. As long as you don't "clear" a drop deck, you will always be able to reconfigure it as the faction that it currently contains, regardless of your affiliation at the time.

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Posted 19 May 2021 - 03:59 AM

View PostKarl Carver, on 21 January 2021 - 03:33 PM, said:

Thats something else i miss from MW4, the ability to pick my cammo scheme before the drop. I could change to a snow scheme for snow maps, green for jungle maps, desert cammo for desert maps etc. In this game i would be happy to have that option but be limited to schemes you have to pay real money for to get. I would by half a dozen at 10 bucks a pop if i could pick them to fit the map thats about to drop.

$10/apiece? Hey man, I've got some snake oil over here for ya. Miracle drug! Cures everything, just with a single teaspoon a day! :)

At $750 MC for most standard camos, you can get 2 camo unlocks for about $10 if you're buying the $7 MC packs off-sale. If you're only buying during sales, the $7 pack is exactly 1500MC, and if you're buying the $100 pack on sale for 32,500 MC, then those camos come down to about $2.31 apiece. Wait for a camo sale, and that's $1.15 for a camo unlock.

I think the part you forgot in your post is that camo unlocks are per-chassis, so that's $1.15 for all your Timberwolves, but $1.15 again for all your Dire Wolves, and again for all your Atlases, etc. It adds up after awhile. :) There's 106 unique chassis in-game, so it'll cost you $122.31 in MC to unlock Woodland Camo, for example, on every 'mech in the game (much less than $10 per chassis), but PGI appreciates your generosity! :)

#372 C337Skymaster


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Posted 19 May 2021 - 04:13 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 28 January 2021 - 05:49 PM, said:

Why advertise to the enemy team that our side has a disconnect ripe for the picking by lights.. any disconnects should NOT be visible to the enemy on the roster should rather show as normal. This would give the DC a chance to reconnect ..

Better yet, the DC should be safely cocooned inside a Union Class dropship with at least its lasers online (if not missiles and autocannon), protected until they can reconnect. The dropship should be capturable/destructible in the event the player never reconnects, so the match can be ended early.

View PostBig-G, on 28 January 2021 - 07:24 PM, said:

What about a feature that would highlight incorrectly selected skill nodes that will have 0 effect on your current configuration? Thus allowing you to see a stupid mistake before you waste the SP?

So this technically exists... There's a popup warning that alerts you that your current build doesn't match the selected skills. It only applies to things like missile/ballistic/energy nodes in the firepower tree, and jump jet nodes. I think they figured everything else might be used as a bridge to get where you need to go (velocity nodes on a laserboat, etc).

#373 KursedVixen


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Posted 19 May 2021 - 02:54 PM

so nobody liked my HAG idea?

#374 Alreech


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Posted 20 May 2021 - 04:51 AM

View PostC337Skymaster, on 18 May 2021 - 08:09 AM, said:

I mean, QP is the giant bright green button that says "Play", while everything else is dimmer, and takes you to complicated menu screens that have no explanation and often won't let you join a match until you've fulfilled some unannounced prerequisites first (picking a faction, dropdeck, sponsor, etc).

That is the main problem of MWO:
PGI groomed it's players to solo quickplay from the beginning.


If you're here because you saw a banner ad on the side of a webpage, or YouTube recommended a gameplay video to you, but you don't know ANYTHING else about MechWarrior or Battletech, how clear is any of that going to be?

Most of MWO players came from the Battletech / Mechwarrior fandom.
Those players shouldn't have had any problem if PGI force them to pick a faction before entering a game or using a lobby system to create groups before joining matchmaking.

Factions are an important part of the Battletech lore, and multiplayer lobbys have be a common things in many old skool games like Mechwarrior 2/3/4.


That sounds about right. 30 minutes is the length of a FP match. What you're seeing is the length of time it takes for the current match to end and for those same players to requeue for the next match. I'd be surprised if there were more than 30 people interested in FP at any one time: 24 to play a match, and 6 to sit there wondering why they were promised a "priority spot" and got left behind, anyway.

Always 12 vs 12 was an other stupid idea from PGI that hurts the game.
Big 12 player teams allow the use of specialised mechs like LRM boats without secondary weapons (and using other players as meat shield).

A dynamic match making system capable of creating also 8 vs 8 or 4 vs 4 matches would speed up matchmaking, allow better balance and would make such specialised mechs less effective / harder to use.


