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Mechwarrior Online 2021 Roadmap

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#221 General Solo


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Posted 04 February 2021 - 12:31 AM

View PostDAEDALOS513, on 03 February 2021 - 07:18 PM, said:

Game already grew since merge and was dying before merge.. even now the numbers on steam show growth in last 3 month view.. sorry you didn't like the merge but it was a necessary, albeit temporary measure to allow people to drop with friends and unit mates. Game cannot survive with just solo queue/solo droppers.

Game grow due to Corona too, Going to rely on dat to improve population
Why did the population increase, maybe merge definitely due to corona
Which had the stronger influencza on population growth?

Solo que was steady not dieing
Yeah the other queues were dieing for sure, aggreed

Edited by General Solo, 04 February 2021 - 12:32 AM.

#222 Alreech


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Posted 04 February 2021 - 08:23 AM

View PostFupDup, on 03 February 2021 - 01:26 PM, said:

Infantry in the Battletech universe are almost completely useless against Battlemechs. The best weapon they can carry (that I know of) is a one-shot SRM2 that has a max range of 90 meters. They'd have to have ungodly numbers to pose any threat, and even then you could just set some Medium Lasers to chainfire and sweep over them from outside the 90 meter max range (and since they move so slow, even a Daishi moving in reverse can kite them).

Battle Armor might be worthy, but even they are a bit overrated. Plain unarmored infantry, though, have no real point other than fodder.

Yes, Infantry can be spawned as cannon fodder at control points, so that light Mechs have something to shoot while they are capturing.
Add some Inferno Launchers and low heat weapons like Machine Guns are a sensible choice for light Mechs.
Other AI units can be also spawned as defenders, like tanks or turrets.

That would of course only work in a game mode about capturing control points, and it wouldn't work in current MWOs Nascar team deathmatch.

#223 Alreech


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Posted 04 February 2021 - 08:28 AM

View PostGeneral Solo, on 03 February 2021 - 06:02 PM, said:

If they cannot unmerge queue
I cannot open my wallet

Can't make population grow with current MM and merge queue
Game could decline further before the road map has a chance to improve the game

Once population drops below a certain level even road map will not be viable

I'm also for unmerging groups & solo players.

MWO needs IMHO a mode for small groups of 4 players with dropdecks (mech selection & respawn) and factions.
Bring back the old group queue, set the max group size to 4, enforce the use of dropdecks and allow solo players to join.

It's a solution for everyone:
The guys happy with the nascaring can play in Solo without Groups that cheat with teamplay.
The guys who like to drop with friends get a mode with mech selection and limited respawns and can collect faction rewards.
Depending on the number of aviable groups in the group mode 4 vs 4, 8 vs 8 or 12 vs 12 matches should be launched.

#224 DAEDALOS513


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Posted 04 February 2021 - 09:35 AM

View PostGeneral Solo, on 04 February 2021 - 12:31 AM, said:

Game grow due to Corona too, Going to rely on dat to improve population
Why did the population increase, maybe merge definitely due to corona
Which had the stronger influencza on population growth?

Solo que was steady not dieing
Yeah the other queues were dieing for sure, aggreed

There are many other games these players could have gone to.. they chose mwo for a reason.. saying it was due to corona is a falacy. Besides, corona's been here for over a year.. nothing new.

Solo queue was steady because group players had no choice but to sync drop.. and that wasn't a viable solution either because most of the time it didn't work.. game started seeing rise in pop'n since merge, before that population was somewhat steady but STILL LOW.. the game was on life support..

Edited by DAEDALOS513, 09 February 2021 - 06:39 AM.

#225 Synth


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Posted 04 February 2021 - 02:16 PM

Going to try to keep this constructive and polite as i can i just want to voice my concern about a few things but also say the road map looks great other than a few things. I want to make it clear im completely against going back to separate Solo and Group ques. Looks im not the most active on the form but that's cause i keep too myself and have been a long time player since 2011. Look im not in a clan and don't plan too be but i will say that merging the two is what brought me back as i usually only play this with a buddy and rarely solo. Before it would take up 10 to 15 min to get into a match with each other in group que which is nuts. I'm sorry but if you go back to that and it takes that long this ill unfortunately will have to stop and if i do it again then im done done. I see you have some things for new player and that's great you need more people but i don't know how to help Mechwarrior games are super niche but i can tell you if a new player gets on and wants to play and it takes forever to get into a match they will leave. You will only be left with the same 100 people and i guess that's fine but eventually you will lose more and more and more money. I cannot deal with waiting around for 10 min to get into a match. Look if the game gets more people sure maybe but until then i highly recommend you keep it as it is because i can actually play and willing to spend money because of it. Anyways grats and look foreword to everything else

#226 Rhialto


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Posted 05 February 2021 - 02:42 PM

Are they still reading? I'd like them to also work on lowering wait time after a match is found.

