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Mechwarrior Online 2021 Roadmap

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#241 ZortPointNarf


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 05:07 AM

View PostRogard, on 30 January 2021 - 08:42 AM, said:

I am really excited for what you all have planned here. Nice job Daeron and Matt. The only thing I would make comment on is I feel like the quality of the matches for QP need to be a higher focus. I saw Q4 was the first place where this was listed and this I feel is the biggest quality improvement that would help drive all the other changes you want to make around Maps and gameplay.
  • Match Maker Improvements based on new modes etc.
Currently quite often we are seeing group drops impacting game play because you can have 4 lights group up and pack hunt or all 4 Missile based mechs and so on. I was really hoping you all would have taken a look at moving to a 1 of each per Lance/group model that requires us to go away from tonnage and instead focus on Class, as each class has a role. This way every lance would have a balance of 1 light, 1 medium, 1 heavy , 1 assault. This results in 3 of each class in a match and role you play becomes more critical.

We all see way to often in QP 6 or more assaults/heavy/Medium or Lights on 1 side and none on the opposing side. This type of matchmaking really ruins the QP experience and the ability to play tactics and play role in a battle. I sure hope something like this is being considered as I really think it would change how you approach map changes and drop points.

Thank you again for putting so much hard work in to breathing life back into a game we all LOVE and have a lot of passion for. With these changes it would help balance the Group Drops that are mixed in with QP and still make it a possible feature which me and my friends LOVE in the QP experience.

I quite like the mismatching that is occuring in match maker now, the other night I was the only assault on my side, we went up against a side that fielded at least 5 assaults. It should have been a slaughter, instead it ended up being one of my most memorable and fun games ever. A real, suck my Kobayashi Maru moment, we had nothing to lose and decided to make them pay in molten steel for every mech, and that carried the day.
I really hope the match-maker stays as is, the variable introduced by this makes it fun to play the game again (and being back in T3, T1 nascar is the worst part of this game, and that is on the player base not PGI)

#242 Alreech


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 09:04 AM

View PostKhobai, on 08 February 2021 - 02:38 PM, said:

The tabletop game has random hit locations though. The random hit locations are the reason XL engines are actually usable in tabletop. The whole reason XL engines dont work in MWO is because people can aim specifically at side torsos.

Aiming specifically the side torso in the Battletech Tabletop is possible if you use Pulse Lasers and a Targetting Computer.
Also the side torso locations are statistical the 2nd most common roll with 2d6.

#243 FupDup


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Posted 10 February 2021 - 01:17 PM

View PostAlreech, on 10 February 2021 - 09:04 AM, said:

Aiming specifically the side torso in the Battletech Tabletop is possible if you use Pulse Lasers and a Targetting Computer.
Also the side torso locations are statistical the 2nd most common roll with 2d6.

They later prevented pulses from making called shots because it got exploited so hard.

#244 Drake67


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Posted 13 February 2021 - 01:54 PM

Requesting that the original 4 mech ready list be reinstalled/added. It is frustrating checking the mech percentage in drops and digging through my mechs to find what I want to drop with just to get back to the percentage to see it has changed. Adding the list to the pop up would solve the issue and have a 4 mech group to choose from to get back in the drop que as fast as possible.

#245 Alreech


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 02:21 AM

View PostFupDup, on 10 February 2021 - 01:17 PM, said:

They later prevented pulses from making called shots because it got exploited so hard.

That's the spirit!

Adding an exclusion to a rule (targetting computers) to prevent the exploting of a bad rule (is XLs engines) instead of changing the bad rule.

Rules for Engines & Gyros never realy fitted into the Battletech construction & critical hit system.
The "All engines need 6 slots, no matter how much rating & tons they have" didn't fit in a construction system were heavier or bigger items also need more slots.
While all other components are destroyed by the first critical hit and further crits against other slots of that component don't have an effect, engines are different.

#246 General Solo


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 04:32 AM

Still getting cadet in my games, I'm T1
When will this be fixed, T1 playing T5
Or is the merge not increasing population as some expected

Posted Image

This was today, 14th Feb 2021

Posted Image

We won of course as I brushed he's leg for good luck, Lucky Annihilator leg!
Capped like a Boss for the win!
So excited forgot to screenshot! Posted Image

#247 FupDup


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 09:34 AM

View PostAlreech, on 14 February 2021 - 02:21 AM, said:

That's the spirit!

Adding an exclusion to a rule (targetting computers) to prevent the exploting of a bad rule (is XLs engines) instead of changing the bad rule.

It wasn't just OP against XL engines, it was OP against literally everything. You could just core out everything left and right.

#248 Alreech


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Posted 14 February 2021 - 04:14 PM

View PostFupDup, on 14 February 2021 - 09:34 AM, said:

It wasn't just OP against XL engines, it was OP against literally everything. You could just core out everything left and right.

Cutting of the side torso of a mech with clan xl = not dead
Cutting of the side torso of a mech with is xl = instant death

And my point is still FASA (and later IP owners) lack of proper rule revision (and PGIs decisson to take those stuipd rules 1:1 into MWO).

