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Mechwarrior Online 2021 Roadmap

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#181 Zuesacoatl


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 05:27 AM

It has been a couple of years since I played, it is good to see some work being done. I hope it is enough to keep me from going a few more years of MWO exile. It is also nice to see at least one old name, FupDup, you're the only person I recognize from when I used to play lol

#182 Aidan Crenshaw


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 05:30 AM

View PostUnnatural Growth, on 02 February 2021 - 04:38 AM, said:

Ok, I'll try this again. Not sure why...

How about a way for players to change the color palette of the in game targeting reticle while in a match?
So how about it? Throw a "relatively easy" bone to us color blind people?

Look at Q2 Intel gathering

#183 Mycroft000


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 06:28 AM

View PostUnnatural Growth, on 02 February 2021 - 04:38 AM, said:

Ok, I'll try this again. Not sure why...

How about a way for players to change the color palette of the in game targeting reticle while in a match?


So how about it? Throw a "relatively easy" bone to us color blind people?

It's not really an "on the fly" setting change, but isn't there already a settings menu item for the reticle in relation to color blindness?

#184 D V Devnull


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 06:31 AM

View PostAppuagab, on 01 February 2021 - 08:19 PM, said:

Revert minimap changes. Monochrome minimap with clearly readable elevations was much better than new colored noisy trash.

Interesting... It has actually been a bit easier for me on most Maps to distinguish where I am on it with the newer photo-ish colored version. Perhaps some form of accentuation for altitude could be added in without having to go back to the old black-and-white version of map display? :o

If anything, the thing that really needs to happen is for the Friendly Teammate Directional Arrows to be restored. People seem to have no awareness without information being provided on where their Teammates are pointed and/or moving, and the amount of Team Damage occurring unnecessarily has stayed at an increased level since that directional information was lost some time back. It's no help finding your Teammate firing at the wrong time for you, and/or not knowing what course you could use to move amongst your Teammates to avoid being in their firing lines in the first place! Sure, we should not be able to easily see which way the Enemy is pointed without further action, but not being able to see information about where Friendly Mechs are pointed and/or moving is an unnecessary impediment that should have been avoided during the design of the New Minimap which we have now. <_<

View PostUnnatural Growth, on 02 February 2021 - 04:38 AM, said:


How about a way for players to change the color palette of the in game targeting reticle while in a match?

Some folks are color blind. Some folks are only partially color blind, and have issues seeing certain colors (think reticle colors) against certain backgrounds (think colors of environment in various maps). So if you happen to be "lucky" enough to have trouble seeing the color spectrum that the HUD targeting reticle comes in, (like ME, and I'm not alone), then put it against a fast moving, changing background, it can be challenging to even impossible to see it in certain circumstances.


But if players had a way to change that color "on the fly", from within the game client, WHILE dropped in a match (because we have no way of knowing in advance what map we're gonna get), they could change it to a color that will contrast more effectively for them, based on their particular vision problem, on that map for that match, and maybe be able to see to target something.

There are some map color/reticle color combos that completely "wash out" the targeting reticle for some of us "lucky" folks.


So how about it? Throw a "relatively easy" bone to us color blind people?

Yeowch... That's one unlucky situation which you have there, and it's definitely also a disability over which players should never be discriminated against because of reasons which include the effects on their natural ability to aim, and how it affects their everyday personal lives. But, given what I'm seeing here from Aidan...

View PostAidan Crenshaw, on 02 February 2021 - 05:30 AM, said:

Look at Q2 Intel gathering

...it looks like you and others like you, Unnatural Growth, may already have a chance of seeing something for your own life-disrupting & body-linked issues in your future. Frankly, you have my SUPPORT as well on being able to set & override the Reticle Color on your HUD configuration, because this can also help people who simply find a different color than what the default is to be easier in generally utilizing and looking at. Let's hope that this color-changing enhancement to the HUD's Reticle happens in the future! :)

~D. V. "trying to help properly end disruption caused by Map & HUD things... part of 2021's Roadmap may help with it" Devnull

#185 Arkhangel


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 06:46 AM

Good to see we've got stuff in the pipeline. Might actually bring some of my unit back, at least for awhile, to check out the new stuff.

#186 D V Devnull


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 06:51 AM

View PostMycroft000, on 02 February 2021 - 06:28 AM, said:

It's not really an "on the fly" setting change, but isn't there already a settings menu item for the reticle in relation to color blindness?

