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Mechwarrior Online 2021: Modes

2021 modes

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#221 beezzarro


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Posted 23 January 2021 - 03:38 AM

I don't know if this has been said before here (probably), but it's become greatly vexing to pick a mech before the map is decided (quick play) and then have something wholly incompatible come out of it. A brawler on alpine peaks for example. I know a lot of players are going to roll their eyes and think that it's just a matter of being a good player, but you need to be an outstanding player to do anything effectively with lrms on solaris city.
Another thing is the shallowness of quickplay. I get it, it's mech-digest for people to smash and grab. I think we need something like what they do for warthunder where we get a respawn or two. Right now quick play is simply "death ball takes all" with vary little variation. If you want to get into a match where you can bring multiple mechs, you have to wait a damned long time for faction warfare to fill up, and then you've wasted your time completely.
Additionally, one really wants to earn reputation with a certain faction in FP, but there's rarely an opportunity to fight for them. I checked, Steiner came up one time in 2 hours. The inner sphere fought amongst themselves constantly for 500 years. I think we can do something about bumping up those engagements.

Quite frankly Mechwarrior LL is the gold standard for multiplayer mech combat now. That's easily said, of course, but consider a faction match where there's more to do than storming a castle and destroying something. Let's get some bigger maps where there's a point to defending certain things. put a resupply and rearm station somewhere that gives people real incentive to defend it. Right now, if you bring a mech with ammunition of some kind, it's usually focused on using those munitions and you might as well walk into fire and die so you can get to your next mech. Perhaps make a C-Bill counter so that you can see what you've earned already and perhaps spend some of it to repair and rearm. Players could then weigh the costs in their heads: "i can do a lot of damage with these Autocannons, but it's going to cost 400,000 C-Bills to fully repair and resupply my mech. Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe I'll just eject and get to my Laserboat Marauder sniper". IMO that's some valuable tactical depth that could easily be put in and is sorely lacking here

Edited by beezzarro, 23 January 2021 - 03:49 AM.

#222 InvictusLee


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Posted 23 January 2021 - 01:42 PM

View PostNovember11th, on 23 January 2021 - 01:39 PM, said:




#223 Huoshini


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Posted 29 January 2021 - 07:48 AM

Faction Play solutions....

1. Make the end game of faction play (Territory control) actually matter. LOYAL Faction members with the most territory at the end of a given season gets a thing! C-bills, cockpit item, decals, whatever. Those that choose to be mercenaries can live with a constant C-bill bonus every match.
2. ADD THE QUICK PLAY MATCH RESULTS TO FACTION PLAY REULTS! I.E- This quickplay match is happening on X planet. The overall territory control can sway to either clan or IS depending on match score or K/D?

3. INCREASE THE C-BILL REWARD FOR FACTION PLAY! A game usual takes 30 minutes ish. Thats 2-3 quick play games. Why not monetize it like that?! That way people won't feel like they are wasting time.

#224 tailgunner


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 08:32 AM

Can we have a free for all mode? 24 mechs (or however many) and one goes out. Or 15 minutes with respawn and most kills wins. Both would be fun.

#225 Will9761


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Posted 09 February 2021 - 09:29 PM

I have a Weekly Suggestion for events, Faction Rivalries. I hate how the factions we have are just glorified faction icons and while we have FP as a daily shift between factions, it is not enough. We should have rivalries were loyalist players can have pride beating the crap out of their rivals instead of just random factions.

As a way to alleviate that problem, have weekly faction rivalries that can be completed in Faction play or in quick play. However unlike certain events, these event should only be done if you pick a faction instead of being a mercenary or unaffiliated. It should also be geared between players who are sporting icons of that faction, if they are unaffiliated the challenges will not count. But merc challenges could be a thing. Rather than the event being about winning against the other team, it is about Loyalist fans beating the snot out of each other out for fun and lore. Meaning, if I'm a Steiner Loyalist and I see you with a Marik Icon in FP or QP, then I'm going to do everything in my power to get you.

Using the NFL as an example of feuds, each conference has teams that have their very own rivalries with one another. For example, the Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears hate each other after one player had punched an opposing player and erupted into a full-blown fist fight. Now every single time Packers or Bears fans see each other in their jersey, they will smack talk each other and their team due to the impact of that rivalry. The Inner Sphere and Clans have their own traditional rivalries within the BT Universe which aren't being properly utilized in MWO and it needs to have some passion to it. Give us some scenarios of the Rival factions fighting (loyalist) and the Mercenary units participating (non-loyalist).