18 seconds - map selection
12 seconds - initiating drop screen showing map and mode
20 seconds - loading ***
84 seconds - waiting for everyone to be connected or ready ***
15 seconds - powering mech/drop from ship animation

*** are somewhat tied, longer loading will save you time waiting for everyone

What are the options? Remove map selection and maybe lower 84 to 60?

Most of the time I just ALT-TAB to do something else, like many of you I guess.

#227 Arkhangel


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Posted 06 February 2021 - 11:28 PM

I'm up for removing Map Selection. It'd actually force people to create builds that'd be viable on ANY map.

Which I think is completely fair.

Should still get a vote for Objective type though. That's far more important for player happiness.

#228 Alreech


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Posted 07 February 2021 - 01:10 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 06 February 2021 - 11:28 PM, said:

I'm up for removing Map Selection. It'd actually force people to create builds that'd be viable on ANY map.

Fast Brawlers are viable on any map if you play NASCAR.

#229 dienicy


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Posted 07 February 2021 - 06:13 AM

Disappointed to see no VR support on this road map.

#230 ShaneoftheDead


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Posted 07 February 2021 - 03:02 PM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 29 January 2021 - 06:29 PM, said:

  • Map Spawn Points - map change proposals
  • Map Design - map change proposals

Please refer to my prior post: https://mwomercs.com...49#entry6362149

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 29 January 2021 - 06:29 PM, said:

  • Solution for Faction Play
  • Solution for Solaris

One potential solution for Faction Play is to merge Quick Play into it. IIRC, Quick Play was only supposed to be a temporary thing until you made "the real game". QP could become an 8v8 (or 12v12 if population is enough) game mode inside of Faction Play using QP maps and no drop deck. No rules restricting Mechs other than present tonnage limitations. Factions are aligned on opposite sides if possible, but not necessary. Each player represents 1 Win Share. If they win, their point goes towards the daily Faction Goal. If they lose, their point gets subtracted from the daily Faction Goal. No change for Draws. Daily Faction Goals could be Attack or Defense of sections of a Planet or even an entire Planet, if small enough. Over time, results would change the Map. Maybe make the time 26 hours instead of 24 so the start and end would cycle throughout the week. Add this along side of the standard 12v12 Faction Play and 4v4 Scouting and you might have something. Or you could save the normal 12v12 Faction Play mode for special events. There are possibilities.

One potential solution for Solaris is to cut down on the number of Tiers being played down to 1 or 2 at a time. Cycle through them each week. Then you need to make a big deal about the top 5. Everyone should know who they are through some kind of commercial in game and on the front page of mwomercs.com. The point is to make the fame and glory part of the prize. Give it more Hype. If that fails, keep upping the MC rewards until you do get the queue population you want.

#231 PocketYoda


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Posted 07 February 2021 - 04:21 PM

I agree IS XL engines need fixing, the one and done side makes them unuseable literally no amount of weapons is worth that.. I even stopped using them on my light mechs due to it..

#232 Arkhangel


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Posted 07 February 2021 - 11:13 PM

That's really only a problem for people who play as Turrets, Sam.

If you get your XL side-cored out consistently, you're not using one properly because you're either standing still, not armor angling, and/or not bobbing and weaving.

Aimbotters notwithstanding (You guys know who you are), IS XLs aren't the death sentence everyone claims them to be. There's just certain mechs you don't use them on unless you've shoved in a massively oversized one, I.E. the Awesome or Thanatos.

Fact is, IS XLs are never going to be "fixed" because how they are is genuinely how they are in the lore. Making them act like Clan XLs completely nullifies the reason Light Engines were invented in the first place.

Edited by Arkhangel, 07 February 2021 - 11:17 PM.

#233 FupDup


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 02:55 AM

IS XL isn't about playstyle, it's determined entirely by the hitboxes and agility of the mech. Either a mech is XL safe or it is not. No amount of moving, bobbing, or weaving is gonna make an XL Atlas useable.

#234 Arkhangel


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 03:12 AM

In fairness, an Atlas isn't meant to use one anyways. No amount of engine is going to make an Atlas fast, and even with the biggest XL, you'd still have enough armor and pod space to be equivalent to the launch weight of an entire smaller mech, so it's a stupid example. Assaults in general over 80 tons don't use XLs because they get basically Jack-F-All out of them and they take up torso pod space meant for the big guns. Going 5kph faster isn't worth losing out on that Heavy Gauss Rifle or LB20.

Anything UNDER 80 tons however IS very much dependant on playstyle for IS XL survivability, just for the fact they can actually run. And most of the Chassis that get @#$% on for being XL-unfriendly (And just @#$% on general) in that range usually are because of incompetent pilots who either try to turret snipe with them, or brawl with them (Said mechs are actually meant to be used as mobile mid-range skirmishers/flankers, I.E. the Vindicator and Thanatos).

And it goes without saying Lights dying to XL hits is 90% the fault of the pilot, because they stopped moving. And if you stop moving when you're piloting a light, you shouldn't be piloting a light. Except maybe an Urbanmech, but the Trashcan is a special exception, what with being a Light mech that thinks it's an Assault, and somehow manages to tank like a Heavy.

