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Mechwarrior Online 2021 Roadmap

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#161 Lieutenant Hedgehog


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 06:34 AM

I'm onboard and think the road map looks pretty great. PGI's definitely investing in improving the game, and with MW coming to Xbox/PS I think there's a bright future for the series

One question I can't find an answer to and don't have the time to search countless threads for:
* Can we get Faction Play maps in Quick Play?

This seems like a low effort way to bring much needed variety to Quick Play, but isn't mentioned on the roadmap

I've been playing pretty much non-stop since September and the one thing I'd LOVE to see is more maps. The current selection gets repetitive fast!! And if a net-new map isn't coming until Q4, this seems like a relatively easy way to breathe life into the game until PGI has the bandwidth to tackle a new arena

Fingers crossed and a salute to Daeron & PGI!

#162 AdamBaines


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 07:06 AM

View PostDaeron Katz, on 29 January 2021 - 09:04 PM, said:

I like the button idea.

Does this include moving of the lootbag redemption process to inside the game client? Or is this still remaining on the website?

#163 dario03


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 07:32 AM

Can't remember if I requested this before but could we get timestamps on messages and invites? Just be a nice little thing to have for those that stay logged in. Also, could we get ingame messaging to people that are offline?

Oh and since bolt-ons won't be falling off, I again request an option to turn off seeing them.

#164 Emily Blunt


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 07:35 AM

Make sure you lock this thread too before anyone else raises "toxic" voices about the game, gameplay, PGI, your responsibilities to the community and/or disagreements with how you guys handle things.

Edited by Emily Blunt, 01 February 2021 - 07:36 AM.

#165 BigSpam


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 07:46 AM

I really appreciate the attention that MWO is getting. I don't even mind that some of these things will take time - that's understandable. Anything that can improve the overall experience is a bonus.

One of my biggest frustrations with the game at this time would have to be the spawn locations. Nothing can be more annoying than to wait several minutes to drop into a match only to be killed within the first minute because (1) I was dropped right next to the enemy and (2) most of my lance chose to leave me behind. Understandably, the second item can not be fixed by programmers (too bad the game doesn't really reward team players). However, if the spawn locations were in relatively close proximity to the rest of the team chances are we would stand more of a fighting chance.

I am also a little bit concerned about the AMS match scoring. What does this mean? AMS should receive a scoring bonus equal to or greater than the benefit LRMs bring. Players should be rewarded for bringing AMS into a match because of the benefit it represents to the entire team. After all, this is a team game. Or, at least it should be. It is advertised as such!

Edited by BigSpam, 01 February 2021 - 07:52 AM.

#166 Vercors


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 08:01 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 29 January 2021 - 06:29 PM, said:

Separate Solo / Group Queues (could happen sooner if Population is high enough)

Allowing groups to play in the same game, without necessarily being on the same team is, in my opinion, a good solution before reaching a complete separation between solo and grouped players. And it will certainly help to avoid tensions due to the last event.

I already talk about this here.

#167 BigSpam


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 08:15 AM

View PostBigSpam, on 01 February 2021 - 07:46 AM, said:

One of my biggest frustrations with the game at this time would have to be the spawn locations. Nothing can be more annoying than to wait several minutes to drop into a match only to be killed within the first minute because (1) I was dropped right next to the enemy and (2) most of my lance chose to leave me behind. Understandably, the second item can not be fixed by programmers (too bad the game doesn't really reward team players). However, if the spawn locations were in relatively close proximity to the rest of the team chances are we would stand more of a fighting chance.

Thinking about this further: This must represent a penalty for many players who die through no fault of their own. It happens all too often, teammates leave behind slower mechs who are then overrun by an enemy lance. Whose PSR is affected? If it results in a team loss then most of the team will probably lose PSR. But in every case the slower mech who was left behind will lose PSR. So I suppose my biggest frustration is not the spawn locations but the lack of team cohesion. Seeing as how this problem cannot be fixed by programmers I really would like to see the spawn locations adjusted to help mitigate this problem.

#168 Kalimaster


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 08:18 AM

Looks good so far....thanks.

#169 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 08:30 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 29 January 2021 - 06:29 PM, said:

  • BUG minor fix to Light Gauss Rifle (MinHeatpenaltylevel) - DONE

Nice I literally reported this like 1 or two days before the road map

#170 Alreech


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 09:25 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 31 January 2021 - 08:39 AM, said:

Like I said before, I enjoy seeing a variety of mechs each match.. who doesn't?

What variety of Mechs in each match? Posted Image

If i look on the last Mech standing in Quickplay it's in most cases the build that anyone runs: fast, short range weapons.
At the moment no player knows what map will be played, so good players choose build that work on almost any map: fast brawlers.
Most times large open Maps like Alpine Peaks or Polar Highlands are voted down, so the chance that a map for long range build is played is low.

Edited by Alreech, 01 February 2021 - 09:31 AM.

#171 Alreech


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 09:42 AM

View PostBigSpam, on 01 February 2021 - 08:15 AM, said:

Thinking about this further: This must represent a penalty for many players who die through no fault of their own. It happens all too often, teammates leave behind slower mechs who are then overrun by an enemy lance. Whose PSR is affected? If it results in a team loss then most of the team will probably lose PSR. But in every case the slower mech who was left behind will lose PSR.