MWO Rivalries:
Here are some well-know traditional rivalries between each faction.

Inner Sphere Rivalries
House Davion hates House Kurita for the Kentares Massacre.
House Liao hates House Davion for starting the Fourth Succession Wars .
House Marik hates House Steiner for constantly raiding them and their worlds.
House Marik hates House Liao due to their deception and untrustworthiness.
House Kurita hates House Steiner because they see the Lyrans as weak.
House Steiner and House Davion hate each other due to the Fed Com Civil War.
The Free Rasalhague Republic hates House Kurita due to the rogue elements in the Ronin Wars.

Clan Rivalries
Clan Jade Falcon hates Clan Wolf for their Warden views and Nicolas Kerensky giving them his genetic legacy.
Clan Steel Viper hates Clan Jade Falcon because of the death of Viper Khan Sanra Mercer and their policies. Ever since then, the Vipers have been opposing the Jade Falcons.
Clan Ghost Bear hates Clan Wolf for denying them the right to fight the Non-Named Clan. The Ghost Bears would let survivors escape out of spite. The Wolf Clan raided the Ghost Bears in retaliation.
Clan Smoke Jaguar hates Clan Nova Cat after the Nova Cat Khan, Sandra Rossa broke off her relationship with the Smoke Jaguar SaKhan, Liam Ismiril. In response the Smoke Jaguars would shove the Nova Cats’ totem animal in their Iron Womb, kicking off a long-lasting feud between the two clans.
Clan Smoke Jaguar hates Clan Wolf due to their Warden leadership throughout the clans. They would work with the Jade Falcons to hamper the Wolves during Operation Revival.
Clan Diamond Shark hates Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Smoke Jaguar for how they mistreated them during Operation Revival.
Clan Ghost Bear hates Clan Steel Viper due to their insolent ways.

Clan vs Inner Sphere Rivalries
Clan Smoke Jaguar hates Kurita because they believe that the Draconis Combine had a hand in helping Stefan Amaris Destroy the Star League. House Kurita hates Clan Smoke Jaguar for the bombardment of Turtle Bay.
The Free Rasalhague Republic hates Clan Ghost Bear for the invasion of their borders.
House Steiner hates Clan Jade Falcon for invading their realms.

So in total, there are 16 traditional rivalries between the Inner Sphere and the Clans

Rival Challenges
Loyalist Objectives (Solo Loyalist)
Loyalist vs Loyalist - You must defeat players who are traditional rivals of your faction (For example Kurita vs Steiner, Liao vs Marik, Clan Wolf vs Clan Jade Falcon).
Border Patrol - Get Scouting Rewards as a Loyalist of your faction
Border Skirmish - Get a certain amount of kills or KMD as a loyalist against players of your rival faction
Prototype Hunting - As a Loyalist, you must destroy a certain mech of your rival faction. For example as a Davion Loyalist, you must destroy specific Kurita mechs like, Jenners, Panthers, Dragons, Hatamotos, etc.

Merc Objectives (Unaffiliated Players)
Live Fire Test - Get a certain amount of kills while in a Faction associated Mech. For example get 5 kills in a Zeus
Performance Testing - Earn a certain amount of Hit and Runs, Scouting Bonuses, Flanking, etc in a faction based mech. For example, earn 5 Hit and Runs in a Commando.
Bounty Hunting - Kill a certain Hero Mech associated with a faction. For example, Fang and Flame are wanted mechs due to their association with House Kurita
Reinforcements - Get a Lance Formation with faction specific loyalist players. For example, get 3 Lance formations with Liao players.

Loyalty Rewards
  • Faction Decals
  • Free Faction Pattern Unlock for One Mech
  • Faction Colors
  • A mech based on that Faction: Hatamoto for Kurita, Zeus for Steiner, Ebon Jaguar for Smoke Jaguar, Kodiak for Ghost Bear
Merc Rewards (Optional)
  • Colors based on a canonical Mercenary Unit
  • Mercenary Unit Decal
* For example For completing Merc Objectives for House Steiner, you get Hotrod Bright Red and Obsidian Black, and the Kell Hounds Logo as a reward.

