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Mwo Intel Gathering: Battlemech Variants

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#241 Robert Bruce


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 05:17 PM

Comguard mechs.

#242 TK Romero


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 05:39 PM

Not sure if it was already mentioned or not, almost 250+ comments at the moment. I may be part of a small group in saying that there are plenty of variants in MW:O. I'd rather have more variety of different mechs with a way to earn the different variants. It may be me, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of stuff in MW:O.

I'd rather buy one chassis and unlock different variants to switch between by 'mastering' the mech. Switching variants takes time by playing X amount of matches and/or X amount of hours. Played matches could also knock off time by X amount as well. Players can then buy a favored mech so they always have at the ready.

New variant launches? People can pay MC or buy it on the online store to have it now, or re-master the mech to earn it, play FW to earn the loyalty points for the variant blueprint, Solaris, encourage playing a lore event to earn the variant. Lots of ideas.

However, I am happy to see the open ear to the community and am eager to see what changes are made. This post is wishful thinking.

#243 a frying pan to the CT


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 05:49 PM

Centurion was my first mech, and it needs some love again in MWO please. And a few other mech ideas too, for your consideration:

-Centurion CN9-D9: adds jumpjets. This would be fun, and a new angle for the mech.

-Centurion CN9 -D3D or D4D: adds MASC. Just something different for the mech to do.

-Bonus if you created an all-torso mounted weapons loadout variant, maybe even with ECM, and got rid of the right club arm and replaced it with another hand and shield arm like the left arm. That would look so good. Please, just give me the double-hand model. Would be so sweet.

-Warhawk: nothing in the lore, but it needs a left torso with no heatsinks, just empty, to give it the space and weight to try different builds with heavy ballistic and missile weapon ammos. Some hardpoints or ECM would just be an extra bonus. This would really open up the possible builds for a classic mech.

-Spider SDR-C or 8xR: five energy hardpoints. Energy is all a spider can hope to mount, and it needs a variant with many more hardpoints to do so effectively. If you could stretch this new variant into 6-8 energy hardpoints, that would really mark the return of a "...triumph of mech design" to the frontlines of the battlefield.

Thank you.

#244 CanadianCyrus


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 06:38 PM

Taken from Sarna..

Direwolf Variant:
Alt. Config. C
The C configuration is configured to be highly mobile and flexible. The Dire Wolf C can jump up to ninety meters. The primary weapons carried are a pair of ER PPCs. These are supported by two new ATM 6 launchers which are capable of firing missiles that are intended for short, intermediate, and long ranges. The C configuration also carries four Medium Pulse Lasers and a single shot Streak SRM-4 launcher. The direct fire weapons are all linked to a Targeting Computer, increasing their lethality, and the C configuration is protected from enemy electronic warfare equipment with an ECM Suite
The single shot streak 4 is the odd one out, but just make it a regular streak 4 with half a ton of ammo. ECM Direwolf is a solid addition.

Hellbringer Variant:
Alt. Config. J
A highly mobile scout unit, the Loki J is carries an Ultra AC/5 and ER PPC in its arms supported by twin ER Medium Lasers in each torso and a Streak SRM-4 rack. Fitted with Jump Jets, the J also mounts an Anti-Missile System and an Active Probe, each ammo-dependant weapon carrying a single ton of reloads.

Adds JJs to the Hellbringer.

Next one is a hero mech

Timberwolf Hero:
Bounty Hunter
The first custom configuration used by the infamous Bounty Hunter of the time of the initial Clan Invasion, it mounted a Large Pulse Laser and a Medium Pulse Laser in each arm. It also had a Medium Pulse Laser in both the left and right torso with a Clan Light TAG in the center torso. A Light Active Probe, ECM suite, and a Targeting Computer provided stealth and increased accuracy

Will probably need a different name as the Marauder hero already has it. Otherwise adds ECM to the Timberwolf.

Edited by Funzo, 19 January 2021 - 06:41 PM.

#245 TheSteelRhino


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 07:20 PM

Grand Dragon.DRG-5K Grand Dragon
We've been asking for this one for YEARS. And all you really have to adjust is the right arm...(or the DRG-7K)

Wolverine 7M- and let's get some ER large laser quirkening..

ThunderBolt 7SC- Gauss Ballistic with ECM, JJ's, and energy hard points.