FP was promised as a global battle for the whole of the Inner Sphere, representing all the different conflicts at once. It was promised to reflect real-world combat, which is 90% logistics and 10% combat. We got the 10% combat, and completely missed the 90% logistics.

Logistics work only in a singleplayer game, or in a small, like minded community.
Friends of mine did run an ARMA III campaing with 2 sides and logistics (buying tanks & stuff from funds, funds gets affected by winning / losing previous battles).
PGI didn't bother to create a player community able to run such things, and most MWO players don't bother about it.
They want fast matches without the need to join a group, and that doesn't work with stuff like logistics.

#375 Alreech


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Posted 20 May 2021 - 04:56 AM

View PostKursedVixen, on 19 May 2021 - 02:54 PM, said:

so nobody liked my HAG idea?

To be honest: not enough weapons are IMHO not the main problem with MWO.

The main problem is Solo Quickplay with 12 vs 12 teams made out of 24 random players for one match that leads to stuff like NASCAR as best working tactic, or the unbalanced Mechlab that allows 6 PPCs in a Stalkers (that needs to be balanced with stuff like Ghostheat).

#376 Hawk819


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Posted 20 May 2021 - 05:49 PM

I'm all for advancing the timeline.

Plus adding new weapons, as I already stated before:

Inner Sphere Weapons:

X-Pulse Lasers
Multiple Missile Launcher
XL Gyro
Caseless Autocannons
Enhanced LRM
Extended LRM
Variable Speed Pulse Lasers
Re-Engineered Lasers
Hyper Velocity Autocannons
Light Autocannons 2 and 5
Angel ECM
Bloodhound Active Probe
Artemis V FCS


Improved ATM
Improved Heavy Lasers
ER Pulse Lasers
Clan RAC
ProtoMech Cannons (2, 4, and 8)
Watchdog CEWS
HAG 20, 30, and 40
Streak LRM


Coolant Pods
Plasma Cannons
Chemicals Lasers (port over from MW5)
PPC Capacitors
Supercharger (port over from MW5)
Grenade Launcher (Light, Regular, and Heavy)
Case II

Edited by Hawk819, 25 May 2021 - 08:39 AM.

#377 Will9761


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Posted 20 May 2021 - 07:24 PM

A new feature I would love to have is an option to turn off Muzzle Flash for weapons. This idea is actually Kanajashi's and I agree with him on this part. I've been in matches where I got shot at by Ultra Autocannons and Rotary Autocannons and I had to turn away, not because I was protecting my CT, but because of the flashes that blind me. In a way, it is a bit of an unfair (but intentional) advantage to the user. As for some people who might be epileptic (like myself), the flashes may give them a seizure and its definitely a health hazard that needs to be dealt with. This is a mockup of what the Disable Muzzle Flash Option should look like and where it should be:
Posted Image

#378 Will9761


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Posted 21 May 2021 - 12:58 AM

Posted Image

#379 C337Skymaster


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Posted 21 May 2021 - 04:34 AM

I definitely agree with the muzzle flash toggle. In my case, I agree with it for exactly the same reason the Flamer graphic was changed nearly 6 years ago: while the original flamer visual was much more enticing and realistic, it was HELL on graphics cards, and caused massive drops in framerate. All other impact explosion effects on the receiving end do essentially the same thing: they bog down the graphics card and make it difficult for the receiving player to respond to the attack.

EDIT: Okay, I'm talking about impact explosion effects, HOWEVER: as a non-epileptic person, when I went to use the trial Mauler, I literally had to NOT FIRE the two AC/2's up near the cockpit, because it was hurting my eyes and giving me a headache. I can't imagine the effect that would have had on a person who actually has epilepsy and is sensitive to such things.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 21 May 2021 - 04:36 AM.

#380 KursedVixen


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Posted 21 May 2021 - 08:04 AM

View PostAlreech, on 20 May 2021 - 04:56 AM, said:

To be honest: not enough weapons are IMHO not the main problem with MWO.

The main problem is Solo Quickplay with 12 vs 12 teams made out of 24 random players for one match that leads to stuff like NASCAR as best working tactic, or the unbalanced Mechlab that allows 6 PPCs in a Stalkers (that needs to be balanced with stuff like Ghostheat).
Yeah but still i'm surrpized nobody commented on how I think HAg's should work if we ever get them.

on a side note i'd like to see more IIC mechs like the Hellhound (wolverine IIC) Battlemaster IIC and such.

Edited by KursedVixen, 21 May 2021 - 08:37 AM.

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