TLDR version - Make the weekly events like the Battle of Luthien, but add in different factions and make the challenges easier to complete in QP or FP for the loyalist. Also throw some rewards for non-loyalist players who complete merc objectives. I would say make these events every two weeks.

Edited by Will9761, 20 March 2021 - 10:39 AM.

#226 SICk Nick


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 11:23 AM

Fix faction play!
Make it more like an actual planetary invasion. As the battle progress bar moves, the maps/objectives change as the planetary defenses fall.

start in large open maps, move toward base maps, then cities.

maos/advantages can change as the scouting team identifes better aveneues etc.

new game modes with respawns perhaps

#227 SICk Nick


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 11:29 AM

Please add MW5 maps for large-scale battles.(faction play)

#228 Cherge


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 02:00 PM

This is probably unpopular opinion, but faction war and quick play should be meshed together. It would basically be quick play in-game with the faction war out-of-game. It would give it a Planetside-esque feel of winning leading to a lore related impact that all players would be able to see. Playing just to increase some arbitrary PSR gets stale pretty quickly.

Merging the two would also help the population issue.

#229 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 07:15 PM

View PostSICk Nick, on 16 February 2021 - 11:23 AM, said:

Fix faction play!
Make it more like an actual planetary invasion. As the battle progress bar moves, the maps/objectives change as the planetary defenses fall.

start in large open maps, move toward base maps, then cities.

maos/advantages can change as the scouting team identifes better aveneues etc.

new game modes with respawns perhaps

Please add MW5 maps for large-scale battles.(faction play)

MW5 UE4 Engine with procedual terrain and Biome modules and a Handfull Handcrafted maps =PGI have Coder and Programmers for it

MWO old heavy Modified Cry3 Engine =since Years lost the most talented Coders and Programmers for it and not new Cry Specialists to find in the Jobmarket

All the Ideas is not realistic in each way for MWO ,its a absolut different and new MWO 2

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 16 February 2021 - 07:16 PM.

#230 Charon DOC Stock


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Posted 17 February 2021 - 03:47 AM

Posted ImageSorry for my poor englishPosted Image

About Game Mode

I think that eponymous objectives of the game mode are not important enough.

Except "Conquest", other game modes are just another way to play skirmish with an alternative way to end the game when all ennemy mechs are dead.
There no real feeling that you need to complete the eponymous objectives.

This is mainly because games are too long.

For example in a «domination» match if you have a bad start and the other team bring the clock to 20 sec, there is no pressure. You still have 14 minutes to regroup and dig into a skirmish in a very localised fight.
I don't feel that it was the spirit and the dynamic of this game mode when it was concieved.

With a 15 minutes you don't need to take some tactical decision. There is no hurry.

Will we send someone to destroy alpha and beta base because game will end soon?
Nah, we still have 7 minutes, just fire and win the skirmish. Who cares about the clock, it will only matters in the last minute of the game...

I also suggest to modify more deeply Assaut rules into this:

First team to fully capture ennemy base wins.
When timer end, team with the less captured base wins.
Tie break : when time out if both bases have been captured at the same amount, team with most kill wins

About Lobby Options

A no Ghost Heat/Heat scale option.
(private stock match really need this feature)

Edited by Charon DOC Stock, 17 February 2021 - 08:51 AM.

#231 Nomad5926


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Posted 17 February 2021 - 10:18 AM

I hope this thread is still being read by the developers. And I figured as someone who plays this more casually, I might be able to share a different view.

Honestly I most of the QP game modes are fine. Skirmish/Domination are kinda the same thing, Just with one restricting where you can fight. I love Incursion and Assault because it basically stop the stupid Nascar **** from happening. Conquest I've hated since launch. It basically a game mode of who has the better light mechs/pilots.-- no thank you.

Faction Play is something me and my buddies just started doing. And as new players it is hard to get into. We felt like dead weight in every game we played. Doing hours of research just to play a certain mode? Just don't play it. A lovely person sent me the URL for a great guide: https://docs.google....mKgQM/htmlview#
No way we would have found this information without help. Now we know what type of mechs to bring,etc... There needs to be a page with basic information about Faction play maps so that players new to the mode can be vaguely geared correctly.

Solaris?-- Let it die. I mean keep it for the 25 people who have nothing better to do since they own all the mechs and have billions of c-bills. But for everyone else. No way to not make this playable for casuals. (not that the mode was intended that way for the start)

Match Making...... possibly reward teamwork on pilot ranking more? I don't really know how it works. Honestly I wish there would just be a NAscar mode for people who just want to yolo in and die, and then just regular QP matches for everyone else.