That setting does not work at all for people who have certain combinations of ranges of color-blind issues. Between the shape change and the color shift on a hit, if it goes across the wrong range combination for the person having the issue, then it gets rendered useless due to the Reticle falling into the rest of the image for them. Effectively, they're rendered unable to see the HUD's Reticle properly in their view, regardless of whether that toggle option is active, and end up unable to properly aim & shoot at anything whatsoever. Thinking about it, the ancient Unreal Tournament (1999 Original Edition) happened to have the ability to customize the HUD's coloring, including the Crosshair/Reticle for aiming. That old game was probably a pioneer in helping those with any form of color-blind issues be able to partially deal with them, and therefore actually enjoy playing a game. Why almost no game since (and for all I know, none at all) has had this kind of foresight & thoughtfulness towards the players is something which I find rather perplexing, and makes me wish could have been fixed back then before it became a bad standard in general game design. :(

~D. V. "That option for 'Color-Blind Friendly Reticle' has never been entirely effective as one might think." Devnull

#187 InvictusLee


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 07:27 AM

Dis Plz

View PostVonBruinwald, on 02 February 2021 - 06:43 AM, said:


Being as we can't crit-split this is the next-best thing.

#188 Alienized


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 07:41 AM

View PostLouisTerrin, on 31 January 2021 - 09:34 PM, said:

Nobody's talking about this.

Volumetric scaling has to be one of the top 5 worst things to ever happen to the game. Finally, the 30-45 ton bracket can be saved. I wish you guys had figured this out 3 years ago.

*cries in Victor and Zeus

#189 InvictusLee


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 07:41 AM

Also, This is a small request but please remove the rule where we cant discuss moderation actions.

I'm always getting smacked around by the mods for even mentioning their existence.
I can appreciate they are doing their jobs. By removing this rule, you make it little easier to discuss topics without fear of retribution for, sometimes justified, but respectful salt. I mean its one thing if I'm cursing everyone and everything out. Its quite another to simply ask not to be censored by mods for expressing a, again respectful, yet unpopular(or popular? D:) opinion.

Again, I'm not for attacking the company or personal attacks on devs or mods. I may not like the mods, but I see no reason to hate them for doing their work. In fact, I know a couple mods can be quite insightful when they are feeling talkative. It would be nice to openly talk with mods and devs about stuff that is happening in game or on the forums in a constructive manner with out being auto censored for mentioning that our ninja forum mods exist.

I'm all for ninjas ya know.

#190 Vellron2005


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 08:20 AM

Well first of all, I'm happy that the devs have decided to invest more time and money into this game.


I am once again saddened that the proposed development is basicaly more of the same old..

They plan another round of endless balancing and rebalancing. More mechs and variants. More of all the things that WILL NOT make tge game feel fresh and new..

This is just sad really.

They speak of adding one community made new map.. we need 20!

We need a hole set of new maps! Or, ideally, randomly (procedurally) generated maps that make the "nascar/go to well known spots and snipe" type gameplay imposible!

What good is a new mech with a new color laser when you get to do the same thing with it that you've been doing for years?

I honestly thought the devs would have learned more from their MW5 experience by now.

We don't need yet another rebalance and reshuffle of MWO.

We need MWO2.

Edited by Vellron2005, 02 February 2021 - 08:20 AM.

#191 VileKnight


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 08:21 AM

Very nice to see the roadmap. This has kicked off a flurry of chat for our unit. Overall, it has been received well.

I am personally really excited about the potential spawn point fixes, the weapon balance pass (still hoping for a single slug AC option for Clan mechs), and looking at the match scoring system. Hoping those assault pilots out there (like myself) can get some love when we effectively shield our team from 800+ damage. :)

#192 Z Paradox


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 08:25 AM

View PostNovember11th, on 02 February 2021 - 07:41 AM, said:

Also, This is a small request but please remove the rule where we cant discuss moderation actions.

I'm always getting smacked around by the mods for even mentioning their existence.
I can appreciate they are doing their jobs. By removing this rule, you make it little easier to discuss topics without fear of retribution for, sometimes justified, but respectful salt. I mean its one thing if I'm cursing everyone and everything out. Its quite another to simply ask not to be censored by mods for expressing a, again respectful, yet unpopular(or popular? D:) opinion.

Again, I'm not for attacking the company or personal attacks on devs or mods. I may not like the mods, but I see no reason to hate them for doing their work. In fact, I know a couple mods can be quite insightful when they are feeling talkative. It would be nice to openly talk with mods and devs about stuff that is happening in game or on the forums in a constructive manner with out being auto censored for mentioning that our ninja forum mods exist.