Clan Mech...Conjurer/HELLHOUND. It's theoretically speaking the Wolverine IIC ..(but the clans would never call it that) It's a battlemech so maybe some light cosmetic buffing would be enough?

Now....Time for some Heresy! Shadow Hawk 5S.. from Battle Technology. (We don't have a full on Energy Heavy Shadow Hawk.)
The 5S is a variant of the 5M used by the Special Forces. It replaces all standard weapons with one Large Laser, one medium pulse laser and four medium lasers. In addition, it carries a Beagle Active Probe in the right torso, while an Guardian ECM Suite is installed in the left torso. Its left arm is also equipped with a TAG, while its head contains cargo space. It is armored by eleven and a half tons of standard armor.
Maybe some IS Omnimechs?
CN11-O Centurion Omnimech. Just tweak the appearance a bit.
BJ2-O Blackjack Omnimech...just tweak it a bit.. We already have BJ-2 and this is just 5 tons heavier..just make it a little chunkier.

BlackHawk...It's just a rip off of the nova but heavier/chunkier.
Rakshasa Rip off of Timber wolf..

And while it's not a chassis (or derivative of) a chassis not already in the game..Templar. I loved that mech.


Edited by TheSteelRhino, 19 January 2021 - 07:39 PM.

#246 Specter189


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 09:34 PM

Confined to a mobile phone at the moment so I can't go into detail but I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for the Atlas AS7-A. 5 SRM6 1 LRM15 and an AC5 5 missle Hardpoints in the right torso 1 missle and 1 ballistic in the left. Throw in a HSL quirk for SRMs and it could be very enjoyable. The S might technically fill that niche but Think of the splat potential

#247 Lionheart2012


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Posted 19 January 2021 - 11:08 PM

The Marauder 9S:

We already have the 9M, which is from the same time period. The 9S uses existing tech in MWO, and it has as standard equipment all the goodies an IS Mechwarrior could desire, endosteel, DHS, ECM, and LFE. The 9M already introduced the ECM Suite to the Marauders. This would be a second option, but this time allowing for ballistics. There are no changes needed, as the head energy hardpoint and the ECM hardpoint already exist with the 9M and the ballistic hardpoints exist with the 3R. The hardpoints I would give it are:
  • RA - 2E
  • RT - 2B
  • H - 1E
  • CT - 1ECM
  • LT - 1AMS
  • LA - 2E

These hard points would give the 'Mech the ability to carry two smaller bore autocannons or one large sniper. Quirks should focus on ERPPC heat (-10%), LB-X spread (-10%), and energy range (+10%).

The Marauder only has 5 variants in the game, not counting (S) variants. But it was a highly regarded 'Mech in lore, having 29 canon variants, according to Sarna.net. So it should have more variants in game.

And where the 9M created a missile brawler, the common variant being 2xMRM30 and 4x or 5xML, this variant would explore a true sniper, where the extended range of energy weapons and the inherently longer ranges of LB-X autocannons would be a deadly combination behind an ECM shield. This 'Mech is fast enough to reposition quickly, but armored enough to take a hit. Thus, this could easily become a premier 'Mech, and it could open up new playstyles and strategies in the game.

#248 WM Doddster Vajda


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 02:31 AM

I, personally, would love to see the Wolfhound iiC given to Phelan Kell/Ward from the novels. Maybe add a few other WolfHOund iiC variants as well, but definitely the custom mech built for Phelan.

#249 Bennesto


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 05:07 AM

YLW2 w/ 3-4 E-hardpoints and extra armor on the shieldarm. Kthx.

#250 LGBTQIAplus Ally


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 08:10 AM

I don't think you guys need to make new variants, I think giving comically great quirks to the least used variants would be a huge breath of fresh air. Start with the Ice Ferret A- er md las cooldown 50%, er med las duration -35%, lbx cooldown - 35% etc. Acceleration +35% etc etc etc.

#251 Onigato69


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 09:06 AM

Personally I like the idea of the Grand Dragon that has been mentioned a lot.

I would also like a light IS support option with multiple AMS and ECM like the Kitfox. Maybe a support Raven or Wolfhound with 3 AMS and ECM.

My other dream mech would be a stealth viable Thanatos that could mount 4 light gauss. I know it can be done with a few assaults, but it feels bad to bring a low alpha damage sniping support role in an assault chassis.