#249 Georgegad


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 02:32 PM

Loving to hear that there will be a new map.

In my opinion most of the complaints about spawns, playability etc would go away if people were less familiar with each and every single map.

I would like to see a much larger variation in fact. It would please me if every playable location on the universe map had its own unique map version. To make it simple you would just take one map and randomize the placement for a few bridges and passes to create six unique maps. The high variation would mean intense players who wanted tactical knowledge would need to quickly research from a list what their tactical options on each variation are instead of remember every detail.

#250 So You Say


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Posted 16 February 2021 - 05:59 PM

I like groups in quickplay, dont do this
  • Separate Solo / Group Queues (could happen sooner if Population is high enough)



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Posted 16 February 2021 - 07:19 PM

I haven't been around much, but where is reverting the engine desync on the roadmap? I thought they said that wrong would be righted?

#252 FupDup


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Posted 17 February 2021 - 03:04 AM

View PostLT. HARDCASE, on 16 February 2021 - 07:19 PM, said:

I haven't been around much, but where is reverting the engine desync on the roadmap? I thought they said that wrong would be righted?

I don't recall them ever saying that.

And going back to the old system of bigger is better is not a good idea because it made mechs with low engine caps very crappy. The biggest issue with PGI's implementation of engine desync is that they used a mech's stock engine as the baseline for agility, meaning that small engine cap mechs still have inferior agility and thus invalidating the whole point of the change. And in general they did set some mechs too low even when they had a high engine cap (looking at you Mad Cat).

This doesn't mean desync is a bad concept, it just means that they implemented it in the worst way possible.

#253 snakeman5150


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Posted 17 February 2021 - 10:00 AM

I would like to see independent arm movement or unbinding the arms and torso. Mech 3 had it so you could move your arms and not move the torso, also liked the pew pew pulse lasers from 4.

#254 Brauer


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Posted 17 February 2021 - 10:11 AM

View Postsnakeman5150, on 17 February 2021 - 10:00 AM, said:

I would like to see independent arm movement or unbinding the arms and torso. Mech 3 had it so you could move your arms and not move the torso, also liked the pew pew pulse lasers from 4.

Free look exists.

#255 C337Skymaster


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Posted 27 February 2021 - 09:46 PM

View PostD V Devnull, on 01 February 2021 - 01:01 AM, said:

View PostRogard, on 31 January 2021 - 09:50 AM, said:

Your Response had some valid points, and I think there would have to be some fancy thinking on how PGI would solve for return to game after 4 min. Just food for thought, what if after 4 min your mech drops and and then you are available as a target for the enemy team. As part of the PGI system they would enact a penalty timer on you if you keep creating losing connection with drops due to poor internet/systems to where you cant launch at times due to you keep disconnecting?

This idea you have to delay the drop until either the player reconnects or 4 minutes have passed (whichever comes first) sounds like a reasonable idea to me. Your post gets a 'Like' because you may have found the final solution to the issue, and therefore it should probably be implemented. It may even please everyone because of how it equalizes things. Hmm, maybe I'm gonna sound crazy, but....... I think you may have just kicked Herbert Swope to the curb, since you found a solution which can please everyone, where they apparently could not have? Posted Image

~D. V. "seeing good solutions for Disconnects & Non-Ultra ACs in 2021's Roadmap Discussion posting" Devnull

A thought to run by you two for future improvement iterations:

In the event that we transition from Leopard Class to Union Class Dropships, what think you of the idea that the dropship lands permanently and all 'mechs spawn inside its 'mechbay?

My thoughts are: it then provides a protective cocoon to anyone who is disconnected until they return to the match. The dropship, itself may or may not be armed (maybe it's armed in FP and unarmed in QP? Or maybe the FP version has Autocannon and LRMs and the QP version just has small and medium lasers?) The dropship, itself then becomes destructible, but with the logical increase in armor over a mere battlemech. I'd be interested in ways of making it "capturable" as well, but I'm currently unsure of how best to go about that. It feels most similar in function to our current Assault mode, but gives a more realistic concluding objective.

Edited by C337Skymaster, 27 February 2021 - 09:47 PM.

#256 D V Devnull


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 12:50 AM

View Postsnakeman5150, on 17 February 2021 - 10:00 AM, said:

I would like to see independent arm movement or unbinding the arms and torso. Mech 3 had it so you could move your arms and not move the torso, also liked the pew pew pulse lasers from 4.

View PostBrauer, on 17 February 2021 - 10:11 AM, said:

Free look exists.

