Y E O N N E, on 27 May 2021 - 07:28 PM, said:
Even the IS would have 'Mechs competent enough to balance the physical forces acting on it in real-time.
There is nothing about the Clan lore that makes an iota of sense if you really think about it, least of all them somehow having better tech. They have fewer resources and had their own re-enactment of the Succession Wars. They kill each other for gains because gains cannot be had any other way. The invasion should have been launched out of desperation for the dwindling resources and what the IS should have encountered would be sketchy, clever modifications of ancient 'Mechs pushed way past their design limits with almost feral pilots using extremely dirty tactics to annihilate their more numerous, more vanilla foes with relative ease.
IS would have been out-classed in skill both on the field and in the hangar simply because they have never been pushed as hard for as long, but their tech should have still been in much better condition, Succession Wars and Comstar be damned.
So the main difference between the Clans (post Klondike) and the Inner Sphere during the Succession Wars, is that the Clans restricted their combat to combatants, whereas the Inner Sphere was hell-bent on destroying industrial capacity, knowledge centers, economic backing, etc. The Clans set up a system where the soldiers would go off into a field or the woods or something, somewhere that even stray shots would only hit nature, and when they came back to town, they'd say "we won" and the civilians in town would just shrug and go "okay". There was a LOT of mental conditioning that went into that society, and it was seriously messed up in the head, but it kept their industry and knowledge centers alive and untouched in spite of any rivalries or outright conflicts that might have cropped up. They also seem to have found some miracle materials because even after they returned to the Inner Sphere, they still couldn't quite reproduce the stuff they were making in Clan Space (hence Light Fusion Engines for IS tech, instead of just setting up a Clan XL factory on Outreach).
It's kinda like the Dark Ages from 500-1300 here on Terra. The Europeans lost pretty much all knowledge of how to do anything except raise stick houses with thatched roofs, and plow farm fields. All the history and influence of the Romans was lost during that time. Over in the Middle East, however, the Byzantines and the Arabs didn't suffer any such collapse of civilization, and retained all the scientific and technological knowledge that had been gained to that point in time, and it was actually thanks to the Crusades, and the interaction of Europeans with Arabs, that the Europeans relearned a LOT of what had been forgotten in the intervening centuries. They weren't exactly dropping Nukes to glass entire towns, but there was still a lot of murdering civilians (especially since there wasn't really much distinction in that time, between combatants and non-combatants. Just male and female), and a lot of knowledge lost.
Y E O N N E, on 27 May 2021 - 07:28 PM, said:
I'm going to simplify this a lot, it's labor-intensive as in you have to write the code such that, for every piece of Omni-certified equipment in existence, your computer can:
1. Identify the installed equipment
2. Provide all the needed inputs to the identified equipment
3. Receive all the needed outputs from the identified equipment
5. Load-balance the available resources to support the identified equipment
With an OmniMech, the manufacturer would develop the vehicle to work with all equipment designed in accordance with the OmniMech interface spec. Adhering to the spec means that, in addition to a common physical connection standard, there will be some sort of common, shared communications protocol between the 'Mech and the installed equipment. That protocol is going to be responsible for identifying the equipment and establishing the functional boundary between the equipment and the 'Mech computer. This means that all Omni equipment is going to have a minimum amount of "smarts" and thus require armies of software engineers all around to develop the smarts to run their wares or tell the interfacing computer how to run them. They will have to coordinate with the broader community to keep the interface spec up to date. The equipment will thus be more complex and expensive, but it will also be plug-and-play so factory or field variants are only as expensive as the cost of the items.
With a BattleMech, the manufacturer would develop the vehicle to only work with the equipment they designed it for. The software would be hard-coded for specific weapons and electronics systems. There is no common interface standard and supporting adaptive software to allow plug-and-play aftermarket modifications, such changes will always require faffing around in the computer and modifying the physical connections to get it to work. This makes deviations from the original design more expensive to design and produce at the factory, and exponentially more expensive and time-consuming to implement in the field. However, the equipment can be simpler and cheaper and more compact, since the 'Mech computer will be built to handle all of the necessary smarts and you don't have a common physical interface standard adding bulk that might otherwise be unnecessary.
This makes a lot of sense, and fits with a lot of the general "airs" put on about Omnimechs in the books. They generally give the impression that their overall electronic systems are "better" in that they're faster, more accurate, more precise, or something to that effect. Maybe kinda like the difference between this Alienware R1 (R5) laptop that I'm using now, and the Inspiron 9400 that it replaced 6 years ago. They both work, but one works faster because it's got better circuitry. Definitely hard to quantify on the multi-ton level.
Y E O N N E, on 27 May 2021 - 07:28 PM, said:
The KC-135 has fairly primitive avionics and controls, even by today's standards. Something sophisticated enough to balance while managing a fusion reaction, standing upright, and firing weapons with useable precision is going to be offloading that type of small, minute adjustment from the pilot and onto the computer, Omni or otherwise. The inputs from the pilot will be more or less focused on navigational directions, firing orders, and cycling through settings to refine the decision aid feedback they are receiving from the tactical computers.
That was sort of my point, but going the other way: it took that long to calibrate a relatively simple electronic device, it would conceivably be harder and MORE time consuming to calibrate even more sophisticated pieces of electronics due to the multiple different parameters that all influence each other.