#252 InvictusLee


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 09:20 AM


and the weird atlas'
and more king crabs
and all the rest of the madcats including the baby madcat 4

#253 gritty181


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 10:35 AM

Thunderbolt 5SB

#254 Reno Blade


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 10:58 AM

I would prefere some hardpoint / quirk /skilltree buff overall.
There are tons of "old" mechs that have nearly identical loadouts. e.g. 2E 3M vs 3E 2M
These have only quirks going for one or the other, but usually 10% heat or 5% doesnt make or break any of these variants different enough.
Give them more something like 5E 2M and 2E 5M and larger quirks ... but then everyone is boating even more, which is the current meta, so you have to do it anyway ... ahhh damn.

And on top of that, if you would be able to really push your mech with skill tree to something like 30% cd, then you might have a reason to play more variants.

You see people having fun with "special" builds sich as Quickdraw IV4, so these things would work well overall.
Other than that, I like all these inversed variants (e.g. where ballistic arms turn into energy arms on the KingCrab hero / Marauder 1/2), so these are usually more interesting.

#255 TwilightTactician


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 11:12 AM

Novacat F
Crab BSC-20

#256 TwilightTactician


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 11:13 AM

Adding variants to underplayed mechs would be good.

#257 Jarok van Sagittaron


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 11:19 AM

o7 Mechwarriors!

I would like to have some IS Omni-Mechs. Especially the Hauptmann.

Also the Awesome 11M - I know it's a bit out of timeline and it's specs are of future and mixed tech but how about a PGI-exclusive variant? Maybe it's predecessor, call it AWS-11X, equip it with timeline compatible tech and give it a go!

And please: Huntsman with ECM Posted Image Posted Image !

Thanks for your attention.

#258 Q Gadget


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 11:50 AM

In addition to the TDR-5D which adds unique torso ballistics to the Thunderbolt chassis, the

Using some of the newest technology available in the Federated Suns, the 9NAIS was built in 3067 by NAIS on an Endo Steel structure and utilizes an XL Engine for power, giving it a ground speed of 86.4 kph. The 'Mech is armored with twelve tons of armor for protection and has an entirely updated weapons payload. The primary weapon is a Rotary Autocannon/5 which can fire at six times the normal rate of fire. Supporting it are three ER medium lasers and a Streak SRM-6. The lasers and rotary autocannon are linked to an advanced Targeting Computer. Finally, for added protection against enemy electronics, the 'Mech has a Guardian ECM suite.

A fast ECM Thunderbolt is interesting.

Honorable mention are any other IS MASC mechs:

Charger CGR-SA5
Cataphract CTF-3L
Thunderbolt TDR-10SE
Grand Dragon DRG-7K
Centurion CN9-D3D/D4D/D5
Phoenix Hawk PXH-3S/7S
Firestarter FS9-M3

#259 Visions of Padre Pio


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 01:14 PM

Jetting is one of my most favourite things about piloting a Battlemech.

Jetting literally adds a dimension to the manoeuverability of an otherwise earth-bound walking tank, so adding Jump Jet capable Variants to Jet-less Battlemech Chassis would likely be one of the most appreciable, and therefore rewarding, Variant additions the developers could make.

The list below is my attempt to offer Chassis Variant configurations that allow for Jump Jets, yet still compliment the existing Jet-less Variants.

Flea: None of the 20 - 25 tonne Battlemechs can equip Jump Jets. Perhaps the Flea would be a good candidate because it lacks the continuous top speed of its peers and its name strongly suggests jumping.

Raven: Designed specifically to serve in scouting and electronic warfare, these should have more Jump Jet Variants. Perhaps add Jump Jet Variants that can equip lasers or lasers with missiles.
RVN-AA: LA:2E LT:1ECM, 1AMS CT:0 RT:1E RA:2E Head:0 JJ:5 ENG:300Max
RVN-BB: LA:2E LT:1M, 1AMS CT:0 RT:1M RA:2E Head:0 JJ:5 ENG:295Max

Cicada: Currently has just one Jump Jet Variant, yet it seems like it should have more Jump Jet Variants to help facilitate its speedy role.
CDA-AA: LA:1E LT:1ECM CT:0 RT:1E RA:1E Head:0 JJ: 8 ENG:340Max
CDA-BB: LA:2E LT:2B CT:0 RT:2B, 1AMS RA:2E Head:0 JJ:8 ENG:340Max

