Showcase Sale Mechwarrior 5 On Epic Games Store
Posted 14 February 2021 - 01:11 PM
Posted 14 February 2021 - 01:54 PM
For comparison, that is the same price as Star Wars Squadrons and Star Wars jedi fallen order put together.
Not sure if that is just regional.pricing punishment, or a terrible price strategy, but that is a terrible sale.
Posted 14 February 2021 - 02:02 PM
Posted 14 February 2021 - 02:05 PM
Edited by Stink Bug, 14 February 2021 - 02:10 PM.
Posted 14 February 2021 - 03:02 PM
Edited by GiggMaster, 14 February 2021 - 03:35 PM.
Posted 14 February 2021 - 03:10 PM
I hope Epic is paying for the extended exclusivity, cause I won't.
Posted 14 February 2021 - 03:30 PM

Still waiting...
Posted 14 February 2021 - 04:32 PM
Lockheed_, on 14 February 2021 - 04:12 PM, said:
But it's not on Steam. Also I don't think streamed games can be modded.
Lets face it , MW5 is only worth anything because it can be modded and out of PGI's poor decisions. If it couldn't be modded, I wouldn't even bat an eye on it.
Posted 14 February 2021 - 04:42 PM
Posted 14 February 2021 - 10:09 PM
Lockheed_, on 14 February 2021 - 09:51 PM, said:
Sure? But no, I don't want to give PGI money until they deserve it.
Lockheed_, on 14 February 2021 - 09:51 PM, said:
It's a shame you'd rather be part of the problem.
Posted 14 February 2021 - 11:58 PM
(Just call it something else, a different paint job, etc.):
Into MWO (MechWarrior Online):
Unfortunately I was not around when above Special mechs were on offer; totally missed it

Posted 15 February 2021 - 03:50 AM
(I spent like all my life playing and playing mw3 and 4)
The game feel so hollow, i dunno how to describe it.
Posted 15 February 2021 - 04:32 AM
FlavioDyR4m, on 15 February 2021 - 03:50 AM, said:
(I spent like all my life playing and playing mw3 and 4)
The game feel so hollow, i dunno how to describe it.
Remember when you were on Planet Styx, where you could choose between two factions, you get either a Fafnir or IIRC a Templar? And also have the option to evacuate civilians pro-bono?
What about when you fought a Clanner, and you have an option for a Trial of Possession where you can Recruit falcon?
When you have to defend a port from ships and a bit of mechs?
Maybe you have met a fellow merc during a mission, and once they lost their objective you let them go out of professional courtesy?
What about the Solaris where you hear Chaotic_Harmony - Duncan Fisher, as gladiator fights in the Arena?
There's also an option for ending to defend a base so you can own it, or to join the Clans with a Trial of Position by having multiple 1v1s after another.
Anyway, the point is that, well, MW4-Mercs had a lot of personality. It fully embraces the lore of the game, and even though there's only few missions, there's arguably more story and more coherent direction. You can feel that the Inner Sphere is alive with a bunch of **** that's happening, and based on what you do there's consequences. You can pick sides in a conflict, there's instances where there's even missions that you purposefully fail the objectives because it's a ******* trap. There were stealth missions where you're not supposed to engage, but just stay within 100m of a target.
Based on what I watched on Baradul and other streamers is that MW5 is merely a shell of a MechWarrior, it's just a sandbox with a lot of chores and little stories. It needs Flashpoints like that of Battletech that has its own story, that maybe advancing the timeline or some ****, factions to side and fight against where you legitimately make enemies or friends based on what quests you complete. They wouldn't even ******* animate Adam Jensen, like what's even the point of the god damn bust? And based with Ryana, I could see why they wouldn't, because it looks like all they can animate is only a humanoid object, or a metal chicken with guns. They literally could have just communicated with you via portraits and prerecorded messages, hell that's what MW4-Mercs did and still provided decent stories.
So as to how to describe how hollow it is, it's because it's just a bunch of chores planet after planet without any personality, or impact. You're just there to grind, until you're strong enough to defeat the edgy dickwads trying to be Bane from Batman. You're there to collect mechs, roleplay with a story for yourself -- instead of good stories told to you by competent writers.
And they have the tenacity to price it like legit AAA titles, and probably even release it Steam full price despite more than 1 year of release. Remember guys, Corporations aren't your friends, in most cases you're their *****.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 15 February 2021 - 04:49 AM.
Posted 15 February 2021 - 04:39 AM
Posted 15 February 2021 - 06:16 AM
The6thMessenger, on 15 February 2021 - 04:32 AM, said:
Remember when you were on Planet Styx, where you could choose between two factions, you get either a Fafnir or IIRC a Templar? And also have the option to evacuate civilians pro-bono?
What about when you fought a Clanner, and you have an option for a Trial of Possession where you can Recruit falcon?
When you have to defend a port from ships and a bit of mechs?
Maybe you have met a fellow merc during a mission, and once they lost their objective you let them go out of professional courtesy?
What about the Solaris where you hear Chaotic_Harmony - Duncan Fisher, as gladiator fights in the Arena?
There's also an option for ending to defend a base so you can own it, or to join the Clans with a Trial of Position by having multiple 1v1s after another.