Brauer is correct! It exists here, snakeman5150, but operates a little bit differently from how "MechWarrior 3" does it. If you hold the Keys in MWO for both your "Arm Unlock" AND "Cockpit Free Look" at the same time, then you should get near exactly the kind of control response which you're looking for. Unless my memory is failing to work correctly, it will also work at the Current Torso Position of your Mech and enable you to aim the arms precisely where you're trying to shoot. I hope you find this information useful for accessing Arm-only operations, and that you'll have fun out there on the battlefields. :)

~D. V. "I also believe that you'll find this Arm Movement Functionality present, albeit hard to access." Devnull

#257 C337Skymaster


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 05:24 AM

View PostMycroft000, on 02 February 2021 - 06:28 AM, said:

It's not really an "on the fly" setting change, but isn't there already a settings menu item for the reticle in relation to color blindness?

That's for being able to see it turn red when you get a hit. It changes shape in addition to turning red. Actually quite helpful for us non-color-blind folks, too. He's talking about being able to see it in the first place, to even line up a shot. I'm not sure which maps he's talking about, but I could easily see how seeing the light blue and yellow reticles against a blinding white background could be difficult, as they're all bright colors and there's not much contrast.

#258 C337Skymaster


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Posted 28 February 2021 - 08:18 PM

View PostD V Devnull, on 03 February 2021 - 09:19 AM, said:

EXCUSE ME?!?!? Posted Image

I actually WANT to play Incursion, but can NEVER seem to get it! When it happens that I finally do, somebody tries to ignore the PGI's Rule about keeping one Enemy alive in order to be allowed to raid the base, and the whole Team gets denied any chance at doing any of it. Did you know those Base Parts are worth a rather lucrative 10 TIMES a dang lame Killing Blow in earnings?!?!? It actually makes a Killing Blow not worth it when it gets down to the final Enemy remaining. I would love to play the Incursion Mode repeatedly, and blow those bases away entirely on my own without anyone disturbing me since the rest of the Team is so bloodthirsty... of course, that's provided my Mech was not getting too beaten up... but, I savor the idea of getting those useful (C-Bills) & XP chunks so I can properly enjoy working on my Mechs and their designs without feeling strapped for funds! This game is a freaking grind at times, and the Incursion Mode is one of the things which I look forward to the possibility of. Posted Image

~D. V. "NOT everyone is merely trying to 'pad their multiplier' with choosing Incursion before playing!" Devnull

In case you never got the chance to notice, base turrets can't see through stealth armor. If you want to raid the bases for CBills, go ham. Unfortunately, the XP gain will be applied to just your stealth mechs, so that turns into how much money you want to spend on XP conversion.

#259 C337Skymaster


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Posted 02 March 2021 - 09:51 AM

View PostBrauer, on 17 February 2021 - 10:11 AM, said:

Free look exists.

View PostD V Devnull, on 28 February 2021 - 12:50 AM, said:

Brauer is correct! It exists here, snakeman5150, but operates a little bit differently from how "MechWarrior 3" does it. If you hold the Keys in MWO for both your "Arm Unlock" AND "Cockpit Free Look" at the same time, then you should get near exactly the kind of control response which you're looking for. Unless my memory is failing to work correctly, it will also work at the Current Torso Position of your Mech and enable you to aim the arms precisely where you're trying to shoot. I hope you find this information useful for accessing Arm-only operations, and that you'll have fun out there on the battlefields. Posted Image

~D. V. "I also believe that you'll find this Arm Movement Functionality present, albeit hard to access." Devnull

So I never used it, myself, but I believe I saw it used during the "Let's Play" campaign uploaded by YouTuber "Griuqs", and looked up the keyboard controls. If memory serves, MW3 had the capability to move the reticule around with the mouse, but you could still control torso movement with the keyboard, while simultaneously controlling leg movement with separate keyboard keys. (It's possible I'm dead wrong, so please correct me if I am). *IF* MW3 allowed independent arm/torso/leg control simultaneously, such programming would lend itself in MWO to VR controls, where the headset controls the arms, and a joystick controls the torso and legs. I'm personally dreaming of just such a setup, but understand it's quite far back on the back burner, at the moment.

#260 PCHunter


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Posted 09 March 2021 - 01:25 PM

The Number One issue affecting gameplay continues to be mismatches. Nothing else. Played yesterday 15 matches. Lost 10, won 5. Almost every win or loss resulted from a mismatch. It was split between Tier mismatches - i.e., too many high level players on one side - and weight imbalances - too many assaults or heavies on one side. The worst was a 6-assault team versus a 1-assault team. In almost every case of weight imbalance matches, it would have been solved by either 1) requiring groups drop with representative weights (1 Assault, 1 Heavy, 1 Medium, 1 Light in that order) or 2) removing higher tiers from lower tier matches. In my case, no Tier 1's in a Tier 4 match. Or even Tier 3.

When you combine the possibility of higher tiers on weight advantaged teams, a seal clubbing slaughterfest results. Don't think this doesn't happen. I have been the victim of this more times than I can count. The only short-term answer I can think of, assuming higher tiers will always end up in lower tier matches due to player population and wait times, is to apply debuffs to those higher level players. Call it a temporary negative quirk.

No magic formula, but just a temporary "fix" until populations increase: apply mech class limits to groups and debuff higher tier players in lower tier matches.

Edited by PCHunter, 09 March 2021 - 01:27 PM.

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