Solo Quickplay has no teams, just 12 random mixed players.
No player stays behind to protect some random dude that isn't in his team or group in the next match.
You drive a slow Mech and are left behind? So what.
Going back to help a slow Mech instead of killing the enemys slow Mechs is really bad for your matchscore, especially if you get killed without doing much damage.


So I suppose my biggest frustration is not the spawn locations but the lack of team cohesion. Seeing as how this problem cannot be fixed by programmers I really would like to see the spawn locations adjusted to help mitigate this problem

Fun Fact: PGI moved the spawn points 2015 apart to prevent the teams from forming up a murder ball of 12 mechs moving together.

#172 TWLT S


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 09:50 AM

No changes to Artillery/Air Strikes?

View PostDaeron Katz, on 29 January 2021 - 09:04 PM, said:

The community has not expressed this to be a concern. It can be added if enough people request it.

Could you clarify pls. Do you think that changes to arty/airstrikes are no topic in the community or the specific change proposed by CapperDeluxe, on 29 January 202.

Because I think the number of artis n airstrikes in the game are discussed a lot in community.

#173 Alreech


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 10:17 AM

View PostFupDup, on 31 January 2021 - 08:21 AM, said:

The point of PSR is not a reward system, it's supposed to match you with players of similar skill level so every match feels relatively fair (in theory).

And in the real game it's the only form of progress to achive in Quickplay.


Adding rewards like mechs, C-Bills, etc. to Tier 1 would lead to low-skill players trying to cheese their way to T1 purely for those rewards.

PGI did it before by putting in Mechbays as low reward in faction play.
A game mode all about faction and loyality becames a grinding mode for mechbays, and the most effective way to grind was changing loyality as much as possible to get the maximum of mechbays.

#174 Alreech


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 10:22 AM

View PostPz_DC, on 31 January 2021 - 07:51 AM, said:

Most of announcements are cosmetic changes, while we have one main problem now - there is absolutely no reason to get to t1 from t5!

Rising up from Tier 5 shows that you are not longer a newbie.
Rising to Tier 1 shows that you are a good player.


Even more - there is no reasons to play a game when you have all mech's that you may need - 90% of in-game content are useless! Give every mech MORE difference from each other and give us a goal to level up - daily and monthly missions are cool but it can't be single reason to play the game.

More different Mechs doesn't work with the almost unlimited Mechlab of MWO.
And most players prefer the unlimited Mechlab over unique Mechs.

#175 CtrlAltWheee


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 01:26 PM

I really appreciate this. This makes me want to play.

If the new chassis is the Stone Rhino, you have my money.

#176 Kabaak


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 02:16 PM

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I'd love to have a toggle for 'Override Shutdown' in the menu. I normally run with it enabled, but often forget at match start. I'd rather turn if off when not needed. Thanks, Daeron.



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Posted 01 February 2021 - 02:50 PM

oh yeah!

#178 zudukai


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 05:11 PM


Map Spawn Points - map change proposals

Map Design - map change proposals

Improve select Unbalanced Maps - Changing Paths and Cover

Map topics as a whole need to be prioritized Q2 for testing minimum, ideally seeing even destructible walls or similar for drop points with high vulnerability, otherwise new spawns that don't intentionally leave lances to be intercepted would be preferred.

new versions of maps with new conflict lines would really help freshen up old map experiences with relatively low investment.

[down the road of course]
1 game mode having multiple N vs S and E vs W variations indicated when voting

#179 Appuagab


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Posted 01 February 2021 - 08:19 PM

Revert minimap changes. Monochrome minimap with clearly readable elevations was much better than new colored noisy trash.

#180 Unnatural Growth


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 04:38 AM

Ok, I'll try this again. Not sure why...

How about a way for players to change the color palette of the in game targeting reticle while in a match?

Some folks are color blind. Some folks are only partially color blind, and have issues seeing certain colors (think reticle colors) against certain backgrounds (think colors of environment in various maps). So if you happen to be "lucky" enough to have trouble seeing the color spectrum that the HUD targeting reticle comes in, (like ME, and I'm not alone), then put it against a fast moving, changing background, it can be challenging to even impossible to see it in certain circumstances.

I know "Get Gud", right?

But if players had a way to change that color "on the fly", from within the game client, WHILE dropped in a match (because we have no way of knowing in advance what map we're gonna get), they could change it to a color that will contrast more effectively for them, based on their particular vision problem, on that map for that match, and maybe be able to see to target something.

There are some map color/reticle color combos that completely "wash out" the targeting reticle for some of us "lucky" folks.

I remember a few years ago, there was a "Movement" by a couple of well meaning players, to look into this issue. There was even a specific player that "found" the section of the game code pertaining to this, and he was working on a mod to make it changeable. He said it was going to be relatively easy to do. Many of us with color blind issues were super excited to see this being done. It gave us "hope". There was even some "rejoicing" being done. I know, unheard of, right?

I also remember PGI coming down on said player like a ton of bricks. Even threatened him with an outright ban for doing so.

That took care of the hope and rejoicing, toot-sweet.

So how about it? Throw a "relatively easy" bone to us color blind people?

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