I'm all for ninjas ya know.

No bro, your just too "Toxic" with your comments... xD


In light of recent events, let's be clear. Dropping in groups is OK. Using LRMs is OK. Criticism of PGI and MWO is OK. Doing all 3 at the same time is OK. Toxic behavior towards other players, and PGI staff, is not OK and will be dealt with accordingly. It is that simple. That is all.

#193 MW Waldorf Statler


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 08:34 AM

View PostAlreech, on 30 January 2021 - 11:03 AM, said:

Playing Mech Nascar with 11 random dudes against other 12 random dudes get's better with a new engine?

with a New Engine and Content not only Kids and "First PC game Players" plays MWO
with no new Engine ,PGI can not make new Content, no fixing of the Collisions Model,The climb Hill system, no return of IK and many other and new things like Weapon ammo Changes and MWO dies with a map all 2 Years and only fixing and rebalancing Tools from the litte repair Team

Edited by MW Waldorf Statler, 02 February 2021 - 08:40 AM.

#194 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 08:56 AM

View PostKabaak, on 01 February 2021 - 02:16 PM, said:

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I'd love to have a toggle for 'Override Shutdown' in the menu. I normally run with it enabled, but often forget at match start. I'd rather turn if off when not needed. Thanks, Daeron.

It's been mentioned, many, MANY times.. and ignored, many, MANY times..

View PostVellron2005, on 02 February 2021 - 08:20 AM, said:

Well first of all, I'm happy that the devs have decided to invest more time and money into this game.


I am once again saddened that the proposed development is basicaly more of the same old..

They plan another round of endless balancing and re-balancing. More mechs and variants. More of all the things that WILL NOT make tge game feel fresh and new..

This is just sad really.

They speak of adding one community made new map.. we need 20!

We need a hole set of new maps! Or, ideally, randomly (procedurally) generated maps that make the "nascar/go to well known spots and snipe" type gameplay imposible!

What good is a new mech with a new color laser when you get to do the same thing with it that you've been doing for years?

I honestly thought the devs would have learned more from their MW5 experience by now.

We don't need yet another rebalance and reshuffle of MWO.

We need MWO2.

Yep.. balancing and new mechs does nothing to excite me either... i've been adamant on the need for moar maps for years and even suggesting players pay a small price to use the map(s).. like a map pack.. to help fund it (instead of spending resources on new mech packs).

People are so used to being underwhelmed by the patches that even 'talk' of fixing spawn points and custom laser colours gets them excited now...

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 03 February 2021 - 09:42 AM.

#195 Unconstructive Disagreeability


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 09:03 AM

If your will is to keep the unbalancing between the most used clan mechs and most used IS mechs, go on.
If not, you need to decrease something in clan mechs and increase something else in IS mechs. Just analyse your general stat data!
We "IS pure" mech fighters cannot take it anymore of this clan scum superiority!Posted Image

#196 John Bronco


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 09:10 AM

I'm really looking forward to significant balance changes, it's the only way to make the game fresh again if things like new game modes are too much development.

A new map is great but this game already has enough maps, making more mechs and weapons unique and fun to play is a far more pressing concern.

#197 Kalleballe


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 09:37 AM

Increase bonus in agillity skill tree by atleast 30%.

#198 Mycroft000


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 09:40 AM

View PostBlaizerP, on 02 February 2021 - 09:10 AM, said:

I'm really looking forward to significant balance changes, it's the only way to make the game fresh again if things like new game modes are too much development.

A new map is great but this game already has enough maps, making more mechs and weapons unique and fun to play is a far more pressing concern.

Different weapons truly won't do much to enhance the game. Predictability is what kills it. I'd love to see MW5 style procedurally generated maps. Never the same twice would be incredible.

#199 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 10:49 AM

View PostBlaizerP, on 02 February 2021 - 09:10 AM, said:

I'm really looking forward to significant balance changes, it's the only way to make the game fresh again if things like new game modes are too much development.

A new map is great but this game already has enough maps, making more mechs and weapons unique and fun to play is a far more pressing concern.

I can't tell but I hope you're being sarcastic..

This game needs new content.. needs to give players a reason to play..

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 03 February 2021 - 09:43 AM.

#200 John Bronco


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Posted 02 February 2021 - 10:54 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 02 February 2021 - 10:49 AM, said:

This game needs new content.. need to give players a reason to play..

Absolutely, that's why I want to see new reasons to play some of the ~500 mech variants that do nothing unique.

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