Supernova: Maybe a CB one as missile boat, or would the hero be worth it?
Mad Cat MKII: No idea there.
-B first for C-Bills. The others are respectable, but the -B with 2xUAC10/2xUAC5 is the go to one. The Hero is one of the few clan heroes worth getting but i would get others first and consider it later if you really like the -B variant.
Kodiak: Similar.
Nope. Stay away.
Gargoyle: Probably a CB one, no idea what to do with that.
Executioner: Same.
Stay away. Hero for Solaris only, but there are strong contenders now for c-bills, so stay away too.
Dire Wolf: Maybe the UV for an AC boat. Other ideas?
There are only cheese builds, an you get ripped apart. Buy this one when you have everything else. Try out a c-bill one first to see how bad it is in terms of turning/speed/survivability
Timber Wolf: Also probably a CB one, no idea, since I don't like the ears.
Stay away. By a good measure. The poor thing has been nerfed into the ground.
Stormcrow: Hmm.
Very good, omni, but the hero gives you no special options over c-bill iirc. still a good choice, although the VGL is the new cool kid on the block for 55t
Ice Ferret: Hero or a CB one?
The -P has ecm in the center (same as the hero), so perhaps get that one first and the hero if you find yourself playing it a lot (which i doubt)
Osiris: Last missing IS chassis

Maybe a CB one.
4D for the added laser hardpoint
Jenner IIC: Probably a CB one as SRM boat, seems to work ok.
plain IIC but i never really play that one anymore, the kit fox does mostly the same but better
Adder: Ideas for that?
Prime for PPC-Sniping, but meh