8v8 and 12v12- sure? I don't really have an opinion on that, but 8v8 would probably have to be groups only or something. (but then you have the issue of like 3 groups of 3 wanting to join and how do you fill slots?)

Solo/Group Queues I mean maybe? I hesitant to say yes, because my friends and I aren't that great so if we want to play together I'm worried we'll just get stomped because we have to play against other groups who are more coordinated and more skilled.

Match Scoring- probably should reward teamwork more than just damage. There does seem to be nice points for like protection/missles killed/lance together etc..... but that is pretty hard to get to happen in quickplay.

Reconnection, I haven't had many DCs issues so I can't really talk on that.

Other things that would be nice would be a map veto list. Like pick maps that you just don't want to play, or let players pick a mechs after the map is chosen. I don't know how much my ranking has suffered because I'll pick a CQC mech and get Polar Highlands.... but its been a lot.

Private Lobbies? I didn't even know that was a thing? Like is this you and friends just play against each other? Can you get c-bills this way?

Dailies/Weeklies- This would be awesome. Honestly the event rewards are most of the reason I continue to play regularly. Like the little rewards of like 50MC or 100,000 c-bills is a nice way to make regular players not feel like **** after the 5th lose in a row because your slow mech couldn't keep up with the nascar so you died doing like 80 dmg.

P.S. I didn't even know spectating was a thing.

Edited by Nomad5926, 17 February 2021 - 10:18 AM.

#232 TheCaptainJZ


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Posted 17 February 2021 - 07:04 PM

Regarding Solaris,
I think you should just axe it. It's simply not popular enough. But...what you could do instead, is have regular Solaris-structured events.

What is Solaris in concept? Competitive deathmatches with an audience. Well, we already have that in the form of Skirmish. And we have a system for Comp players too. And these things already can be livestreamed to an audience. So instead of having a Solaris mode, have a regular Solaris event. Take the Solaris concept out of the game and structure it in the real world with things we've already been doing. Just need a way to tweak the format a little bit.

* Private matches hosted/organized by PGI directly.
* Create a structure for a tournament with brackets.
* Teams aren't limited to just 1 v 1 or 2 v 2. 4 v 4 could be interesting.
* Live stream and have live commentary--make it feel like a sports event! Community could do this.
* Skirmish mode already exists. Maps already exist--add "classic" maps. Add or modify other QP maps or sections of QP or FP maps (Lots of FP maps have arena-like areas).
* All matches have to be scheduled and could do this over a couple months depending on number of teams. That would constitute a "season."
* Meaningful prizes. Real world stuff would be super cool if possible. Maybe a hat or T-shirt or medallion. Or a tabletop figurine of their mech.
* Lots of advertising and promotion both within and outside the game.

You could still keep the 7 divisions. Each player on a team would be locked to choosing mechs within that division. It could also be interesting to have other objectives than skirmish. Domination (modified?) would be a good second choice for a competitive game. You could also experiment with a limited respawn mode, so maybe 4v4 Domination, 4 mech respawns, and the winner is whoever scores the most time in the middle (timer counts up not down) once all mechs on one team are dead. I mean, we already have this in FP, but you could experiment and play with objectives from one season to the next to keep things fresh.

Bonus--engage the whole playerbase with filling out their March Solaris Madness brackets. Prizes to the ones that have the right brackets.

Edited by TheCaptainJZ, 17 February 2021 - 07:05 PM.

#233 TASADAR101


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Posted 23 February 2021 - 07:36 AM

While Mechwarrior 5 is more the premier experience for a PVE mechwarrior. I would appreciate a cooperative mode for MWO to play with my friends.

#234 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 23 February 2021 - 11:31 PM

What do you mean? Against bots? Because you can team up with your friends and play in MWO no problem.

#235 The Testiclops


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Posted 19 March 2021 - 12:38 AM

The thing I want to see most of is private match hosting expansion. Ie, a server list/browser, and intricate server settings, finally dedicated server hosting!

