Horseman, on 25 November 2020 - 10:11 AM, said:
I mean, QP is the giant bright green button that says "Play", while everything else is dimmer, and takes you to complicated menu screens that have no explanation and often won't let you join a match until you've fulfilled some unannounced prerequisites first (picking a faction, dropdeck, sponsor, etc). If you're here because you saw a banner ad on the side of a webpage, or YouTube recommended a gameplay video to you, but you don't know ANYTHING else about MechWarrior or Battletech, how clear is any of that going to be?
Horseman, on 25 November 2020 - 10:11 AM, said:
That sounds about right. 30 minutes is the length of a FP match. What you're seeing is the length of time it takes for the current match to end and for those same players to requeue for the next match. I'd be surprised if there were more than 30 people interested in FP at any one time: 24 to play a match, and 6 to sit there wondering why they were promised a "priority spot" and got left behind, anyway.
Horseman, on 25 November 2020 - 10:11 AM, said:
This is why, and this is how:
MW Waldorf Statler, on 25 November 2020 - 02:37 AM, said:
Here nothing, only Quickplay with Dropdecks without each strategical or Tactical Sense
Fights for Ressorces, Special chassies Versions ,
special Items like Bolts ons (thats not ugly like hell), or against Limitations.-
When we not hold the Factory , the next Weak we not have more as 2 t LRM ammunition per Mech/, we only have 1 or 2 Mech/Player by Drop, we not can use Timberwolf or have Arti.
No Jumproutes(thats can Blocked), no Jumptime, nothing Tactical or Strategical Features ,nothing from the Heavy Strategical Features for example in the MW4 leagues thats more or a little Empire at war
FP was promised as a global battle for the whole of the Inner Sphere, representing all the different conflicts at once. It was promised to reflect real-world combat, which is 90% logistics and 10% combat. We got the 10% combat, and completely missed the 90% logistics.
Okay, we defended/destroyed the orbital gun. Now what?
If defended, status quo is maintained.
If destroyed, well, then those "landing forces" should be able to land, right? What are they going to do then?
Maybe we're after a factory? Maybe we're assigned to destroy the factory where Rotary Autocannons are built (wouldn't that be nice?

Yay, we destroyed the RAC factory. Wouldn't that cause a shortage of RACs? Shouldn't it now be hard for people to buy and equip Rotary Autocannons? The price might double or triple, or there might simply not be any available at all (maybe we took out the warehouse behind the factory, while we were there).
Or maybe we captured that warehouse: everyone gets two RAC/5's and three RAC/2's from the warehouse at the end of the mission.
One of the biggest balancing factors that I feel is missing from MWO is consumable ammunition/armor/structure that needs to be replenished/repurchased/salvaged after each mission. I feel like I heard something about that back when the game first started (I couldn't get a computer for it until 3 years in), and the community bitched enough for it to be removed, but that's combat. That's literally why the US Navy abandoned their plans for a Rail Gun: is because each shot was going to cost a million dollars. Ammo is expensive (depending on the ammo), and it's a real logistical cost. It would make the game SO much more interesting and dynamic if there were ammo or equipment shortages, or particular ammo types are more expensive but more functional, etc.
Artemis Ammo costs twice as much as standard, but can be used with an Artemis-equipped launcher, which is much more accurate.
NARC ammo costs twice as much as standard, but can be used with a NARC tracking beacon (wouldn't that help balance out LRMs, if only NARC ammo could track a NARC beacon? You either spend double in the hopes that there'll be a NARC, or you spend regular and spend the whole match getting your own locks, unable to use any assistance that might have otherwise been available. Or you devote the tonnage and hardpoint to bring your own NARC). Streaks are unaffected by NARCs.
FP has a LOT of potential, and the key word that Shortpower kept repeating is "dynamic". FP is currently "static". It changes once every 8 hours, and barely perceptibly, and only on the between-match screen. If there are real consequences to wins and losses, and real change from match to match, that's when you drive interest in a mode.
And yes: QP should definitely be divided up by faction. It should be Clan vs IS, or Clan vs Clan, or IS vs IS, and you should have to choose a faction (even if a new player picks at random) and gain access to that Faction's tech (AS7-K for joining Kurita. AS7-S for joining Steiner, etc) because that's how a brand new player will start to learn some of the differences between the different tech bases, and the factions involved, and start to form opinions about who they like or dislike, and gain a willingness to defend that prejudice on the battlefield. Right now, there is no need to know any of that, thus no need to learn about it, and it causes confusion among new players about why they're so different.
-P U R E-, on 18 May 2021 - 07:14 AM, said:
You have bots, infantry ( soon ), tanks, aerospace, stock builds and more.
It even looks better and runs better than MWO.
In which case, as much time, money, and effort has been sunk into MWO, why can't we just have MW5 multiplayer? If it's already got everything in it that we need, and is directly built upon, and improved from, MWO, then maybe it's time we port everything over to that platform and call it MWO 2.0.