Hellfire and Champion: The 60 tonne selection of chassis have few options for Jump Jet Capable Variants, yet they are closest to the top end of the Medium Chassis range. I would choose the Champion for IS and the Hellfire for Clan—both can equip faster engines up to the 360, so they would benefit most from Jump Jet Nimbleness.
HLF-AA: LA:2E LT:2B CT:0 RT:2B, 1AMS RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:360Max
HLF-BB: LA:2E LT:2E CT:0 RT:2E, 1AMS RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:360Max
CHP-AA: LA:1AMS, 2E LT:2E CT:0 RT:2B RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:360Max
CHP-BB: LA:1AMS, 2E LT:2E, 1M CT:0 RT:1M RA:1E, 1M H:0 JJ:5 ENG:360Max

Linebacker: Speed and manoeuverability are the whole point of this Heavy chassis.
LBK-AA: LA:1E LT:2E CT:0 RT:2B RA:1E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:390Max
LBK-BB: LA:2E LT:2E CT:0 RT:2B RA:2B H:0 JJ:5 ENG:390Max

Hellbringer and Thunderbolt: The 65 tonnes weight class chassis ought to have more Variants that give emphasis to speed and manoeuverability. For the Clan, the Hellbringer is especially emblematic for those who played previous iterations of the Mechwarrior games. For the IS, the Thunderbolt could use some more Jump Jet Variants, perhaps with the option to equip faster engines beyond the 315.
HBR-AA: LA:2E LT:2E CT:0 RT:2B, 1E RA:2B, 1E H:1E JJ:5 ENG:325Max
HBR-BB: LA:1B, 1E LT:3E, 1ECM CT:0 RT:1AMS RA:1B, 1E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:325Max
TDR-AA: LA:0 LT:3E CT:0 RT:1AMS, 2E RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:325Max
TDR-AA: LA:2B LT:2M CT:0 RT:1AMS, 2M RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:325Max

Sun Spider: Of all the 70 tonne Battlemechs, the Sun Spider really seems to be made for Jump Jets. Its chassis is compact and sleek. It can equip ECM for sneaking. It does not have the long arms of the humanoid Chassis that the other Battlemechs in its weight class have, so it should be able to shoot downward effectively from the edge of a high platform.
SNS-AA: LA:2E LT:2B CT:0 RT:2M RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:350Max
SNS-BB: LA:2M LT:1ECM CT:0 RT:2B RA:2M H:0 JJ:5 ENG:350Max
SNS-CC: LA:2E LT:1AMS, 1E CT:0 RT:1AMS RA:2B H:0 JJ:5 ENG:350Max

Warhammer: Meant to be fast and manoeuverable, I would love to see more of these Variants that offer more hard point variety than the WHM-9D offers (which is energy only).
WHM-11T (Has a Missile Launcher)
WHM-AA: LA:2E LT:1B, 2E CT:1AMS RT:1B, 2E RA:2E H:0 JJ:5 ENG:340Max
WHM-BB: LA:1E LT:1AMS, 2E CT:1ECM RT:2M RA:1E H:1E JJ:5 ENG:340Max

Warhammer IIC: Considering the IS Warhammer chassis has some Jump Jet capable Variants, maybe the heavier Clan version should have some more, too.

Corsair: This is certainly a stretch, but considering these are supposed to be idiosyncratic Frankenmechs, why not add greater variety to their Variants with some that can equip jump jets? Maybe have a variant with MASC and Jump Jets to rival the Executioner!
COR-AA: LA:2B LT:2E, 1AMS CT:2E RT:1E, 1AMS RA:2B H:0 JJ:4 ENG:360Max
COR-BB: LA:1B LT:1M, 1AMS CT:2M RT:1E, 1AMS RA:2B H:1E JJ:4 ENG:345Max

Please feel free to point out any mistakes I have made or to offer improvements to these configurations.

Edited by Visions of Padre Pio, 20 January 2021 - 08:45 PM.

#260 Big-G


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Posted 20 January 2021 - 01:29 PM

*Chuckles at the posts continuing to be off topic*

Guess there's no helping it if comprehension levels are low...

Edited by Big-G, 20 January 2021 - 01:29 PM.

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