#236 Reno Blade


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Posted 28 March 2021 - 12:33 PM

Mission objectives / map modes:
would be great if you could get random spawn and target locations, but lets not start dreaming here...
- increase importance of objectives (partly by matchscore/money, and other effects)
- incursion should be asymetrical
- assault should be asymetrical with one team defending a Union Dropship that can be damaged!!
- domination bases (alpha/beta) should be important. maybe you have to hold both before you hold the center (might be too close to conquest), or if you have alpha/beta, you get supporting AI (artillery/longtom style, tanks/copters/turrets)...
- bring back VIP escort, but allow the mech to fire back with lasers and let the team see the current path (or navigate it by company command)

matchscore and cbill per match:
- increase special manouvers ingame such as scouting, formation, hit/run etc.
- reduce damage done match/cbill score
- add damage taken bonus
- add target info sharing bonus (similar to tag/narc and scouting) where you get some bonus for holding a target while others shoot it too after 5s or so
- increase cap/uncap bonus
- give bonus for destroying Alpha/bravo on domination, if it adds the full duration to the counter (but might need to change this mode anyway)

Daily/Weekly missions:
- random mission goals like in the events
- special mission goals such as hunt down x heavies in a med, survive x battles ...
- not sure how to combine dailyies into a "campaign" mission for a week/month that is not just increased numbers like in the events... maybe some kind of after X you need Y somehow.
- daily/weekly headhunter missions where you get a random player of the opposing team as VIP target with additional bonus, if you get that target down

Event Queue:
- Mutator selection in the launcher (either in event selection on launch menu is selected = on, or on event days where it can happen)
- Mutators can affect everything from weapon dmg/range/cd/velocity/heat and affect it possitively/negatively.
e.g. double damage, half cd, slowmo with half the velocity, double heat, double jumpjet, half gravity ...
these kind of things where the biggest fun in unreal tournament and also some people liked the no-ammo/no-heat modes in MW4 ...

#237 Vercors


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Posted 03 April 2021 - 08:43 AM

Grouped players:

You can keep the principle of grouped players in QP without making them necessarily in the same team, but just in the same game. I don't see why players who are used to playing together in the same team would find it less fun to fight each other in the same game.

This rule can be removed when there are enough MWO players, but in the meantime (and how long do we have to wait?) it seems to me the best way to balance the distribution between competent and less competent players.

#238 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 04 April 2021 - 11:41 PM

View PostVercors, on 03 April 2021 - 08:43 AM, said:

Grouped players:

You can keep the principle of grouped players in QP without making them necessarily in the same team, but just in the same game. I don't see why players who are used to playing together in the same team would find it less fun to fight each other in the same game.

This rule can be removed when there are enough MWO players, but in the meantime (and how long do we have to wait?) it seems to me the best way to balance the distribution between competent and less competent players.

will you play with a split group ,thats use teamspeak ? and what make it better ,when the group in the own Team is splitted? its not the group s its the high Awarness and Experience ,like each other shooter or like the Reality when Recruits fight against Veterans ...a Veteran can fight with each other Veteran without Communication/different Languages and win.

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 10 April 2021 - 11:05 PM.

#239 Vercors


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Posted 05 April 2021 - 02:30 AM

View PostMW Waldorf Statler, on 04 April 2021 - 11:41 PM, said:

will you play with a split grup ,tahts use teamspeak ?

You say that players with teamspeak in separate teams could cheat? indeed it is to be taken into account, but:

- What prevents players who are not grouped (but have made a synchronized jump), using teamspeak and being in different teams from doing it now?
- In my experience, when I'm a spectator of a last player continuing the fight against several other players, I've never seen the players of my team revealing information about the survivor.
- If someone in your group is doing this, you could blame him for ruining your game experience, he might even realize it himself when he does it.

There will always be egotistical behavior, I don't think it's representative of MWO players.

#240 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 10 April 2021 - 11:12 PM

Groups not the Problem , its the experience and the wide Field of Weapons and Ranges , no respawn ,and to play with Mates thats plys since 30 Years or more games and MW Titles ,and MWO since beginning ,and against This Experience and Tactical Awarness as Solo Player in a teamplay Game,
New Snowflakes have no Chance ...not here, not in War Thudner, not in CoD or a other Game with Teamplay and coordinated ways to win..Bloody recruits against Old Veterans and a Stomp is programmed for this side, thats have not so amny Vetearns, Veterans thats not so good as the Other Side or lost his Veterans without Teamplay very early.

many Players in MWO (and other Teamplay games) better plays only Singleplayer or PvE, its a sad simple True and here you not can buy Cheattools for easy wins

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 10 April 2021 - 11:13 PM.

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