Our goal here as part of the MWO community is to provide new and vet players a neutral place were pilots can learn and ask questions.
Pilots also use this as a place to join on random groups or even find house/merc corps.
Here is a link to guides written by the community Thread
Any Time Zone
(Comstar EU) Address: eu1.mech-connect.net
Password: hG5!4Dg*
(Comstar NA) Address: na1.mech-connect.net (Higher Population)
Password: WordofBlake
Please join the Education Center if you need help or just new to the game/ts, don't be afraid to speak up
If you don't have a mic don't worry. You can type in the education channel tab once you joined the channel.
Please note that if you not using a mic that all we here is a little ping. If in game or people talking you may be ignored by mistake
All channels on TS welcome new pilots, just remember there is 8 and 4 man groups in MWO.
Also people helping out might go afk, be patient with them as they might have wife/husband/kids agro.
As always be nice..... but not too nice

When asking questions or looking for help in the TS education channel please state.
If you want group training. (played a few games just need to start group work)
If you want to talk about a few aspects of the game. (any questions at all but you generally know what going on)
If you are new to the mechwarrior franchise and need some extended help. (for those who need a 1v1)
This is a new concept to this game so please understand that it might not be what it needs to be.
You will be helping us and the community by joining in as this will be a standard service provided to new players for a long time to come.
How to install Teamspeak3
Teamspeak 3 Client (ts) download link Install the Client version either 64bit or 32bit depending on your windows operating system (OS), win7,vista...
Launch TS and go to Connections-Connect, In the box put your MWO name, server address, password.
This will put you onto the server were you can double click to join any channel.
Public TS channel structure
Please note that when joining the TS it will put you in the first room and auto mute your mic.
When you join any other room by double clicking on the channel you will be move there and your mic activated.
First few channels are for people to rant with one another.
Next is the Education Center with a few channels under it.
Then its the dropship waiting room, were you can wait there till someone is looking for 1 more to join a group.
In the dropship bays 1-35, anyone can join in. There will be 8 man and 4 man groups, so look out for channels with 7/4.
After that its player created channels for people in Merc/Groups.
Houses are below it for those with more RP in mind (in theory) but just people who want to pew pew.
Then we have different channels for those from different countries... germany, russian, Aus......
After that its Mods/server admin channels with AFK room last.

Edited by Cybermech, 25 March 2013 - 09:55 AM.