Anyway, the point is that, well, MW4-Mercs had a lot of personality. It fully embraces the lore of the game, and even though there's only few missions, there's arguably more story and more coherent direction. You can feel that the Inner Sphere is alive with a bunch of **** that's happening, and based on what you do there's consequences. You can pick sides in a conflict, there's instances where there's even missions that you purposefully fail the objectives because it's a ******* trap. There were stealth missions where you're not supposed to engage, but just stay within 100m of a target.
Based on what I watched on Baradul and other streamers is that MW5 is merely a shell of a MechWarrior, it's just a sandbox with a lot of chores and little stories. It needs Flashpoints like that of Battletech that has its own story, that maybe advancing the timeline or some ****, factions to side and fight against where you legitimately make enemies or friends based on what quests you complete. They wouldn't even ******* animate Adam Jensen, like what's even the point of the god damn bust? And based with Ryana, I could see why they wouldn't, because it looks like all they can animate is only a humanoid object, or a metal chicken with guns. They literally could have just communicated with you via portraits and prerecorded messages, hell that's what MW4-Mercs did and still provided decent stories.
So as to how to describe how hollow it is, it's because it's just a bunch of chores planet after planet without any personality, or impact. You're just there to grind, until you're strong enough to defeat the edgy dickwads trying to be Bane from Batman. You're there to collect mechs, roleplay with a story for yourself -- instead of good stories told to you by competent writers.
And they have the tenacity to price it like legit AAA titles, and probably even release it Steam full price despite more than 1 year of release. Remember guys, Corporations aren't your friends, in most cases you're their *****.
I also think it's no coincidence that both previous Mercenaries titles were standalone expansions to more linear Mechwarrior games. In hindsight it might've been best for PGI to build a solid foundation in the same manner, THEN release a Mercenaries spinoff after gaining experience with that.
Posted 15 February 2021 - 09:27 AM
Except we didn't, because as it turns out the random generation is so weak that every mission feels the same. Same 5 scenarios across what feels like 4 maps because random generation precludes the ability for any unique map features that would make them memorable. I really enjoyed the urban tiles that PGI created and I think they did a great job with building destruction. But with the exception of a few scripted story missions we never fight in a truly large city like in MW4 & Mercs where the ENTIRE map was a city. We also don't ever deal with water features outside of scripted story missions, and even there I forget if we have had a scenario where we HAD to go into water. Meanwhile MW4 had water often and you could use it to cool your mech at the expense of speed and cover.
I still go back and play MW4 & Mercs because even though I know EXACTLY what will happen in each mission the maps are well designed and thought out. The scenarios and mission objectives are fun, unique, and sometimes require solutions OTHER than destroying everything on the map. I remember scenarios where my active radar (remember that) would pick up enemy mechs across the map and I was already in rough shape from battle and that feeling of dread was an awesome emotion the game evoked through good design. "Can I beat this new lance on the field? Do I have the speed to reach the evac point?"
I support Battletech heavily. It's my favorite fictional universe and I'm a super nerd for it. I pre-ordered MW5 (even on Epic, angry as I was that my pre-order got ******* bait & switched) but I've been let down by it. The combat in the game is quite fun, it looks pretty, but the game is so so shallow. Mech features were trimmed (I remember Russ going "mechs could crouch?") when asked about that feature in MW5. Radar was dumbed down, lancemate commands were neutered and AI is weak and brain dead. Repair bays? What are those?
MW5 is a random scenario generator for mech combat. If that's the yardstick we're measuring by, I'd say it succeeded. But I struggle to call it a "game". The storyline being cliché is fine, that's most Mechwarrior games (and games in general tbh) but it was poorly executed and didn't engage me at all. Besides killing my father, what did Black Inferno do exactly? Are they part of Comstar? Who came for me at the end? None of it matters, because there is no payoff to answering those questions. Even the tie in to my father being a scout from Clan space is... underwhelming. PGI tried to create a new storyline in a universe teeming with existing (and better written) conflicts. They could have just lifted something from one of the many novels or source books. That's what happened with MW4: Vengeance and it pays off. Storyline is cliché there too but I remember feeling real joy at grinding my cousin into the dirt and killing that pig Roland.
I think PGI has done some good with MWO and I still play it regularly. But MW5 could have been so much more, without necessarily using more resources. I would have gladly given up random mission generation for a well written and executed 25 mission campaign. And hey, I think it would have been pretty easy to add SOME random elements to those 25 missions. Like randomizing time of day/weather conditions, or rolling on a RAT to generate the enemy forces. That would provide some replay ability because the missions wouldn't ever be exactly the same and your salvage would change too.
But I rant, maybe someday a studio will do justice to the MechWarrior brand again. I take HBS' staggering success with Battletech as an encouraging sign. There is appetite out there for this universe, it just needs to be executed well.
Posted 15 February 2021 - 09:28 AM
Posted 15 February 2021 - 09:33 AM
Mendoza Pink, on 15 February 2021 - 09:28 AM, said:
Coming to Steam in April or May along with the new DLC Heroes of the Inner Sphere.
Posted 15 February 2021 - 12:38 PM
Lockheed_, on 14 February 2021 - 09:51 PM, said:
I'm actually thinking of picking it up on the Epic Store and get a bunch of mods.
Really? Where did you hear that? It would require a mod manager within the game. At least that is the way other games are doing it. I got no response when asking this question on reddit except that.
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