Intel Gathering: Bolt-Ons
Posted 18 February 2021 - 03:07 PM
In the February patch, we changed every bolt-on in the game so they will NOT fall off when damaged, unless they are attached to a component that is destroyed.
However, we received crucial feedback about the impact this could have on gameplay. We have heard this feedback and agree that some bolt-ons SHOULD fall off. Specifically, bolt-ons that can give players a false impression of weapons or hit box locations. So we need your help to determine which bolt-ons do this.
How can you help? Please post to this thread with the name of the critical bolt-ons, and provide a screenshot (of the bolt-on equipped on a mech in the front end where you don't have to buy it). In most cases, 1 screenshot per bolt-on type should be sufficient. We are looking for specific and actionable items. Please avoid spamming opinions in this thread such as "delete all bolt-ons" as it's non-constructive. Another reason to keep that thread clean and clear is so we can quickly address the offending bolt-ons and have the change out for the March Patch.
Another reason to not spam that thread with an opinion is that we have added a new item to our Roadmap. That new item added to the road maps is to make the rendering of bolt-ons an option in player preferences. YES, we have heard your feedback and we agree that this is the best way forward. This way players can enjoy the game the way they choose, with or without bolt-ons. We don't have a specific date for this change yet but we will be doing an initial investigation during this month and we hope to give you an update with our next Dev Vlog or the Roadmap update.
Living with the current bolt-on situation from Feb 16th to March 16th may frustrate some players but please look at the process we are using to drive changes in the game this year. Understand that we are often listening to a variety of conflicting opinions and doing our best to take everyone's input into account when making decisions. We think this decision is an example of our commitment to listening and adjusting our plans to serve the community and the game the best way possible.
Thank you!
The MechWarrior Online Team
Posted 18 February 2021 - 06:06 PM
If this is the case, I think it would be better to maintain the status quo for allies and make it invisible for enemies.
I think we need to create an environment where users who don't want to wear flags or other conspicuous items can wear them.
Posted 18 February 2021 - 06:16 PM
Jet Engines, Chainsaws, Drills, and Helipads. Just across the board. They are all obscenely big.
Posted 18 February 2021 - 07:31 PM
MyriadDigits, on 18 February 2021 - 06:16 PM, said:
Jet Engines, Chainsaws, Drills, and Helipads. Just across the board. They are all obscenely big.
I think on smaller mechs chainsaws and drills shouldn't fall off until the arm does.
A tiny mech grasping something in the hand isn't a drastic alteration of the hit box, plus it'd kill the incentive to purchase those things if they just fall off immediately, they are already small additions that are expensive. Make an exception for large assaults because that results in things like saws and drills scaling up, but for smaller mechs they should absolutely stay on.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 01:45 AM
Posted 19 February 2021 - 02:40 AM
Could you move the Shadowcats ERPPC back to the front of the arm please. Looks silly hanging off the side.

Posted 19 February 2021 - 02:59 AM
and before anyone can get their dander up, I do have bolt-ons and use them, but if I think that item is going to become a bullet magnet for the rest of my team, I will not purchase it (or if it is won in an event, I will not mount it)..
Edited by KW Driver, 19 February 2021 - 03:01 AM.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:13 AM
KW Driver, on 19 February 2021 - 02:59 AM, said:
and before anyone can get their dander up, I do have bolt-ons and use them, but if I think that item is going to become a bullet magnet for the rest of my team, I will not purchase it (or if it is won in an event, I will not mount it)..
That's dumb because then you can't show your mech off to the enemy team. Cosmetics are a vanity item, any solution to preventing them from disrupting the game shouldn't come at the expense of bolt-ons having any cosmetic value.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:17 AM
Examples of items that shouldn't include the drill, chainsaws, etc.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 04:45 AM
Simple as that.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 06:13 AM
Just need to make sure they don't block shots nor transfer dmg.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 06:42 AM
Posted 19 February 2021 - 08:17 AM
To be honest, if you want to change the geometry of your mech with a bolt-on that's on _YOU_ and damage that hits the bolt-on is hitting _YOU_ so it should transfer 100% to the component you attached the bolt-on too.
The only exceptions to that would maybe be the flags and searchlights...which I think should fall off with any amount of damage. Everything else should 100% transfer damage to the hit location it's on and fall off when that hit location is destroyed.
If that can't be done, then bolt-ons should fall off when they receive one point of damage to avoid tag lasers being used to remove them.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 08:56 AM
Posted 19 February 2021 - 09:13 AM
I also particularly like the idea of bolt-ons and cosmetics being visible to only your teammates and not your opponents. Then it doesn't matter what it does to the mech's appearence, it will be balanced and you still show off your "cool mech" in game. Your opponents are often too busy shooting and trying to play the game to notice bolt-ons most times. It's honestly your allies who notice bolt-ons and cosmetics (even camo patterns, decals, and colors) at the start of the match.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 09:20 AM
Vidarion, on 19 February 2021 - 08:17 AM, said:
To be honest, if you want to change the geometry of your mech with a bolt-on that's on _YOU_ and damage that hits the bolt-on is hitting _YOU_ so it should transfer 100% to the component you attached the bolt-on too.
The only exceptions to that would maybe be the flags and searchlights...which I think should fall off with any amount of damage. Everything else should 100% transfer damage to the hit location it's on and fall off when that hit location is destroyed.
If that can't be done, then bolt-ons should fall off when they receive one point of damage to avoid tag lasers being used to remove them.
If it should transfer damage then it should increase Armour, because well, I'M ADDING LAYERS to my mech, right? Changing my "geometry" and all.
That's the logic I get from your statement.
Bolt-ons are only decorations, at NO point should it become a "functional" component of a mech and a handicap at the same time, since it automatically increases the hitbox sizes...
So No to that.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 09:27 AM
I expect that many people would choose this last option, but it would make it a choice for each player.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 01:46 PM
A few different way to approach this:
1. Move past it. I'd rather see development resources going into matters that actually affect gameplay.
2. As others have said, give bolt-ons a small health pool. This strikes a balance between them being papier-mâché and bulletproof. Obviously this would have no bearing on its host's armor/structure.
3. The pipedream is to retool the bolt-ons into a proper cosmetic system, tailored for specific mechs, e.g. the Founder's Catapult has a 'nose'. Make them parts that actually allow players to personalize their mechs instead of merely accessorizing. Extra bonus points for damage states as an extension of point 2 above.
Edited by process, 19 February 2021 - 01:48 PM.
Posted 19 February 2021 - 02:23 PM
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