Alreech, on 02 December 2021 - 10:10 AM, said:
Or do you just guess from the CryTek/Cloud Imperium Games lawsuit?
I knew nothing about that lawsuit prior to someone else mentioning it.

As for knowledge about PGI & CryTek's License Agreement standing, that information was something I picked up on third-hand through other people on these Forums who have good reputations. I think we can safely assume the knowledge to be good, and can therefore safely operate based on it. The only people who could refute it are PGI & CryTek themselves, but neither has stepped forward, which pretty much cements what I've ended up learning. Unfortunately for those at CryTek right now, it's rather destructive for them that they want to keep a company's game hostage to their Game Engine upon initial development and use.

EDIT :: By the way, a search of MWO ( reveals flat confirmation of what I'm stating anyway. Can't really beat that.

~D. V. "That lawsuit has zero to do with where my knowledge was acquired, which is other people with good reputation." Devnull
Edited by D V Devnull, 02 December 2021 - 10:53 AM.