Edited by Arkhangel, 08 February 2021 - 03:25 AM.

#235 Alreech


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 09:44 AM

View PostFupDup, on 08 February 2021 - 02:55 AM, said:

Fact is, IS XLs are never going to be "fixed" because how they are is genuinely how they are in the lore. Making them act like Clan XLs completely nullifies the reason Light Engines were invented in the first place.

What lore?

IS XLs Engines use Battletech Tabletop Rules for Engine destruction, the same rules what were a hot topic in the table top from 1989 to 1996.
The reason FASA created the Light Engines was simple: they have been to lazy to rework their tabletop because they have been busy counting money from Shadowrun.
As long as PGI and the MWO players just ignore most of the Battletech lore (factions, zellbringen, ect...) keeping a stupid tabletop rule that was never part of a previous Mechwarrior titel "because it's the lore" doesn't make sense.

#236 FupDup


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 02:14 PM

View PostAlreech, on 08 February 2021 - 09:44 AM, said:

What lore?

IS XLs Engines use Battletech Tabletop Rules for Engine destruction, the same rules what were a hot topic in the table top from 1989 to 1996.
The reason FASA created the Light Engines was simple: they have been to lazy to rework their tabletop because they have been busy counting money from Shadowrun.
As long as PGI and the MWO players just ignore most of the Battletech lore (factions, zellbringen, ect...) keeping a stupid tabletop rule that was never part of a previous Mechwarrior titel "because it's the lore" doesn't make sense.

You put the wrong name in the quote, bruh.

Also, the real reason that FASA made LFE's was because they wanted to keep the IS inferior to the Clans while pretending to give them something the Clans had (2-slots in each ST engines).

Edited by FupDup, 08 February 2021 - 02:39 PM.

#237 Khobai


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 02:38 PM

View PostArkhangel, on 07 February 2021 - 11:13 PM, said:

Fact is, IS XLs are never going to be "fixed" because how they are is genuinely how they are in the lore. Making them act like Clan XLs completely nullifies the reason Light Engines were invented in the first place.

The tabletop game has random hit locations though. The random hit locations are the reason XL engines are actually usable in tabletop. The whole reason XL engines dont work in MWO is because people can aim specifically at side torsos.

Thats why MWO should be using an engine hitpoint system instead of basing engine destruction on how many side torsos have been destroyed.

For example an ISXL could have 40 health. Each time an engine critical slot gets destroyed the engine would lose 10 health. That would allow an ISXL to lose a side torso and survive and still have 10 health left. And if it loses one more crit slot the entire engine would be destroyed. Whereas a CXL (also 40 health) that loses a side torso would still have 20 health left because it only has two crit slots in each side torso. So even though both engines would start with 40 health the CXL would still be more durable overall.

Its an easy fix and it would be a substantial buff for ISXL.

Edited by Khobai, 08 February 2021 - 03:00 PM.

#238 FupDup


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 02:52 PM

View PostKhobai, on 08 February 2021 - 02:38 PM, said:

Thats why MWO should be using an engine hitpoint system instead of basing engine destruction on how many side torsos have been destroyed.

For example an ISXL could have 40 hitpoints. Each time an engine critical slot gets destroyed the engine would lose 10 health. That would allow an ISXL to lose a side torso but then only have 10 hitpoints left so if it loses one more crit slot the entire engine would be destroyed. Wheres a CXL that loses a side torso would still have 20 health left because it only has two crit slots in each side torso.

I'm not in favor of making engines crit-able because this would make mechs die a lot faster, especially on big mechs with lots of structure health. Aim some MGs at the exposed engine of an assault and GGCLOSE no engine for you.

#239 Khobai


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Posted 08 February 2021 - 03:01 PM

View PostFupDup, on 08 February 2021 - 02:52 PM, said:

I'm not in favor of making engines crit-able because this would make mechs die a lot faster, especially on big mechs with lots of structure health. Aim some MGs at the exposed engine of an assault and GGCLOSE no engine for you.

That change only increases the survivability of ISXL. It in no way decreases it. So that concern doesnt really apply to XL engines.

Besides who says all engines have to have the same health value? LFEs could have more health than XLs. And a standard engine could have the most health of any engine, making it impractical to be critted out. That adds more incentive to using standard engines over LFEs and XLs (which would be more susceptible to being critted). And the game needs more incentive to use standard engines right now.

The example of machine guns shooting into an exposed assault and destroying its engine is kindve cornercase... because odds are youre going to destroy the assaults internals long before you crit out its engine anyway. Especially if the assault is being hit with other weapons besides machine guns which is likely the case.

Edited by Khobai, 08 February 2021 - 03:17 PM.

#240 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 01:43 AM

View PostDalko, on 29 January 2021 - 09:09 PM, said:

I really enjoy faction play, but get far to bored sitting in que, can we please be allowed to at least get to the store and mechlab while waiting in que? I can kill a lot of time exploring new builds and mechs while waiting.

This has always confused me about this game, what better time to get me to spend MC?

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